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I have been reflecting, as of late, about my time on this forum. The one thing that strikes me is that I have met some wonderful and amazing people here. I enjoy having a safe place to talk openly about sexual issues, desires and fantasies. A few people I have developed friendships with over the years. Some have faded, some remain strong. Either way I have been honored to have them in my life. Every day I see or read something that is wonderful here. So to all of you out there, bravo! Thanks for your bravery, your insights, your courage and confidence, and most of all for being respectful even when there are differences of opinion.  It makes all of us stronger.

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Guest Crazy Cat
39 minutes ago, RC4BLUE said:

And most of all for being respectful even when there are differences of opinion. It makes all of us stronger.

I have been on TT for less than 2 months. And that is a big point for me. The respect level between the people here. Everyone conducts themselves as adults with good manners. I too have enjoyed the friends and the knowledge I have gained here. 

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People are very nice and respectful, and I found some nuggets of wisdom in my older threads.  

I know I made a previous  topic on asking how to delete stuff, but it's cool to also look back and be like "wow, that person's intuition was spot on." 

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It thrills me to hear such positive words for this forum.

I do apologize  (again) for my lack of responses lately. We're in the process of getting wifi at our house. After my move, I had to play catch up on some bills, then the washer AND dryer went, so more expenses. I don't have credit cards (paid off and gone), so it's as we can. I refuse to over-extend myself financially again.

Lately, I've taken up coloring in adult coloring books for relaxation. And watching the complete series of the show House (LOVE HM). Spending less time on my phone, to show my daughter I do have other interests.

Hence why I'm on my phone responding in here. I'm playing catch up on here, so, please be patient with me again. Feel free to PM me, and I may even give out my personal email to some of my good friends on here. 

Love you all!!!

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