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I Hope Everyone Is Well With All This Crazy Weather!


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Where I am, we're expecting freezing rain tonight, and thru the rest of the week, although, right now, it's about 73 degrees F outside and humid. Very rare for this time of year. It's usually cold (yes, Texas gets cold). I hope that wherever y'all are, you're safe, warm, and stocked up for the wierd weather!!


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Well Tyger here in AZ I don't know what happened. :lol: I don't live in the northern part where it snows but we had a hell of a cold front here and OMG I am freezing my booty off. Everyone is staying well but me, I seem to catch the colds when the wind blows. In fact this is like the third time I can remeber snow flakes falling out of the sky instead of rain, it snows up north but not here in the valley. I can't wait tell the 115 to 123 dry heat comes. :lol:

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Well, we're certainly not having the typical Palm Springs, CA winter temps that we usually have right now. It was 32 degrees when I went to bed last nite and there was ice in the gutters this morning. In the 8 years I've live here, I don't think I've ever seen the water frozen over before. At least there's no complaints of it being too hot for any sexual encounter!! :lol:

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well for me this the weather sucks :( here in Ga. i am not use to it being this warm all the time i am from Chicago

and even if i have been living here for 7yrs it hasn't been this warm in Dec.-Jan. it really sucks!!!!!!!!!! some body please send some cold this way :lol:

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We were forcasted to get 8 inches of rain last week and ended up with only 6.5 or so. Rivers are flooded and the weather is now in the 20's after that nice cold front.

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Trying to stay warm here in Oklahoma. We have had about 1 1/2" of ice. The main roads are OK, but the residential areas are still iced over and treacherous. Schools are closed. I just saw two wreckers come by the house with vehicles (our street is completely residential), so that's not a good sign. This isn't normal for this area, but we do get ice storms occasionally, but usually it is warmed up the next day. We've had below freezing temperatures since Friday, and we are finally predicted to be above freezing on Thursday, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday have chances of snow/rain/wintry mix in the forecast. We lost power for about 3 hours late Friday afternoon. We have a generator, so I wasn't too worried--we have a gas range, so I'd be able to cook and we'd be able to keep warm enough. But I was still glad when the power came back on.

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ok i feel bad about complaining :( when some of you are getting it pretty bad so ask that you be safe i will survive here in Ga ;)

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Well, it started raining yesterday, but didn't freeze over. Tonight, on the other hand, I have icicles building up on the trees and on the roof of my house. :blink: And still it rains! We also have a lot of hard wood trees around our house, so the trees will break, not bend. Most of the weak trees were downed by the hurricane over a year ago, so we're pretty safe.

We do have a friend's house we can go to if we loose power and it gets too cold. I hope we don't cuz even our steps are slick. We are right in the middle of a Winter AND Ice Storm watch! I love being an over-achiever!! :lol:

Luckily, we have enough food and water here so we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow!

I hope everyone stays warm and dry!

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the weather here in Georgia has change alot its very breezy and we might get some flurries but it has gotten chilly here so to all please be careful and safe

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I got woken up very early this AM by my daughter, so I thought I would catch up on a few personal web pages, and created this one for my friend's viewing pleasure of the Ice Storm that hit the area yesterday. I hope you like them.

East TX Ice Storm 2007

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Well, after six days of ice and below freezing temps, we finally started thawing out on Thursday, and all the roads are clear now, and most parking lots. Friday morning we got some more thaw, then Friday afternoon it started raining and is still raining. That was our best case scenario for this weekend. Our worst case scenerio was an inch of ice before it started snowing, and then 8-10" of snow. It could still snow some tonight, but I think the worst is probably over. The gym has been closed, my belly dancing classes cancelled, school has been out all week (but not college). The only problem now is the mud in the back yard that my dogs are tracking in. I keep a Swiffer wet on the ready for the kitchen but my living room carpet will have to be shampooed when this is over. For right now I'm trying not to worry about it. That's what I have the carpet cleaner for....

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It has been freezing cold here this past week too, in the 20s and below at night. I hate the winters here, want to move some place warm! And my 7 year old Kaitlynn has been upset with the weather because she is a girly girly and want to wear dresses all the time and weather has been too cold to let her. My son has been loving the little bit of snow we have though.

Hope everyone stays warm and safe.

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Oh though here in West Central Ohio, we picked up about 2 inches of the white stuff, it came down during the night, so we didn't have any problems with the electric or even driving in it. <_<

We took Howards adviced and stayed in. :lol:

The real fun came when my hubby and I went out to shovel it off the driveway and to dig out our vehicles.

It was too wet to use the broom and too heavy for us to shovel.

We only done about half of it and gave up. :lol:

Since the cold snap, our bed is piled with a few extra blankets and alot of body heat!! :D

Hope everyone is staying nice and toasty during this cold snap.

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here in new york it is ok it is about 22 or so

i talked to my friend in ohio and she said it is -0 where she lives and they are posta get up to 6 to 8 inches of snow plus there is saposta be a winter snow storm so of couurse and it just keeps getten lower in temp there is what my friend is sayen

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