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Hey everybody, I was hoping to get a little help on this...It seems that the same issue keeps coming up in my relationships, without sounding too into myself,I am generally recieved well,whenever I ask a woman out, I am in great shape,and would consider myself good looking(i know that sounds stupid)...anyhow when it comes to love making,I am just falling short always,it seems every partner I have had eventually will bring up my penis size as an issue that tends to undo our intimicy...I make sure to give plenty of foreplay and massage,also I have been sure to but some dvds as far as how to oraly stimulate as well,but during intercourse I dont seem to get the job done....Am I interested in the wrong kind of women?..I dont know since they dont really seem to be alike in any ways....I must say that I havent exactly been with alot of partners but Im not a prude either...thanks

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Hey everybody, I was hoping to get a little help on this...It seems that the same issue keeps coming up in my relationships, without sounding too into myself,I am generally recieved well,whenever I ask a woman out, I am in great shape,and would consider myself good looking(i know that sounds stupid)...anyhow when it comes to love making,I am just falling short always,it seems every partner I have had eventually will bring up my penis size as an issue that tends to undo our intimicy...I make sure to give plenty of foreplay and massage,also I have been sure to but some dvds as far as how to oraly stimulate as well,but during intercourse I dont seem to get the job done....Am I interested in the wrong kind of women?..I dont know since they dont really seem to be alike in any ways....I must say that I havent exactly been with alot of partners but Im not a prude either...thanks

When you say "can't get the job done", exactly what do you mean? Are you saying the women you are with do not orgasm from intercourse alone and you feel it is due to the size of your penis?

I recently had a lover who was definitely on the smaller side (maybe 4"?), and I had never been with anyone that size - plus he had some ED issues, so it was hard to get very far on penis-in-vagina intercourse alone. He was extraordinarily skilled with his mouth and fingers, and had a way of coaxing out orgasm after orgasm by being attentive to the specific things he did which built to orgasm in me. He was very sensitive to what was happening in my body, took his time, worked with a range of sensations, and made sure to identify the g-spot and work it with his fingers whilst sucking my clit - FABULOUS intense orgasms like I have never had before with any penis!!! He could make me squirt like I had rarely ever done, almost every time we made love. What he also taught me is that much of the sensation in a vagina is near the entrance, no need to go deep if you work with the angles that exist near the opening. He was also willing to use toys to give me that very full feeling on occasions. We eventually broke up for reasons that had nothing to do with sex - in fact, he was sooo very goood that I was really sad about the breakup, even though we were not well suited temperamentally.

On the positive side, I loved giving him bjs because the size was so manageable - never chokeing. And he was the first guy I was ever interested in anal with, because, once again, his size was not intimidating.

So I'm here to say, it can be done! Of course, he and I are both in our 50s (not sure of your age range) so our attitude about the whole situation might be different.

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Good advice from Moontide!

Here is what I would add, assuming you are speaking about encouraging orgasm for her when using P-V action:

Try CAT (coital alignment technique). Here is what that means: You must position yourself in missionary position (later other positions, once you get the knack)and the base of the dorsal side your penis (side closest to your belly) must be in very tight, direct, and constant contact with her clitoris.

What your do is enter her fully, then slide your body up higher on her torso. your penis is then angled quite sharply down on the floor of the vagina, and you will find that you are quite 'shallow'. Now, do not thrust, but 'rock' or 'grind'.

A good idea is to use your tongue first and get her very close to orgasm before going to the CAT position. Of course, you need to work with a lover so that she understands what you are doing before you do this, as it is a rather novel position to be in.

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The fact is, you can't change the size of your penis (no matter what those 4:00 am infomercials tell you!) so you have to be proficient with the one you have! As the previous posters have already suggested, oral and manual stimulation BEFORE sex won't make the finale seem so...lackluster (sorry, just trying to go with the flow). If a woman has countless orgasms through oral and foreplay, she won't quite mind if your penis is a bit smaller, especially if as Hyo suggests, you bring her close BEFORE sex. Most women don't orgasm through penetration alone (80-85% of ALL women require clitoral stimulation) so I would suggest playing up on that idea. Always be touching and caressing her clit while having sex.

Along with CAT, I would also suggest to you any position that makes the entrance 'tighter' - for example, doggy style. If her head is downward on the bed, and her legs TOGETHER, not apart, the vagina naturally closes up, making it a tighter position. IF she is close to orgasm, the rubbing on her G-spot will definitely be a good thing and easy in this position - and if you are at least 4 inches long, you'll reach it in a heartbeat as the G is a mere 2 inches along the vaginal wall.

Always remember that fingers and toys can be used for clitoral stim - and if you are good at what you are doing, penis size won't matter as much. It is great that you are taking the time to figure out how to please - that right there is more than most men with 9 inch penises are willing to do - BRAVO!

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Thanks Mikyayla, one of the problems that occured when we made love in the rear entry position was that,I often slipped out,if I began thrusting to fast, this would be a bit frustrating for my partner (My penis is less than 4 inches so I guess that explains that)...I have also looked into an extender which I believe is worn like a condom..thanks for the great feedback,its great to have some encouragement...

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Thanks Mikyayla, one of the problems that occured when we made love in the rear entry position was that,I often slipped out,if I began thrusting to fast, this would be a bit frustrating for my partner (My penis is less than 4 inches so I guess that explains that)...I have also looked into an extender which I believe is worn like a condom..thanks for the great feedback,its great to have some encouragement...

Hey Mickey, your so fine, your so fine you blow my mine hey mickey! Oh sorry, I got cuaght up in the moment. Any way I thought I'd give y two cents as I'm going through this fro the other side of the bed. My boyfriend is about your size and I'm not going to lie it's the best sex I may have ever had. That being said it's taken some time and effort to make it work, our first time was a slippery mess, fun though. Like you he always makes sure I get off first, through oral and manual and his just plain awesomeness.

So far we haven't really explored positions much, but I will say this and I know it's kind of counter to what everyone else is saying, but when he's on top (he's usually on his knees and lifts my hips to meet him) instead of closing my legs, which i tried, I wrap my legs around him and hang on tight. This way he can't pull out far enough to slip the rest of the way. When I;m on top I rock back and forth with no up and down motion, this way I don't go too far up and slip off.

I hope that helps and believe me size only matters if she's an idiot. MWAH and Happy Humping!

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Thanks so much Suzy...wow everyone on this site is so helpful, I gotta say I realyy feel alot better about myself than I did a few days ago

glad your getting the support to make you feel better. But remember, most men aren't 'king kong'. You just have to figure out your own grove, find positions that promote deeper penetration. My position suggestions is: The Drill and the deck chair. Check them out here.

Positions for Deeper Penetration

Good Luck!

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Mickey! :) I'm glad I could help Lady has AMAZING web sites! They helped give me ideas, now its just a matter of bringing up the subject with my man...

Thanks Suzy.

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Thanks Suzy.

Im sorry Ladylove, thanks alot for the advice,that website that you sent was really awesome...Im an idiot for forgetting to thanks you sorry...Mick

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Im sorry Ladylove, thanks alot for the advice,that website that you sent was really awesome...Im an idiot for forgetting to thanks you sorry...Mick

No worry! I just hope it helps you out.

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