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Need Suggestion's, Newbie.

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I'm new to the forum, this is my first post. I am 39 and will be married 9 years this coming May.

I am new to sex toys, I have always felt embaressed to try any. Anyway, I just purchased 2 but have not used them yet. My question/problem is this. I have Fibromyalgia. Because of this I am extremly sensitive "down there". My Dr told me the Fibromyalgia is why intercourse is painful for me. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to make things better for me?


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Welcome to the forum!

I have a relative, older, who has Fibromyalgia, and she has found GREAT success in eliminating wheat gluten from her diet and exercising on a daily basis - regardless of how she feels. She had a yeast intolerance, Candida (I think that is it) that was eliminated by removing the wheat gluten from her diet. Apparently, Fibromyalgia is linked closely with this other condition.

As for the sensitivity -while it is true that people with this condition can be more sensitive to many things, you can overcome it. The same way a healthier woman would - start slow, avoid direct pressure, stop when you are uncomfortable, but do NOT give up. Keep on going and build up your "uncomfortable" tolerance. Believe you me, it is worth it in the end.

Good luck to you.

Also, while Howard has googled a good article for you, I am quite sure that as a person with this disorder, you have quite a bit of information already.

Mikayla ;)

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Hi and Welcome to the Forum!!! My sister has had Fibromyalgia for many many years, she also has 3 children. I hope you don't mind but I did talk to her about your post. My sister is extremely sensative also, in fact she wears a little eletro pulsating wires with pads to help since her Fibromyalgia is so bad. I am sure you are very well informed on everything about, I just wanted to let you know the way she overcame some of her sensitivity. A little FYI to she uses toys to now. It took her awhile to get to the point in her sex life she is now. When she very first started using toys, she used low vibrating ones, or the multi-speed ones on low. She also stated that she didn't apply pressure to them when using them. She slowly worked herself up to it. Since she said when she first started that it was very uncomfortable, she would set her toy on the lowest possible speed and touch around that area, touch her thighs ect and slowly get closer to her vaginal area. This is something that you have to slowly work up to. I know this sounds like a repeat to what Mikayla said, but she is correct in saying you have to take it slow. :) If you got any toys that vibrate then set them on low, don't apply pressure to the toy or turn it up higher until you find your comfort zone.

Good luck to you, and I wish you the best. Also it never hurts to ask your DR to for advice.

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I appreciate you talking to your sister about it for me. It always helps to have someone who you can relate to. This is the first time I have posted this problem to anyone, other then my Dr one time. He had no real help for me, he acted uncomfortable about it. I have felt so guilty, because I am married and have felt like my HB is being cheated. He's afraid to even touch me because I end up saying "Ouch!". You can imagine what this has done for our bedroom time! Thank you for your advice and your sister's! I really appreciate it!

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I'm so sorry! I don't have any experience with fibromyalgia, and I'm sorry your doctor reacted that way. That's not helpful! Was the doctor an OB? Could you possibly speak to an OB about this and see what they have to say? Or, a different doctor? I wouldn't feel comfortable with a doctor who wasn't comfortable discussing a body and its issues, but that's just me. I mean, that's what doctors are supposed to do, right?

(Though others seem to have offered good advice to you, and maybe an OB will say the same thing.)

Best of luck with everything!

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Some family doctors are a bit uncomfortable with talking about sexual issues, cuz they're use to dealing with the flu, shots, scrapes, follow ups, and so on. Sad, but, in my experience, true. I would suggest that you talk with the doctor that is treating your Fibromialga, or your GYNO about it. They hear it all!! From STD's, period issues, smells, bacterial, and the dreaded ANUAL EXAMS. So, that doctor should be able to get you information directly FROM studies pertaining to their specialty faster, and without any discomfort on either side.

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