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Sex Hurts


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Ive asked my dr. but she said it was normal, and i was to embarrassed to push the subject and explain in detail.

I have been with my current boyfriend for a year and half. Before him I had two other sexual partners. I have never had a problem during sex. But for the past year with my current boyfriend sex hurts. But it only hurts at first, after a little while the pain goes away and its enjoyable again. He is the biggest ive had, but when we first started dating it didnt hurt. Im pretty small, and it always feels like a tight squeeze, but again after a while its fine. He also says it feels pretty tight at first. Afterwards I have slight bleeding but not enough to worry me, its never gotten on anything, I just notice after I wipe when I go to the bathroom. Im always turned on when we have sex, and lubercation is not a problem. Ive tried just jumping into sex without forplay to see if that helped but it didnt. If I go a week without sex and then sleep with him again its not as painful, but I cant go a week without sex.

So my question is...1. why is it painful....2. how can I fix it?

Thank you

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I do not want to freak you out - and most certainly Howard's suggestion of not being properly lubed is valid as well - HOWEVER, I would suggest to you that if you are having pain during the first minutes of intercourse AND some slight bleeding that you need to bring it back up to your Dr. again.

The reason I say this is, I had the same problem - twice actually - and my Dr. ignored it the first time. I brought it up again and she did an exploratory surgery and found 2 polyps in my uterus (non-cancerous) but they were quite large. Once she removed them, and did a D & C for good measure, my pain went away. Then, almost 6 years later, I had the same problem, polyps again. Once removed, no more pain or bleeding!

Be persistent - get it checked. Sometimes polyps can be cancerous - and at very least you deserve to not have pain and bleeding after sex!


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I can't say that I have the same pain but it is definitely similiar. Although my pain doesn't go away after a while unless my b-friend and I switch positions so it doesn't hurt so bad. Anyway, one of my Doc's told me that I have a "retroverted uterus" or "tipped uterus". I was told it's just a difference like blue or brown eyes but I have my own theories on that. I would possible mention that to your doc because there have only been 2 doctors that straight out told me about it and the rest either didn’t notice or didn’t mention it. Also, if that's what it is, the doctors can talk with you about ways to fix it. Regardless, sometimes it best to get a second opinion. Good Luck!

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I can't say that I have the same pain but it is definitely similiar. Although my pain doesn't go away after a while unless my b-friend and I switch positions so it doesn't hurt so bad. Anyway, one of my Doc's told me that I have a "retroverted uterus" or "tipped uterus". I was told it's just a difference like blue or brown eyes but I have my own theories on that. I would possible mention that to your doc because there have only been 2 doctors that straight out told me about it and the rest either didn’t notice or didn’t mention it. Also, if that's what it is, the doctors can talk with you about ways to fix it. Regardless, sometimes it best to get a second opinion. Good Luck!

That sounds right, i remember my dr saying mine was slightly tipped, i didnt know it caused pain though. thanks for responding

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Ok I have a different type of pain. I have pain occasionally after sex. But this pain is like contractions you experience during child birth. It has only happened on a few occasions, but on those occasions it has been severe. I have no idea why I have these pains, but I buckle over in pain the cramps are so bad. I even get sick to my stomach from the pain and break out in a cold sweat. I have had 2 kids and that is why I compare them to contractions. It seems that the only thing that is in common when I have these cramps is that I have not orgasmed. Can anyone help or has anyone ever had these pains?

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I have to agree with Mikayla, get it checked. Be persistent. It's YOUR health, not your DR's. Switch DR's or go to an OB/GYN, these dr's specialize in women's health. If your DR is male, maybe switch to a female DR. Not to sound sexist, but I've found that some male doctors "brush" off a lot of women's questions, just because they've "been to school, and have the degree and you don't". They have that "I Am God" view of themselves.

I had some tearing with the first "well-endowed" man I'd been with, and after I was well-lubricated, we'd be fine. My GYN even said I had some scarring up there while I was with him, due to the ripping and bleeding. But, after we were together a while, I stretched a bit to accomodate him.

Definitely go back to your DR and voice your concerns again. Better to be safe than sorry!!

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