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Liquid Latex


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OK, so this isn't exactly a sex toy, but it definitely it something you could use to spice up your foreplay, and if you are into extreme bondage or the Latex look...this would TOTALLY be for you! I am talking about the Liquid Latex - Maximum Impact Body Cosmetic:

Liquid Latex

I have only one thing to say about this product – it ROCKS! If you are looking for something totally wild, crazy and different to spice up your foreplay – then LIQUID LATEX is where it’s at baby! Oh my GOODNESS, I cannot TELL YOU how excited I was when I got this in my latest TooTimid box!

This kit comes with everything you will need to make a latex bra, corset, pair of gloves or bodysuit – your imagination is the only restriction here! The most important thing this set comes with is THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL! You absolutely MUST read the instructions thoroughly before attempting to use this Liquid Latex. Believe me, I know when you get it, the excitement will build and you will want to make haste to the playtime! Resist that urge! You have to read the instructions! Got it? GOOD!

A few preliminary warnings: If you have a LATEX ALLERGY – this kit is a BIG NO - NO! If you are allergic or sensitive to AMMONIA – this kit is a BIG NO - NO! If you do not like, or get a headache from the smell of Ammonia, give serious thoughts before purchasing this kit – the ammonia smell lasts a good 5 – 10 minutes once you open the Liquid Latex. It does go away, but depending on how well ventilated your “application area” is, it may last longer than you would like!

Now, according to the instructions – you can make a whole bodysuit out of this latex – I wasn’t feeling quite so ambitious. So, my hubby and I decided on a Latex Corset – seemed logical since I love corsets so much. According to the instructions, you must shave ALL HAIR OFF any part of your body where the Latex will be applied. So, my hubby got busy shaving my tummy, my back and my breasts. You will be surprised how much fine hair you have all over your body.

We got 2 old sheets and put them on the floor then I got comfortable. It occurred to me that I should probably sit up – and not lie down – since I am a little older and my breasts don’t stay as perky when I am lying down. When my hubby opened the Liquid Latex I smelled the Ammonia immediately – and I will admit it was not pleasant. It wasn’t bothering my hubby – but it was bothering me a little, so he opened the windows (we had the air on) and turned on the fans and soon the smell started to dissipate.

My hubby was setting at his task of creating my Latex corset like an artistic genius – he carefully dipped the little foam brushes in the Latex and spread it over the tops of my breasts. The sensation was cool – but not cold – and it felt smooth. It was very stimulating and pleasant. As he continued with his work, I could feel the Latex “shrinking” and “tightening” and that was a very pleasant sensation. I did notice as the Latex was drying that my hubby wasn’t applying enough, and urged him to put more on for a thicker coat, and thusly a more realistic looking corset.

When he got to my nipples, I wondered what would happen when the latex firmed up because my nipples were hard – and you could see them erect through the Latex – I decided not to worry about it. I asked my hubby if he was enjoying his work – and he said he was getting very, very horny – and it was fun to boot!

When he finished my whole front – which took a good half hour – I was wondering how we would do the back. My hubby decided that the front alone looked damn hot – so we kind of worked on the sides a bit and stopped to let it dry. He had put on a fairly thick coating – so it was taking a long while to dry. According to the directions, you can use a hairdryer to speed things up, I suggested that to him and he eagerly went to get it.

After only about 15 minutes of hairdryer attention, the Latex was feeling like it was pretty dry – dry enough for me to get up and see if it would “hold.” I stood up, tentatively, and my Latex corset stayed on! I couldn’t believe it – it was soooooo COOL! Now, mind you, I have larger breasts, so there was more sag than I would have liked – this liquid stuff doesn’t come with under wiring – but hey, I was still amazed at the way it looked! It hugged my body and curves like second skin.

My hubby seemed very turned on by the whole process and the final product had him very pleased! It was a lot of fun to play with – and it was so totally different from anything we had ever done before. We decided to take it off to continue our night and that is where things got a little more “sticky.”

First, it wasn’t completely dry, and you can’t remove it until it is completely dry! My hubby had done a good, good job in making this corset – so it took another good 45 minutes of hair dryer time before it was dry. Between you and me, I made the most of the time while he was blow-drying – I was giving him a “show of sorts” – so we wasted no time.

Second, once it was ready to come off, it peels easy enough – except for the fact that I forgot about the tiny hairs that grow around your nipples! I don’t have but one or two, but OH MOMMA – that Latex grabbed on to those like a band-aid on a hairy arm – and it really stung when it finally came off! All in all, though, it came off without incident.

The corset maintained its form pretty well –and we look forward to adding the shine coat to it. We also look forward to making some gloves or other things to go with it. Bottom line guys and gals – this kit was different, sexy and just plain F U N! So if you want to try something different with your lover – than just would give you something to do for a few hours on a Friday night. Let me also tell you that it is a great way to begin foreplay – our night went on to be super steamy after that corset came off! Plus, you have the garment you make for future use and play – what could be better than that? Just remember – READ THOSE INSTRUCTIONS!!!!! Have FUN!

Happy Playing!

Mikayla :ph34r:

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So, Mikayla, did you finish the corset? or do you plan on it?

This sounds like an interestring way to prolong those long foreplay sessions.

Another excellent review!

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Thanks Whiskey!

Well, the corset is as complete as I want it to be, it goes about half-way around the back - in a strip on each side - but because it is so form fitting it hugs your shape and thusly, stays on. It is realy cool - and was worth the time it took to do. The funny thing is - if you have any extra "bumps" of skin - that latex will point them out! LEt me tell you - my tummy is not as flat as it used to be, so I am glad we stopped making this corset above the belly button line, cause if we didn't, I would have hated to see what that looked like! Liquid Latex is NOT as forgiving as fabric! I definitely do not have my 18 or even 25 year old body anymore...*sigh*....oh well, life goes on!

Mikayla :blink:

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Sure you can! If you make it "thick" enough, and dry it completely, you can save it for future uses! The instructions even say, if you want to wear a body suit underneath you can make a complete suit - complete with zippers! I am telling you - I might really get into this!

Mikayla ;)

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Sure you can! If you make it "thick" enough, and dry it completely, you can save it for future uses! The instructions even say, if you want to wear a body suit underneath you can make a complete suit - complete with zippers! I am telling you - I might really get into this!

Mikayla ;)

OOOO, I might too!! I love the sound of being "painted" :D
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I just took it off - carefully, and then put it on a towel in the basement on some storage boxes. We have to apply the liquid shine to it later - we wanted to get busy with other things! :D You also have to wash yourself with Latex wash after you are done playing to get the residue off - but that is easy enough.

It really was a lot of fun after that smell went away. I thought it would be hard, but it wasn't!


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