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Bleeding After


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Is it normal to sometimes bleed after vibrator use? I have a Butterfly THAT I LOVE but lately it seems to be making me have some light spotting. The head is ribbed and swirls could it be cutting me? Could iI be penetrating too deep? I LOVE this vibrator and don't want to stop using it. Any words of wisdom???

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Is it possible that you are pregnant? One of the most common reasons for light spotting after sex (or toy use) is pregnancy and a softening of the cervix. Other possibilities are infection, cervical cancer (rarely causes bleeding), or an internal "scratch" on the tender vaginal walls.

How long does the spotting last? Is there any pain? When did this start happening? Do you only use toys, or does it happen during intercourse as well? Do you use lubricant?

Answer some of my questions and I will be much better equipped to answer you.

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It may be some of the things Mikayla suggested, or also, if it's close to your "time of the month", some people spot a bit right before, or even during ovulation for some reason. There's usually no explanation for the spotting, but it's not uncommon.

There also could be a slight pc of your toy that may cut you without you knowing it. Do you feel for a cut afterwards? Is there any stinging? Check the toy to make sure there's nothing able to cut you.

If it's a major concern, I would definitely see your OB/GYN and talk to her/him about it. Trust me, there's nothing that will shock them (usually). The use of sex toys won't be one of them.

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It may be some of the things Mikayla suggested, or also, if it's close to your "time of the month", some people spot a bit right before, or even during ovulation for some reason. There's usually no explanation for the spotting, but it's not uncommon.

There also could be a slight pc of your toy that may cut you without you knowing it. Do you feel for a cut afterwards? Is there any stinging? Check the toy to make sure there's nothing able to cut you.

If it's a major concern, I would definitely see your OB/GYN and talk to her/him about it. Trust me, there's nothing that will shock them (usually). The use of sex toys won't be one of them.

Nope definatley not pregnant (hubby is "fixed"). It happens ONLY with toy use at any time of month. No pain or stininging vaginally but sometimes lower abdominal (muscle??) pain a few hours into the next day after use. The spotting is a very small amount to none. I usually notice it when cleaning my toy, that is how I know it is caused by the tip/ ribbed end of the vibrator. No rips or tears in silicone. Lubricant has never been a need so nope to that question also.

Toy use is new to my hubby and I. I am really enjoying this one in particular so I hope to fighure out this issue. I made a OB appt but they could not get in in for over a month. So thanks for the help guys.

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There is a condition, I am not sure what the technical or medical term is, but basically it is "sensitive cervix" - and this is where when you orgasm, your muscles contract so hard that your cervix kind of opens a bit and lets out some blood. I am wondering if this is what is happening to you!

I would definitley follow up with your OB, cause the bleeding can be explained by a knick or cut from a toy, but the cramping or pain can NOT - and that is more what concerns me. Another possibility that is probably more realistic is a uterine cyst. These are SOOO common, I actually had 3 removed. I would have bleeding after I went jogging and pain and light spotting after sex or toy use. My OB did an exam and found the polyps (cysts) and took them out during a D & C. I haven't had an issue since.

DEFINITELY follow up wtih your DOC!

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