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Keeping Erect


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So I'm 38. Me and my gf have recently relit our fires for each other. 1 to 2 times a day vs maybe once every 2weeks. Yay. Been going on for a month now. So now here recently up to 3/4 times a day. But now I'm having issues getting back to erect on the 3rd or 4th time.not a huge issue but a bummer cause I want to just keep going but heit won't let me. Any help would be appreciate d. The first 2 are always fine and rock solid. Am I just over doing it?

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Getting older can do that best to ask your doctor. You could have a testosterone problem, but I would think it would be causing problems in the first place. I think the doctor route would get the best answer if you have a good relationship with them to ask. Just my opinion.

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There are multiple reason that an erection may not be as strong as one would like or want. In may be physical. So checking with a medical professional is a good idea. It may be psychological and related to anxiety, stress, depression, worry, or a host of other emotions. It may be a function so mental stimulation and not being as interested as one may want to be. It may be a need for more physical stimulation. The best thing to do is try new things, new ways of being stimulated. From what you describe I would be surprised if it is a physical health issue. And one last thing, as men age there are changes that happen.

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Congratulations on the rekindling of your relationship!

As a female that has had a few male lovers, I can tell you that yes, after a few times in a day, having sex, the erections weren't as, um, strong during the last time, and them being able to cum, was very difficult, and they were usually upset with themselves because of it. Their cocks weren't as hard either. You're almost 40, and, where that is NOT old by any means, your body won't recuperate as fast as you were in your teens and early 20's.

If it continues to be an issue, please DO NOT try to use those herbal erection supplements, because many people have had adverse reactions to them. Go see your doctor.

However, maybe taking a little break for yourself, or pleasing her in other ways, varying the pleasure, will help your body to recover faster. Like, instead of penetrating her once, please her orally. Or use fingers, or a toy. That way, you can be ready for the next time.

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It is truely dissapointing. I can't complain with my age and trust me I love giving her oral it just leads to her wanting penetration and Im not ready... I know its a lot to ask lol... Just as long as the first 2 stay solid I'm OK.

That's where toys can come in! :) A nice vibrator or dildo can provide the penetration she wants, and you can also continue to orally please her!! You can also make it a game, like you're having a 3-some, to add some safe spice to it!

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very good point tyger , also don't rule out a hollow strap on for the penetration and some have vibrating feature

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