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Does Anyone Know Good Positions For Pregnancy

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Does anyone know some good positions for those who are pregnant and don't like to feel smashed when having intercourse. I love to have sex, but if we try some positions I feel like I am gonna get sick.

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Spooning is a great position while pregnant.

Also, having him sitting up, but not leaning OVER you, while you're on your back, is nice too.

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I can totally relate! I am 7 months pregnant and getting HUGE! I have had little trouble with sex until this past month - now I feel like I am suffocating when I am on my back (which is a no-no at this point anyway) and like I am squishing my hubby when I am on top.

I have found that there are a few great positions to do. As mentioned, doggy and spooning are good. In fact, I believe these are the staples of a pregnant woman's sexual position repertoire. However, there are a few others that I have come to enjoy.

Bring yourself to the edge of the bed and place pillows under your back and two at your head. My OB says that I can lie on my back (for whatever purpose) as long as I am on a "tilt" - so I do that, scootch to the end of the bed, my hubby stands there, holds my legs and I can still (at this point) reach around my belly for clitoral stim (or he can do it.)

I have also found that if I have my hubby sit on the couch, I can straddle him facing AWAY so my belly doesn't get in the way. I kind of grind on him and do little circular motions. This is a good, slow position that actually seems to take all the pressure off my aching pelvis!

I have found that reverse cowgirl no longer works for me at this point, I seem to need to be on top FACING him so I have some stability. Then he can kind of "bounce" me.

My favorite position, which admittedly takes some practice, gives me the best orgasms. It is called the X position. You get on top of your man as he lies down. Lower yourself onto his cock. Then, lie yourself BACKWARDS so your feet are by his head and you are by his, in an X position. Making sure you have pillows to support your back and head. This position is great for orgasms because you are going slow, he can stimulate your clit, and your g-spot gets attention. This is going to be my go-to position until the end I think.

Good luck, hope that helps and CONGRATS on the baby!

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Thanks for the tips. I am only 3 months and have started showing already. I look like I did when I was 5-6 months pregnant with my first. right now it is not to bad having missionary sex, but I know it is going to start changing real soon. BTW what is the spooning? Is there somewhere that tells what positions are? I feel like a dummy now. Thanks and congrats to you too Mikayla

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I guess we are spooning. LOL we do things and don't know the name to them. I guess I just never thought of that one before to actually work. Thanks and I will go look at the other topic.

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Ahh yes, the biggest problem with pregnancy is trying to have sex with "Mount navel" in the way.

I always found that having several pillows under my back/shoulders helped with the suffocation feeling when attempting to lay on my back.

Then I would draw my knees up, and he would lay on his side facing me, and enter me that way,

It was really awsome, he could play with my breasts or my clit if he felt the inclination.

kinda like a reverse y position.

WEhat it is called is unknown,

It is also kinda cool when your pregnant, cause you have to find a way to comfotably lay/sit, then have your hubby/so find a way to enter you.

your pretty much forced into trying new positions.

what a way to spice up your sex life eh?

Grats on the new addition

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