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How Seriously Do You Take Relationship Statuses On Social Medias?

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Like Facebook or MySpace, how seriously do you take someone's relationship status?

What if you were dating someone for a while, and their relationship status remained "single"? Would that offend you? Would you care?

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I guess it depends on the group of friends. Mine pretty much have it set to what it actually is for them.

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Not too serious. People tell you what they want you to know. I try to be up front with my "friends". On TT forum and on Facebook I let everyone know I am happily married.


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There's a relationship status? Just kidding. I have mine updated and boy wasn't my cousin surprised when he found out we were married...again, kidding. Not seriously at all. The one person who matters knows darn well and i'm solid in my knowledge of her status with me...and it doesn't even take facebook to let her know it.


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