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I've been in a relationship for a year with the most wonderful man! :) I spend many years as a single parent and had so many responsibilities between children, work, school, aging parents not to mention two dogs... that I did not have time for a relationship.... until now.

We are not youngsters.... but sexual performance is not a problem for either one of us. I never imagined to meet someone like him at this stage of my life. The problem is that our sex life has become boring and we both see the need to change this and are in the process of talking about it. I don't have very much imagination and would like to ask you for suggestions.

I especially need advice as to how to initiate sex...... My partner is an early riser and works long hours..... in the evening he is often tired and although I sometimes try to initiate sex.... usually verbally.... which is probably not the way to go.... he will tell me he is tired most of the time....

I just ordered a couple of sex toys, although I have never used them before but there is always the first time for everything! :) Right!?

Also, I am looking to purchase a bed and would like to ask for advice..... what would be the best bed to enhance sexual enjoyment?

Thank you all in advance for your help.

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First let me say welcome to the site. I'm sure others will pipe in shortly, but I'll give a shot at giving you some advice. As far as imagination goes, there are actually some games that have been reviewed recently that can help you with this. If you check out the sex toy reviews section you will find some things like the 52 sex positions game http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=3279 amongst others.

Where he works long hours and his job is demanding, you might want to consider trying to be a morning person instead. Maybe you could wake him up instead of his alarm clock. There are many ways to do this, obviously, but one that is sure to get him into the mood is for you to go down on him before he's awake. Barring that, perhaps you could start whispering into his ear what you want to do with him. You could also get him up a bit early and actually join him in the shower for some playtime.

As far as the bed goes, a good night's sleep is the best way to get him in the mood if he typically has long hard days. Nothing can be said for the right amount of good sleep. Other than that, I really can't give you any advice.

Anyway, have fun with the toys, have fun with your partner, and remember that you already knows what works for you...he knows what works for him...now if you can get it together and find positions that capitalize on those truths, you can have a really great and wild time. Besides, expirimentation is half the fun.


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Welcome welcome!! I hope you can take some time and read some of the great articles in the Sex Education tab, located at the top of the page. Also, read and hopefully respond to some of the posts in the Adult Talk Forum (where you are now). Don't be afraid to contribute to posts that may be a bit "old" either. Fresh ideas and questions are always welcomed! Enjoy the site!

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  • Newbie
First let me say welcome to the site. I'm sure others will pipe in shortly, but I'll give a shot at giving you some advice. As far as imagination goes, there are actually some games that have been reviewed recently that can help you with this. If you check out the sex toy reviews section you will find some things like the 52 sex positions game http://forums.tootimid.com/index.php?showtopic=3279 amongst others.

Where he works long hours and his job is demanding, you might want to consider trying to be a morning person instead. Maybe you could wake him up instead of his alarm clock. There are many ways to do this, obviously, but one that is sure to get him into the mood is for you to go down on him before he's awake. Barring that, perhaps you could start whispering into his ear what you want to do with him. You could also get him up a bit early and actually join him in the shower for some playtime.

As far as the bed goes, a good night's sleep is the best way to get him in the mood if he typically has long hard days. Nothing can be said for the right amount of good sleep. Other than that, I really can't give you any advice.

Anyway, have fun with the toys, have fun with your partner, and remember that you already knows what works for you...he knows what works for him...now if you can get it together and find positions that capitalize on those truths, you can have a really great and wild time. Besides, expirimentation is half the fun.


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Hi! :)

Thank you sooooo much for your suggestions..... I will definitely try everything that you have mentioned! :)

Have a great day!

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Ohhhh, I have to add that the morning thing is a GREAT way to start the day. I am soooooo not a morning person but I, many times, on purpose set my cell phone alarm clock (so that it is quieter than the regular one) in order to join my hot and handsome man in the morning prior to work ;). There is nothing that gets him more motivated than to wake up to me starting the day off with a nice BJ proceeded by a romp in the bed ;) just make sure you start early enough for both of you to enjoy it. Believe me, this has made me more of a morning person than anything else in the world (well...other than my daughter but obviously that is different :D).

Good luck! This place is GREAT!

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My husband also works long hours, I have found a way to initiate is to join him while he is watching tv at night. He is a news junkis and has to watch the nightly news. I curl up to him and we will snuggle, kiss during the news. I also start massaging his shoulders while and just sorta move downward. He, like your partner, will start off saying "how tired he is", but somehow by me showing him some attention, we end up in bed for playtime.

Mornings on weekends are our times too, if he doesn't have to work that is. I have found he will often be more receptive if he knows he can go back to sleep while I get up and start my weekend chores/errands.

AS for a bed, we just bought a king size pillow top, it has great support and is very comfy. Not sure if there is one type for sexual enhancement, but a good night's sleep is what we all need. When you go shopping for the mattress, my advice is to take your time, lay on the beds. I found the sales people encourage this to find what feels' good to your back. I found advice on different types of beds by checking on mattress manufacturer's web sites. I encourage a king size, it allows for lots of movement room with no fear of falling off the bed!

Welcome to the post too! I too am in mid-life, but have been married for 26+ years.

good luck and have fun! :P

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My husband also works long hours, I have found a way to initiate is to join him while he is watching tv at night. He is a news junkis and has to watch the nightly news. I curl up to him and we will snuggle, kiss during the news. I also start massaging his shoulders while and just sorta move downward. He, like your partner, will start off saying "how tired he is", but somehow by me showing him some attention, we end up in bed for playtime.

Mornings on weekends are our times too, if he doesn't have to work that is. I have found he will often be more receptive if he knows he can go back to sleep while I get up and start my weekend chores/errands.

AS for a bed, we just bought a king size pillow top, it has great support and is very comfy. Not sure if there is one type for sexual enhancement, but a good night's sleep is what we all need. When you go shopping for the mattress, my advice is to take your time, lay on the beds. I found the sales people encourage this to find what feels' good to your back. I found advice on different types of beds by checking on mattress manufacturer's web sites. I encourage a king size, it allows for lots of movement room with no fear of falling off the bed!

Welcome to the post too! I too am in mid-life, but have been married for 26+ years.

good luck and have fun! :P

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