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What are some of the things that you are intolerant of? It doesn't have to be sexual in nature, just in general if you want.

For me, I'm intolerant of racism (though some of it I can understand where it stems from), hypocrites, and rude behavior. I won't tolerate being ignored by my mate for extended periods of time (doing stuff for work, or taking care of personal business doesn't apply). I also hate hate hate smoking!!! I'm allergic to it, as is my daughter, so that's part of why I don't like it. I really don't say much, but it's definitely not permitted in my home or my car. Not even vaping.

Sexual intolerance? I'm pretty open to most things. However, I do not tolerate dirty bodies in bed. If you want me, come to me clean, thank you very much. I have tried anal, and enjoyed light stuff,  but it's not in my interest. My ex husband liked anal play on him, and I was totally ok with that, but a small butt plug is all I wanted.

OK, so I covered both sexual and general. Your turn!!! :)

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There are plenty of things that get under my skin.  Most of them I can't really do much about, and so must tolerate it to some degree.  I'm having trouble thinking of something I would characterize as being intolerant of.  At least not things I come across in day-to-day life.  


I hate being cold.  Can't stand it, so I'd say I'm intolerant of that.  I'll go to great lengths to avoid it.  I used to hate winter; then I took up skiing, which I loved.  But I'd have to bundle up like Ralphie in A Christmas Story to tolerate the cold temps and howling winds.  (I don't really ski anymore, so I kind of hate winter again.)

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I would have to say the things I am intolerant of are typically any type of abuse type situation.  I am a very tolerant person I think... IDK I know that we all perceive ourselves in the most flattering light we can, so I might be more intolerant than I think I am lol

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My intolerance always goes toward seeing any type of prejudice, race, sex, religion, etc. it just burns me. I've been kicked out of college for standing up against racism back in the 1990's. 


My my other intolerance is cold. I don't like being cold. Living in the Great Lakes region I get more cold than I want. So when it is 90 or 95 degrees I never complain. I actually love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Review Team

I agree with you rc I'm very intolerante of any type of prejudice, racism, ect ,

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  • 7 months later...
Guest Crazy Cat

 I have intolerance towards  any type of prejudice, religion, sex, race... I was raised in Michigan and have lived the last 27 years in Tennessee. To this day I still hear "so you're a Yankee" makes me see Red!!  No I am a person! There is no place for abuse towards people or animals. And lastly the desecration of the American flag. My family were immigrants from Hungary and Slovenia. I am proud to be an American. I come from a military serving family. My family serves in every branch of the military.  Please don't disrespect the country MY family has put their life on the line to provide YOUR freedoms. 

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  • 5 years later...
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Now i gotta think where my limits begin and end. I dont believe in this woke trend. I pro military pro police pro gun. Pro legal immagration, I am christian but i have always been tolerant of other religion. I dont care what race you are or your orientation. My stance on marrage and parenting as a same sex couple has less to do on what your doing and more on why? If it to make a statment then no but if your in it because of love then you got my blessing.  I grew up around this and i seen great gay parents and i seen some who just want to shock folks. My uncle and his partner always thought what was in the intetest of their kids. Pro and con. But it was never about the movement and making a statment. He was a great parent. Crazy as hell. A brick short of a full deck.I MISS him every day. Fought aids for 18 years.  My neices are a gay couple. I hate the lesbian word.  I love them.  I love the legal immmagrants i around. If you come to my house you be wobdering what country you in and i been accussed by strangers of being a trafficer when all the kids with me. Such is life. If people minded their own business we have less problems. Did i mention my loathing of the woke crowd?

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