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Silicone Vibrator Kit


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Silicone Vibrator Kit

Girls! We like choices right? Of course we do! Mantric has this personal vibrator that is 3 silicone vibrators in one, called the Fantasie.

The packaging of this toy is really nice & tastefull, which is perfect for gift-giving. There are no pictures of women in mid-O on it. Just a very colorful lime green, orange, red, and white on it. It was also a nice surprise that there was a little insert of instructions in 3 languages (English, French, & Spanish).

The color combination of the toy itself is interesting, orange handle/base, with dark red accents & heads. I’ve never tried a Mantric product, so I was intrigued to get the chance. Unfortunately, I have a toy very similar to this one, except 2 of the silicone heads on this one is different, and, always willing to try one “for the team”, I grabbed the 2 AA batteries the box said I needed from my personal stock pile & when I went to put them in as indicated inside the toy, I found out that it actually takes 2 AAA batteries. You can definitely see that it’s waterproof by the seal inside.

The On/Off button is the cap, and there’s just one setting. It’s a quiet setting though rather gentle, a bit too gentle for my tastes, but, ok, we’ll still try it out. Putting the heads on is really easy, tip, insert one side of the hard anchor inside the sleeve’s opening, push, and snap! It’s on. The tips are made of silicone, so use only water-based lubes. One of the heads is just a big round ball, then there’s one that looks like something that should go on a bread mixer they call The Handle, and the last one reminds me of a duck’s webbed foot, called The Petal. Okaaaaaaaaaaayy……

The handle feels satiny-soft, and it’s comfortable to hold on to during playtime. Trying each one, the bread mixer attachment seemed to give me the most direct clit stimulation that I prefer. The ball felt good, and is great for not only stimulation but also a gentle massage on sore muscles. The “duck’s foot” gives some good overall coverage too.

However, as I said before, it’s not that strong of a vibe, so it didn’t give me a lot of BANG, though with it’s unintimidating looks, and the tips ARE silicone, which we all know is easy to clean, non-porous, and easily sterilized. I was able to coax a gentle orgasm from my clit with it, but it just didn’t have the power to fulfill my Fanstasie to the fullest. This toy may be good to a new toy user, wanting something that won't scare, intimidate, easy to use & care for, or have too much power. I give it one out of 4 Tyger Paws.

Mix it up

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Thanks for the review. And I just realized, I don't have an orange toy. Hmmm.... ;)

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Thanks for the review. And I just realized, I don't have an orange toy. Hmmm.... ;)

Orange is all about energy..... GET ENERGIZED! :P

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Oh gosh. I ordered this as a freebie, but I prefer a very strong vibration. :( Is it really just a medium?

There is no standard in measuring strength of vibration. You never know, and IT'S FREE, you have nothing to loose. ;)

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I'm a very picky person when it comes to vibes, and I prefer, no, demand a stronger vibe! And this is like a low-medium vibe strength, on setting. But, as stated, at least it's free, and maybe this might work for you. I need more of a direct stimulator for my clit (she's picky, you see), so, ya never know until you try.

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I'm a very picky person when it comes to vibes, and I prefer, no, demand a stronger vibe! And this is like a low-medium vibe strength, on setting. But, as stated, at least it's free, and maybe this might work for you. I need more of a direct stimulator for my clit (she's picky, you see), so, ya never know until you try.

Don't mean to diminish your review in any way. Depending one experience ( you and I are very) colors their personal perception and interpretation.

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Well, mine arrived. It's not quite as strong as I like, and I had a lot of trouble removing the small round tip once it was on and I wanted to try out the different shapes. That turned out to be the only one that didn't make the vibrations too dull for me to enjoy, though. It didn't manage to work me up, but it's probably good for someone who wants a gentler touch.

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Once you get the hang of changing the heads, it's not so bad. Slide one edge of the prong in the lip of the attachment, then, push it on. Usually is pretty easy.

You will find reviewers have different tastes. I do try and let people know right up front that I PREFER a strong vibe. I'm talking putting a behive to shame strong vibe! :P I want a Harley of a vibe!!! ;) ;) But, that's me. For some people, stronger vibes hurt.

Some people prefer gentle vibes. For those that like gentle vibes, this toy is a winner. I think if this toy had a few settings on it, it'd be better.

What does it for me, is a bullet with a pointy part on it. Every. Time! I'm sorry this toy didn't work out for you either. But, think of it this way, at least you have tried another sort of toy, and that helps pinpoint those kinds of things that you do like. Process of elimination! :D

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