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How To Go About Finding A Man

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My husband and I are wanting to try a 3-way with another man. The other man cannot be gay or bi he has to be straight. This is only for me. I want to be with 2 men at the same time. And my husband wants to be one of the men. How do we go about finding the right person for this sexual experience?

I need help, we have tried to think of people that we know and have not come up with one. Can any one help with this dilemma.


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Hi Lonni!

First, I would implore you to read the other posts on threesomes on this forum. There are many stories and helpful information there, from me and others, about previous experiences - some good, mostly bad. Having a threesome can be wonderful in the moment, and then after it is over, one partner or another has some real issues. It can destroy your marriage. I would want you to think long and hard about bringing ANYONE into your marriage in this way!

I have had many threesomes, before my marriage, and I would NEVER do it now. I know what it did to the relationships (I was always the one brought in) and they all didn't last. I am not necessarily trying to discourage you - I just want you to not jump into this. Having a threesome is the number 1 fantasy in most relationships - but most times it is best left that way.

I am sure some people can give you success stories - but I am not one of those people. I would suggest, however, staying away from friends or aquaintances, but then you have the dilemma of finding someone who is not a freak or diseased!

I would ask someone who may have done this after marriage to help with this answer - cause this is one area where I am at a loss. I have not had a MMF threesome after marriage!


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Hello lonni, I have experianced a MMF relationship while I was married and Mikayla is very correct that after words it can cause a hard ship on your marriage along with trust issues. I am no longer married to him but I can share my experiance about it.

My husband was actually the one who brought the issue up since I have been into DP for awhile, and enjoy it alot, He also stated that he would like to watch along with help. So we did a risky thing( I was young at the time)picked up a New Times and I started making calls. We found someone who was interested in it and we met at a public place to talk etc.......I was nervous of course this is a complete stranger and I was extremely worried about STDs etc... I did get comfortable and decided lets go home.

My hb let him begin and he sat back and watched for as long as he could.....he was getting turned on by watching someone else get me hot. Which was amazing to me at the time. My SO did join in and we had a great time and I came numerous times.Which really isnt a surprise.

The guy did use a condum and did ask alot of questions like is this okay,,, how does this feel are you enjoying it, what can we do to make you more comfortable etc...

The after math, sorta of speak, everything seemed fine nothing really changed so I thought in our relationship, well time always seems to tell the tell. A week later we had gotta into a LITTLE argument and that night was brought up in a way I never would have thought of.My SO brought things up like,what do you need me for I know you liked the way the other guy did it better, I notice that you are always looking at men now. I cant believe that you thought I really wanted this etc... The table was totally turned at me.....everthing was my fault and it was my idea etc,,,which it wasnt I was totally happy with my toys and my husband.

The best advice I can give to you is to make sure that you all have a long hard talk about it and think about before actually making that step. Threesomes can be very hard in a marriage and may cause numerous trust issue problems or in a little disagreement can be brought up and used against you. I am not saying that your SO would ever do anything like this it is just my own experiance in this situation.

I do know that there are couples out there who have had a MMF 3some and have been just fine years later. I really think this is something that needs to be talked about and thought about between you both and make sure that it will never be brought up again.

Good Luck to you and keep up posted! I am interested to see how this all plays out :)

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Hello lonni, I have experianced a MMF relationship while I was married and Mikayla is very correct that after words it can cause a hard ship on your marriage along with trust issues. I am no longer married to him but I can share my experiance about it.

My husband was actually the one who brought the issue up since I have been into DP for awhile, and enjoy it alot, He also stated that he would like to watch along with help. So we did a risky thing( I was young at the time)picked up a New Times and I started making calls. We found someone who was interested in it and we met at a public place to talk etc.......I was nervous of course this is a complete stranger and I was extremely worried about STDs etc... I did get comfortable and decided lets go home.

My hb let him begin and he sat back and watched for as long as he could.....he was getting turned on by watching someone else get me hot. Which was amazing to me at the time. My SO did join in and we had a great time and I came numerous times.Which really isnt a surprise.

The guy did use a condum and did ask alot of questions like is this okay,,, how does this feel are you enjoying it, what can we do to make you more comfortable etc...

The after math, sorta of speak, everything seemed fine nothing really changed so I thought in our relationship, well time always seems to tell the tell. A week later we had gotta into a LITTLE argument and that night was brought up in a way I never would have thought of.My SO brought things up like,what do you need me for I know you liked the way the other guy did it better, I notice that you are always looking at men now. I cant believe that you thought I really wanted this etc... The table was totally turned at me.....everthing was my fault and it was my idea etc,,,which it wasnt I was totally happy with my toys and my husband.

The best advice I can give to you is to make sure that you all have a long hard talk about it and think about before actually making that step. Threesomes can be very hard in a marriage and may cause numerous trust issue problems or in a little disagreement can be brought up and used against you. I am not saying that your SO would ever do anything like this it is just my own experiance in this situation.

I do know that there are couples out there who have had a MMF 3some and have been just fine years later. I really think this is something that needs to be talked about and thought about between you both and make sure that it will never be brought up again.

Good Luck to you and keep up posted! I am interested to see how this all plays out :)

Damn! Maybe I'm just to old school. But how can you love someone, and that someone loves you back, and then want to watch them have sex with a stranger? I just don't get it. To each his own. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Newbie
My husband and I are wanting to try a 3-way with another man. The other man cannot be gay or bi he has to be straight. This is only for me. I want to be with 2 men at the same time. And my husband wants to be one of the men. How do we go about finding the right person for this sexual experience?

I need help, we have tried to think of people that we know and have not come up with one. Can any one help with this dilemma.


Hello lonni!

First thing i want to say condoms as you know are not 100% secure there are any people with aids sick. Second if u live each othere never do a thing like that because aa friend of mine did 3 ways and she got in love with there other man and left. And maybe it can happen reverse you will never know, when you married someone is to be together now you and your husband are 1 not 2. That could end up with your marriage because how can he trust his wife if she wants to sleep with another man? beside your giving him wing to be with other women than you can say nothing because you started it. aia think you have a big problem there try to find sex toy, sex game do many different thing in different house places. make a romantic dinners with candles before sex make diffent things so you will not get sick of same thing or position. A moment of please with another man and husband is not worth lossing many things like trust, loyalty. Buy a movie that have a 3 way and see it alone maybe that will get your tought out of your mind but never do that remember there is no turning back. You are a married women not a playgirl. I wish you all good from life ok remember love is first and its everything.


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