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Sorry that I have been MIA for a bit. I have been dealing with a lot of stress. My father has been diagnosed with Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma. He starts chemo next week and has his port put in this week. He was given a prognosis of 1-3 years. It has hit me really hard. I hit my dark area but starting to come back out of it. Plus my daughter was going through a lot at the hands of my ex husband. She is 12 next month he has mentally and verbally abused her over the last few months. I plan to be around much more now and checking in on how everyone is doing.

I am also a holiday junkie so I am getting ready for the holiday season as well. Hope that everyone is doing well.

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I wish you well and peace. May your stress subside and you be able to cope with all that is in front of you. Cancer indeed sucks. Abuse sucks. Protect and love your daughter. Love your father. Love yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks. My dad has started Chemo this week. He had a scare and they thought at one point he was having a heart attack but thankfully the chest pains subsided and he got to go home. My daughter is doing a lot better thanks to the support of some great family and friends. I am taking time for myself as well finally.

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Keep being good to yourself and those you love.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am very sorry to hear about your father. I hope that his treatment is going well.

I too, am no stranger to the issues with the children's father, and the b.s. that they like to inflict at times. Stay strong for your daughter. People sometimes have a hard time remembering that the kids are the ones that suffer the most in these sorts of things. Feel free to message me if you just need to rant, rave, or bitch. ;)

Glad to see your postings.

I've been very busy as well, and have been absent from here off and on. I'm now trying to catch up and get some responses in.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, and have a great Holiday Season!!!

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