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So I have a question has anyone had any of these types of surgeries. It would be Lap Band, Gastric Sleeve or Gastric Bypass. I am going through everything and am not just waiting for my insurance certification. I had to go through appointments for an ultrasound, nutritionist, Psych eval, pulmonary and now they are done. A week ago today my surgeon sent my paperwork over to the insurance for certification. My insurance takes up to 14 days to process it. I am having the sleeve. A few years ago I was thinking bypass but that is just too extreme for me.

I wanted to reach out and see if anyone has had any of these procedures or know of anyone that has. With this how has it changed their life. Weight has been an issue since I hit puberty and is combined with a very underactive thyroid which I have dealt with a lot. I have been on many diets and I exercise.

Also as another part of this. I am encouraged to drink protein shakes before and after procedure. I have never had them before has anyone used any that they like and might recommend. There are so many out there. Thanks.

I have a goal of losing 135-150 pounds...basically another person...lol. I had so many self esteem issues over the years due to all of this but not I have embraced things and am moving forward.

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My wife had gastric bypass (Roux-En-Y). They had recommended against lap band based on how much weight she needed to loose ( a similar amount that you want to loose. they didn't think lap band would do enough or that the results would last; i don't quite remember the details). I don't think sleeve was on the menu, so either not around back then (10 years ago?) or not in widespread use?

She drank Pure Protein brand powdered chocolate protein shakes (powdered was cheaper than the cans, and the cans tasted funny to her). She had tried several other brands. I recall them saying it would boil down to individual preference on what brand/variety to go with.

So, she was able to loose a lot of weight, which made her less self-conscious going out and about, taking some classes at the local college. It also helped with getting active in some physical hobbies. Some of the weight has come back. She still has to watch what she eats. I view the surgery as more of a jump-start to weight loss, that still requires lifestyle changes if you want to keep it off. Also, to this day certain foods don't sit well with her and she has to go throw up the meal.

My recollection is that they told her she would need to eat a certain way and take multi-vitamins and extra this vitamin and that vitamin for life, and she doesn't really do any of that. She's not exactly withering away, but I wonder if she is not doing herself some harm. (But she won't listen to my nagging so I don't bother.)

A couple of financial cautions: Although insurance covered a good bit of her surgery costs, it only covered a small part of anesthesia. I had asked the doctor's office before surgery and at the hospital the day of, to make sure we got an anesthesiologist that took our insurance, and was told not to worry. Then I found out when the $1200 bill came that no anesthesiologists take our insurance. (I wrote the ins. company a letter and they ended up paying all of that in the end.)

Also, that kind of weight loss left a lot of loose skin that would not ever contract. So after a couple of years she had plastic surgery to remove it, and that was not covered by insurance (many thousands of bucks). (And it was very painful; afterwards she kind of regretted it for a time because of the pain.)

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Thank you for your reply. I am going with the sleeve that is a definite. It has only really been used within the last 8-10 years and has a great track record. I completely understand that it is a lifestyle change. Also with this procedure you don't need the extensive vitamins and supplements as the bypass. The body will be able to absorb some nutrients. I will be in calcium and a multivitamin.

As far as costs I work for the hospital where it will be done and anything we have done there us covered 100% no copays. I did most o my pre op stuff there for that reason. My insurance will also pay for the plastic surgery so long as my doctor deems it medically necessary which he already said he would.

It definitely is a jump start but one that I need. I have tried a lot of other ways.

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My mother had the bypass done, however, she thought it'd be a magic cure, so she chose to stop following the prescribed diet, and gained a lot of weight back. I kept telling her how dangerous it was to over-eat. If she ate too sugary foods (and now), she feels sick and has to vomit to get rid of stuff. This includes binging on anything, too solid foods like turkey or whole chicken as well. She hasn't done that much lately though. It's curbed. She had the surgery 12 yrs ago. Took her a long time to learn they weren't kidding!! She knew what to say to the counselors to get them to approve the surgery in the first place. Now she's on a high protien diet, and has lost more weight than the bypass ever allowed her to do!!!

