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Sex At Work?


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The title is pretty self explanitory, but how many of us would have sex at work, either in the office, boardroom surrounded by all glass, office bathroom, factory floor, where ever you work, you know you can find somewhere for a little recreation, but would you? Why or why not? I work in a radio station and I have my own office, so I say heck yes! I would love to bring my wife up here and satisfy her in the production suite, in my office on the desk or just about anywhere else we could, especially now with all the students gone......

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Humm... I guess I shouldn't answer this, I wouldn't want my boss to find out! ;)

Seriously though, for some it's a fantastic fantasy! I think sex in the work place is extremely risky (which, yes, I see that as a selling point) but, if you get caught - you could get fired (unless you own the place!) On the plus side - if you get fired you would have plenty of time to get it on while you're unemployed at home.

All in all, my personal opinion is that it should remain a fantasy!


The title is pretty self explanatory, but how many of us would have sex at work, either in the office, boardroom surrounded by all glass, office bathroom, factory floor, where ever you work, you know you can find somewhere for a little recreation, but would you? Why or why not? I work in a radio station and I have my own office, so I say heck yes! I would love to bring my wife up here and satisfy her in the production suite, in my office on the desk or just about anywhere else we could, especially now with all the students gone......
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Seeing as I'm a housewife.. I work at home.. Heck ya, I better have sex here! ;) Hehehe!

Seriously, though, even though I've always stuck with the "it should remain a fantasy" thought, I have to admit I HAVE done it, BUT, as Meg mentioned, we owned the place. My husband owned a store a few years back (before we were married) and if I had the day off, I'd go with him, help out, hang out, just be together. Anyway, one day we were particularly horny... no one was there... there was a ramp (instead of stairs) leading to the upper floor, so we went at it right there! Anyone coming in COULDN'T see us, and we could hear if the door opened.

One other time we did this, but didn't even bother going out of sight. We just stood behind a few stacks of boxes on the main floor. We'd JUST finished and were re-buttoning when someone came in. *snicker* I don't know (or cared, actually), if they knew or not, but I just bent, picked up a box and asked my husband, "Where did you want this one?" B)

So... regular office-type setting, I'm still sticking with keep it a fantasy... tease the heck out of your mate and reap the rewards later. But, if you've got your own place and can be a little risque without pressing your butt cheeks to the front panes of glass for all the world to know what you're doing... why not? :);)

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Well, I was helping out a friend with a drive in liquor store, and was getting paid to help out. So was my roommate/FWB, and we did it there, a few times even, behind the coolers, on top of a chest freezer, or even standing up. The floors were cement, so that was out of the question. We did get interupted a few times by drive ups, but, we were able to continue after they left. It was very exciting. Plus, there was a beeper for when people drove thru the doorway, so we heard them, and were quick enough to be able to almost pull ourselves together. The one on shift, would go to the window. I just "helped" out when he was working, here and there. ;)

As far as any other place of work, like professional, no, I didn't, just because I valued my paycheck. Plus, I could tease and tease, have fun, and just wait til I got home.

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I worked at a resturant when i was younger and people had sex all over that place. It seems the norm for a food service setting.

I had sex at a grocery store that I worked in when i was 17. That was FUN!!! The getting caught risk was huge since the store was open. We were in the office and the door was locked but we could have been interupted at any time. I am still not sure if there was camera in there............

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I have done this once in a business I owned outright, but would never do so with an employee. Sexual harrassment suits scare the bejeebers out of me. I can't imagine starting a relationship in this day and age at the workplace. I work for a corporation now where they even tell us not to give our employees a ride home so that no 'misunderstandings' can happen.


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