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New To Anal

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I have been reading this site for a long time and have learned a lot, but this is my first post. I'm a little hesitant even posting this, but here it goes anyway.

My hb is really wanting to have anal sex with me. I've never done it and never thought I wanted to until last night. He "accidentally" slipped his finger in and to my surprise it felt unbelieveably good. He didn't have a lot of lube, and I have read enough here to know that lube is a very important factor, so he had to remove it. I was too embarassed to tell him to continue with more lube so it didn't go any further. I don't think I am ready for him yet. I am thinking I need to start with something smaller and work up to him. So, I am in need of a few suggestion. I know what anal beads are, but not quite sure how to use them. I know that he is interested in them also so any advice would be great.

BTW - I need to send out a very BIG and personal thank you to the person(s) who have helped me along the way. If it weren't for you I would have never been able to come out of my turtle's shell and open up. So this is for you!!

Thanks for the help.

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I am so glad that you finally got up enough (courage??) to post a question! We are all helpful people here and we DO NOT judge - so to whomever has been helping you I am sure we can all say "you are welcome" and keep posting!

Now, as to your question:

You ABSOLUTELY need to start small and work your way up. Using a FINGER is wonderful...small, bendable, easy to manuever. Just use LUBE! Listen, your hb put the finger there - believe me, it didn't just "slip there" - so tell him that you liked it and just to lube up next time. Tell him his incentive is to get something larger in there...he will catch your drift!

Just remember to go slow, use lots of lube and for him to KEEP THE NAILS SHORT!!! Read my article on Anal Sex - it will help and give you ideas as well!

Keep playing and HAVE FUN!

Mikayla ;)

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:) of course I agree with the other post. As far as anal beads I love them. They are actually easy to use depending on what ones you choose. Make sure you lube them to though, there are alot of different types of beads I would if I were you look at the beginning 101 beads or even this other one. Here is a link to them both depending on what you would like there are also the review there to help you to decide. No question here is dumb and we don't judge anyone, this is a friendly helpful site.

Here are the links



Hope this helps some, also just tell your SO that you like it but you would like to work up to him, if you gradually work up you will find that you relax so much easier.

Good luck and we love updates!! ;)

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The first time I had anal sex was with my "first" it hurt because I had never had anal sex before and he didn't prep me for it either.

But being with my kids father for six years I enjoyed it he preped me for it and told me to relax and breathe deep and I did he took his time and each time we had sex I would beg for us to have anal sex I have the biggest orgasm so my advice to you is start of with a finger job if that doesn't work then maybe the anal beads will work for you but different strokes for different folks.

Good luck and Good sex

and most of all enjoy it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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my ex never preped me for it and it hurt, i talked to him about it and although he is more shy than i am he understood. we tried again (still witout lube for some reason) and it was better. the next time i go for it there will be lube.

i am sure if he (your guy) is like my guy he will be willing to do anything to get you to allow him in there.

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The first time I did anal it hurt sooo bad and I had blood, could hardly sit down etc. For some reason tried it again without lube and had a flashback of the first time and told them to pull out. I tried again recently with lube and the difference is incredible - alot more enjoyable.

Here's to happy playing :)

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