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Sexy Photo Shoot?


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One last posting for the day with a question at the end. My wife and I are on a 90-day fitness program and at the end we want to have a sexy photo shoot in our basement (full workout equipment and mirrors...kinda cool). And admitedly we're hoping that whoever we get to take the pics (can't be anyone we know directly) will also be comfortable taking full nude pics and possibly even moving into filming us having sex. We tried a video of our own several years ago but shooting it ourselves didn't give us great video result. My question is has anyone in this forum had someone come over and take pics and/or video. Two things we need to make sure of are (1) the camera woman cannot bring her own camera so no pics make it out of our control and (2) whoever she is we must have at least some knowledge of the person who refers her. What other "gotchas" do we need to take into consideration? And if you've done this, do you regret it or was it one of the best sexual experiences you've ever had. We're hoping it's the latter.

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I've had sexy photos taken and am a semi-pro photographer, so I feel as though I can respond rather well.

First off, if you hire someone to take the pics, and they are a professional or semi pro, it's unreasonable of you to expect that they not use their own camera. A photographer gets use to their own equipment, making them more comfortable and practiced with their cameras and props. The quality and perhaps even professionalism could be compromised due to distraction (trying to figure out the new equipment).

The thing to do is either get them to burn you a disc, and delete the files and/or if they use film, then to give you the negatives and all of the proofs. Both of which need to be spilled out in a written contract. This should all be addressed up front, before any money changes hands. Find a reputable photographer, willing to do those kinds of pics. It will be hard, but not impossible. Mopst photographers want to do weddings, kids, pets, parties, that sort of thing. You will probably have to go to a private individual that does photography on the side or something.

You will need to think about what kind of shots you would like, as far as settings, and props go. What you want the pictures to portray. Photographers are creative, but if you don't like what they come up with, understand that they are working for you, and the end product is YOURS. So, they should be happy to listen to you and your ideas. But, understand that a photographer knows what angles are going to be more flattering than others. It's a creative process, and both the subjects and photographer need to listen to each other.

A friend of mine did some sexy pics of me several years ago. I don't regret it one bit. I even got published in some adult mag (don't ask me, cuz I really don't have any idea which one I was in. All I know is I got a check for it).

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Just to add, I shoot Boudoir occasionally. Its something that friends of friends have approached me with. And from a photog point of view, I would never even think of using someone else's camera. If you are hiring someone for their eye, wouldn't you want them to do their best work with what they are comfortable with?

Do as much of a background check as you can. Be very clear of what your expectations are up front for privacy and deliverance. Gather magazine clippings and pics of shots and set ups you like. Its always good to give ideas of what your likes and dislikes are. Ask for digital files on a cd. I'd be surprised if a Boudoir photog shoots film. Most labs won't print anything naked (i.e. Target, Walmart).

If they truly are professional, there should be an understanding that this is a private matter, not to be shared with anyone other than you and the photog. Otherwise, get a self timer and a tripod and keep shooting till you get what you want. They even have controls now that you can trigger the timer to go off again.

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FYI, there are some online picture companies that will print film with Boudoir/naked photos. I'm not sure which one my friend used, but, they are out there.

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I used to work at a private lab that would develp/print controversial stuff(i.e. nudies). The stuff that came through there - WOW. Most of it was normal couple stuff but occasionally there was some weird weird stuff. I guess whatever floats your boat. Never heard of any labs online doing it. Be interested if anyone had any info about that.

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I've worked for a company that does photo processing. For the most part, nudity is fine to print, its when you get into penetration that policy gets in the way. On the other hand, so long as people were up front with what they were dropping off, I had no troubles printing so long as the subjects in question didn't look under 18 (at which point we had to call the FBI). We were able to put up a block to turn our open processor into a closed processor so our customers were none the wiser. It really is management's discretion though and you'd have to put yourself out there to actually ask. I do know that the company Qualex will print whatever comes through. One thing I will say is that nowadays, with digital cameras, all you have to do is purchase a memory card and then you can go to any kiosk(sometimes private businesses have private kiosks) and print your own. That can get a bit expensive though.


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You can find some really good picture printers out there. The better the quality, the more pricey the cost. But you can do almost everything a photo center can do with one.

Plus ink is outrageous for some printers (Lexmark is a lot higher ink-cost wise than a lot of them out there I've found). It may be a wise idea to get one if you're thinking about doing this every now and again.

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