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Outdoors, Where Have You Done "it"?


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OK, reading the fantasy thread on "Outdoors", I thought it would be fun to see WHERE outdoors you've done IT.

For me, I've done it at the beach (ocean sand, and in a lake), outside on a deck, in tents, in the woods a few times (one being on a college campus, near a heavily travelled trail, watching people go to and from classes while getting it from behind), in a pool, in a Jeep with the top down during a storm, underneath a truck bed cover (the hard shell ones), and, not sure if this counts, but in a truck, with him outside,with the door open (and it was winter, snow and very cold!!).

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In the lake, in my in-laws pool, at a local dam, at the lake on a rock out-croping, down by the river (but not in a van all you foleyites) random places in the Natural State (Arkansas Motto, not meaning to be naked.)...I am sure there are others and they will come to me, plus I might have a new one or two to add in a couple of weeks...but more on that later.

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Ok well, not as many as you guys but there is in the lake while swimming, drivers side of the pick-up with him standing outside, on a picnic table in the park, in the Honda at the park, in a Mustang GT with the T-Tops off...laying some strangers backyard where we stopped on our way home from a ball game (high school)...I can't think of any others...There is one I am dying to try....just have to figure out where to do it...motorcyles are tricky in broad daylight...and in the city...lol.

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"Outdoor itting," huh? ;) Lessee....

In a ballfield dug-out (on a snowy December night - BRR)..... on a lake beach..... in a hot tub..... in a pool..... in a Jeep in an elementary school parking lot next to a main road (after school hours)..... in a Jeep next to a lake..... camping in a tent..... on our front porch.....

I think that's it!

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Apartment hot tub, Apartment pool, in the woods, in the lake, on the beach, in the walmartparking lot (does that count)

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Out in the woods behind an old girlfriend's house, in the lake out in front of my old house, by a river in Quincy near Boston(Officer knocked on the window two minutes after we finished on that one), by a sem-secluded pond in a tent, and the side porch.


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On 2 different bridges, on an outdoor pool table, in a bush, horse stable, in an orchard, in a public park under a tree, in the forest, on the side of a lake, in a car. Thats all that comes to mind at the moment ;)

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In the driveway at my mom and dad's house, in the woods on a fallen tree in the rain, in the lake, in our backyard, at camp when I was a counselor and hubby came to visit me because I was so homesick. There were to counselors per cabin, so I didn't leave the girls alone! In our old truck in a parking lot, at night. On the walkway beside out house and I think that is about all I can think of at the moment. Oh, and in the woods over by hubby's mom and dad's house. :D:rolleyes:

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