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Orgasmic Balls

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<_< By the look of it I would say it looks like a dumbell...

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I would just like to know how do these things work? I can't see how they do but hey, this is my first time hereing this so if anyone can plz explain to my naive self, I would be most appreciating since I;m curious enough to get one : ) Though any recomendations are more than welcomed - do they vibrate also??


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Mikayla just did a review on these recently. Where most ben-wah or orgasm balls don't actually vibrate, they do have metal gong-like balls inside of them, to add extra stimulation to the balls inside of you.

Mikayla's Review

I also did a review on some Pleasure balls, which are similar to these as well:

Tyger's Pleasure Balls Review

I hope these are more helpful to you.

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I have the set that are purple, the ones Mikayla reviewed. Although I didn't have an orgasm, but they do give a nice full feeling and got me thinking about the coming evening and.... just when can I get my hubby to bed? :rolleyes:

I like them for the kegal exercise too, my dr acutally recommended them to me and doing this type of exercise helps with blader control. Again, due to age and having had 3 kids. (two of which weighed in at 10 or 9.5 pounds!)

I would recommend them,


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<_< By the look of it I would say it looks like a dumbell...

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I would just like to know how do these things work? I can't see how they do but hey, this is my first time hereing this so if anyone can plz explain to my naive self, I would be most appreciating since I;m curious enough to get one : ) Though any recomendations are more than welcomed - do they vibrate also??


Personally, I think these orgasmic balls or ben wa balls should come with serious warning labels, detailing WHERE and WHEN not to use them, and what are the possible consequences. I tried being too adventurous with the ben wa balls on more that a few occasions and the orgasms always hit when it was most inappropriate. Eihter i end up embarrassing myself or terrifying the people around me (not that i am complaining). PLEASE DO NOT USE THEM WHEN YOU ARE DRIVING, you might literally die and go to heaven.

BTW, if you are REALLY adventurous, cut off the strings and insert them. Half the fun might be trying to get them out. (or, depending on who's point of view, half the fun might be the fact that you are not able to get them out)

Have fun with it

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