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How can he call me fat and think that it doesn't hurt my feelings. He does it quite often or says how unhealthy I am. He will say things that he thinks are him being funny or cute but are just hurtful. When I tell him that it hurts my feelings he acts like I'm ruining all his fun. No matter how many times I tell him. I love him but it's hard to be so hurt all the time.

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Saying things that are designed to hurt your feelings under the cover of being funny or being humorous is still, in my opinion, abusive - especially if he knows how you feel. It's not fun to feel hurt, degraded, or put down. I don't think being unkind is a way to show love. But then I absolutely believe that the woman I am with should be respected, honored, loved, praised and be encouraged. Strong and smart women are sexy. It is my job to support her strength and intelligence. Keep faith in yourself. Know you are a worthy woman. Be strong. Keep active with searching for the love you want with him.

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I am sorry you have to deal with this. What most people don't understand this helps with nothing doing what he does. This is not joking either you should be treated better then this. I wish I had an answer for you, but keep your chin up and your pride. The sensible thing is for marriage counseling, but will he do it? You know that better then I do. I wish I could help more.

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Know you deserve much better. We so often settle when we ourselves can have so much better. I need you to build yourself up. If you hold your head up high no one can pull it down except you. We are all beautiful in different ways as I know you are amazingly awesome. I am over weight but I exercise every day and I like the me I am. I have my moments when I let people get to me, when that happens I do something for myself. Even if I can't afford it. Go to a salon and go treat yourself to a hair cut, or manicure, or massage. Go shopping and buy yourself something different, put on a pair of heals, get your best dress on and work it. Remember that feeling and try for that feeling everyday. My motto is I may be fat but they are stupid and you can't fix stupid.

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Last night we went out to dinner. He was being mean to me in a public restaurant. When I told him he needed to knock it off because it's not funny he would start to laugh and go oh...in that condescending tone...I wanted to stab him with my fork...then he would start moving my drink away from me and out of my reach...all because he thinks it's funny that I can't reach it. I'm only 5'5" and I have shorter Arma than he does so he enjoys to move things out of my reach. I don't think he realizes how much it hurts my feelings that he does this to me. He is suppose to be my partner and pick up were I fall short...like reaching the top shelf for me and not putting things I use daily on those shelves and then not helping me get then down. I want to be able to rely on him for support and help...not to be picked on or yelled at by him. At home with him should be where I feel the safest and most loved. I shouldn't look forward to going to work...or the few hours I have alone at home before he gets home from work.

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I completely agree with you. You should feel safe, protected, wanted, secure, and loved. Your partner should be there for you in all ways.

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I am sorry but he should treasure you and love you for the person you are on the inside. If it was me no matter how much I cared about him he would not be worth my time. First time I say something it should stop. If it doesn't enough is enough. This is verbal and mental abuse and should not be tolerated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I'm starting to feel inferior to him...he puts me down or says things that come across as if only you were better. I wanted to punch him in the face tonight because he was upsetting me so much. I didn't do it...but I really wanted to. I'm just tired of always feeling like I have to look over my shoulder with him around because he is always judging me. He basically wants to make all my decisions for me. I'm just so tired.

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You most certainly are not inferior to him or any man or anyone. You are a strong capable woman who has the power to effect change. Stand strong. I am glad you did not resort to violence, as it would only escalate violence. Unconditional love does not judge. Unconditional love simply loves. If he cannot love without conditions you may have to make a stand for yourself. I encourage you to trust yourself, be strong and do what is right for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think he is emotionally immature. He does this so that you won't leave him. He intimidates, degrades, and belittles you so that he can keep you around. If you don't believe anyone else would want you, he's secure that you will stay. It's emotional abuse, plain and simple. Everyone deserves to be treated with, at the very least, respect. Yes, even YOU!!!

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