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My Bf's Ex Has An Std!


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So my bf just found out that his ex-girlfriend (who I used to be friends with) has chlamydia, but he just got tested for a couple of different STD's and they all came up negative. The weird thing is that his ex was a virgin and she had only ever had sex with him (or so she claims), so I don't know if I should be worried about being tested as well...

Help anyone? :(

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My opinion is if your are concearned I would get tested just to be on the save side and clear your mind and worries. I have never had a STD, but I know there are many signs to them rash, smell etc. The best advice that I can give you is just to be on the save side is to go to the DR and get a quick test done, better to be save then sorry in my book.

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When in doubt, get tested out!

When I looked up 'chlamydia' online for information to offer you (because I'll be honest in that I didn't know much about it), this was the first listing -- and I'd be more apt to believe its information than any, because it's the CDC (Center of Disease Control).

Read up and talk with your doctor. The CDC page says chlamydia is easily treatable -- but both you and your boy need to get tested and treated in order for it to go away. Good luck!


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Yes, go get tested. Some STDs don't have any signs that they are present until it is too late. Clamidiya can sterilze you if it goes untreated. Be thankful you found out (early I hope), and it's a treatable one.

I have genital herpes, and had NO clue I had it until I had my first OB. The guy that I think gave it to me (cuz herpes has been known to lay dormant up to 10 years or more), I hadn't been with since May, and when I got my first OB, it was late October! So, no, there aren't always signs. Just go to your doctor or local Family Planning office, tell them what you suspect, and get tested and take ALL of the medications prescribed by the doctor. Your BF needs to get treated at the same time, or you can pass it on between you.

His ex may or may not have slept with others. He could've had it for a while, or even cheated on her, and got it. It's been known to happen. Either way, someone gave it to someone, and now you may have it. Better to be safe than sorry and get it checked out.

Contracting or having an STD doesn't make you a "skank" or a slut. Once you learn about it, it makes you more careful in the future. Anyone that is sexually active, in a committed relationship or not, should read up and learn all they can about STDs. It never hurts to learn, and it's smart to arm yourself with knowledge!

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Also you have to know that a person can get an STD from just giving oral sex, as well as even recieving it (though that is less likely). Sperm and vaginal fluids hold STD's and if someone is giving you oral, they can get an STD by swallowing or by having a small cut in their mouth which can allow small traces of those fluids to pass though. So sometimes, its more of how many people a person has been 'sexual' with then how many people they have had 'sexual intercourse' with to try and figure out who the STD came from. Hope this helps a little.

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