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Sue Johansons Royal Princess


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Sue Johansons Royal Princess

Now all I have to say is that Sue Johanson has done it again. Now I love any woman that is comfortable talking about sex, especially when it is a no holds barred kind of talking. With that in mind I was eagerly awaiting my Sue Johanson Royal Princess G-Spot vibe. Lets start with the basics, it is made of silicone which means that it is totally hygenic and easy to clean. It takes two AA batteries with a little battery holder in the case which makes changing the batteries very easy. It is a little noisy for those of you trying to hide your toys this one maybe a little too noisy for you. But if you don't care who hears ya then I say go for it! It even has a little happy face on the very tip of it just to make you wonder what its smiling about?

Let me tell you girls, this vibe was as much fun for me as it was for my husband. He has never really had a problem finding my G-Spot but, this vibe makes his searching even easier. This vibe has it all, leave it to an expert to come up with a vibe that has seven ( yes seven!) different functions. From the standard vibrating, pulsating, to Pulse and vibrating, to the best one of all the pulse and escalating and all with the push of one little button that is color coded to the function. My husband loved the fact that he didn't have to guess what the vibe was doing, he knew and that was a huge turn on to him.

We started with the first level and that was too low for me, I like a powerful vibe. But by the time we got to number four the pulse and vibrate I was really going crazy. My husband kept rubbing my G-Spot from side to side and I was ready to climb the walls. I thought I was going to have an orgasm in the first five minutes but then he decided to keep playing with the different functions and that is when I hit the ceiling and had an orgasm so hard and so wonderful my toes curled. I found out my number is number 6. The sixth function is a strong pulsation, that I recommend highly. It hit my G-Spot so hard and so perfectly that I was totally surprised. And then my husband got even more horny and wanted to make me cum again and again with the "princess" as he calls it. Now I know why the little face on the vibe is smiling, it knows how to make any woman have a great orgasm.

This vibe is at the top of my toy box and will stay there for a very long time. Thank you Sue Johanson, thank you for making my husband not feel intimidated by a vibrator that I would truly call "couples therapy", then again I would call it sex therapy for anyone who wants a true G-Spot orgasm.

Product ID: SE9545-04-2


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Great review - it is good to know about all the functions - I am eager to try! I love Sue Johanson's "Talk Sex" show - and I too have a few of her toys. I find them GREAT - and, I admire her plain talk...and try to emulate it myself.

If I could add one important thing, it would be to remind people that when using a SILICONE or SILICONE mix toy, such as this, it is REALLY important to remember NOT to use a SILICONE-BASED lubricant - because it will destroy the toy! Only water-based lubricants please - even though the toy is waterproof!

Thanks for the review - keep em' coming!

Mikayla ;)

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Great review - it is good to know about all the functions - I am eager to try! I love Sue Johanson's "Talk Sex" show - and I too have a few of her toys. I find them GREAT - and, I admire her plain talk...and try to emulate it myself.

If I could add one important thing, it would be to remind people that when using a SILICONE or SILICONE mix toy, such as this, it is REALLY important to remember NOT to use a SILICONE-BASED lubricant - because it will destroy the toy! Only water-based lubricants please - even though the toy is waterproof!

Thanks for the review - keep em' coming!

Mikayla ;)


Thank you for reminding me about the silicone VS water based lues with silicone toys. I am totally shocked that I forgot to mention it in my review. It is very important not to use Silicone based lubes because they will destroy the toy and who wants that with such a great G-Spot vibe. So I apologize to anyone that has read this review. I will be more careful when I review others on this site, and make sure to always address which lube is best for what kind of toy.

Thank you for letting people know about the water-based lube.

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