My MIL had the Lap Band, and has nothing but issues with it. Pain, discomfort, gall bladder removal, lots of issues.

One of my coworkers and his daughter went to the same surgeon for the Bypass, and they, along with this other dr's patients, have had nothing but problems, pain, sickness, infections. Be sure whatever surgeon you use has been doing the surgery for a long time, with minimal reports of things going wrong. Contact the medical board in your area to see.

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I'm not saying that everyone that gets these surgeries has issues. However, it does change the way your body can handle certain foods, and you will have to take supplements to make up for the vitamins and minerals that you can no longer take by eating food. It's a big commitment (no pun intended).

I've met a couple of people that had the surgeries and did really well with it. Though, the most successful one that had success with it (bypass), can no longer eat most foods, having to eat her meals in the form of shakes/smoothies. Rarely any solid foods.

I hope you're able to find a method that works for you. :)

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My decision has been set with having he sleeve. Basically I will have put to 85% of my stomach removed but unlike the bypass I will still absorb some nutrients but will have to take a multivitamin and calcium. I have researched the doctor and what I like us he isn't the type to rush people into it. I talked to a surgeon a few years ago that made me feel like a number so I quickly out the breaks on. This is definitely a life altering decision. Yes some people are completely against it and have told me exactly how they felt and others have been completely in my corner. I am at a place in my life that I am mentally and physically ready for this process.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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So my surgery will be on Monday, May 20th. One thing I can't wait for is skinny sex...lol. Unfortunately I have fought with my weight since 13. Basically once I hit puberty my thyroid issues came to light as well as self esteem issues due to some verbal abuse about all of it. I can't wait to not have the excess weight in the way and see what the skinny girls get to enjoy.

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Good luck SS. Have you started your lifestyle changes yet? I've known two people who did this. The one, the doc wouldn't do it until she had done a month of her "new" living style. She met he goals years ago and has never looked back. The other friend had the surgery but didn't try her new lifestyle until after the surgery, then found she couldn't do it. She lost some weight, but gained it all back and more.

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I have made changes on my own along the way. On Monday I start the liquid diet which is the same that I will be on after the surgery for 2-4 weeks also. I will be doing this for 2 weeks before the diet. You have to be mentally and physically prepared for this as well as having a lot of great support. I have a great support system around me which helps a lot.

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  • 1 month later...
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Good had the surgery on the 20th of May. I am down officially since surgery 29 pounds. My energy level has increased and I feel a lot better. Still have a ways to go but it is well worth it. Thanks for asking Square.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Oh yeah, forgot about this. My wife also had her surgery in the summer, and when the winter weather came she got a lot colder than she had used to. She got to whimpering at times, "I want my fat back."

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  • 1 month later...
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So far so good. Had my surgery 3.5 months ago and am down 48 pounds so far and feel great. It is the best decision besides divorcing my husband a couple of years ago that I ever made.

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  • 6 months later...
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Just had to share at this point I am at 81 pounds down. OMG the energy I have gained from this and it keeps getting better. Thankfully my drive has not changed and my squirting ways have not diminished. We were joking about this a while back worried that as I started losing the weight would the amount of liquid I put out change. I can say hell no so far at this point. Loved having to buy new summer clothes as none of them from last year fit. I went down from a 28 pants to an 18 and for shirts I went from a 4x to a 2x. It is an awesome feeling.

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This is great for you. So glad you are feeling awesome.

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Congrats! That is completely awesome!!! Keep up the good work! Have you continued with the lifestyle changes?!

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Yes I have continued with the lifestyle changes. I workout about 4-5 times a week. Also my meals are much smaller as I do have only 15% of the stomach that I had before the surgery. I still have a ways to go but feel wonderful already. This was the jumpstart that I needed to get my life on track.

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That is a fantastic commitment. I believe you have lots to be proud of. Working out 4 to 5 times a week - WOW that is amazing. Keep feeling great about yourself, you deserve it.

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