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Shy To Have My Man Go Down On Me

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Hi...I like sex, I have a very good imagination, but I just finished a long term relationship where my expartner had no desire to be creative. Now I met a new guy who is sensual and sexual..and drives me wild...but I have a problem.. I'm afraid of letting go...aghhh. I can come easy if I'm touching myself..but it's not easy for me with a partner.

So we had sex for the first time this week and it was amazing, the intimacy, the laughs..and he went down on me..I was so nervous...and he loved doing it...finally I let go after a long while and come..but I want to be more free to come.. I don't know.. it feels like I have to be in control..

I gave him oral and he loved it, which I really enjoy. I will try the tips I'm learning here.

Any advise how to let go..? how to guide him when he is giving me oral sex?

Thank you in advance...


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Hi...I like sex, I have a very good imagination, but I just finished a long term relationship where my expartner had no desire to be creative. Now I met a new guy who is sensual and sexual..and drives me wild...but I have a problem.. I'm afraid of letting go...aghhh. I can come easy if I'm touching myself..but it's not easy for me with a partner.

So we had sex for the first time this week and it was amazing, the intimacy, the laughs..and he went down on me..I was so nervous...and he loved doing it...finally I let go after a long while and come..but I want to be more free to come.. I don't know.. it feels like I have to be in control..

I gave him oral and he loved it, which I really enjoy. I will try the tips I'm learning here.

Any advise how to let go..? how to guide him when he is giving me oral sex?

Thank you in advance...


I think it will" come "no pun intended easier the more times you do it with your man.I know the first time I'm with a woman theres some nerves involved,Will I satisfy her,Will I measure up to other lovers she's had.Things like that make the first time with a new person a little tough.I think that the fact that he did get you off the first time and he wants to learn how to get you off better is great.I always ask my partner to give me some sign if I'm doing it right.A little moan or a sudden deep breath or even a little arch of the back when he's hitting the right spot will tell him he's doing well. I personally like those directions better than saying a little more to the left or something like that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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So I wanted to tell you that I had a good experience, but i'm still not letting go completely...I think it is mental...I love the sensation before coming, so i like to keep it going..but i would also love to cum....sigh...I don't know...Unfortunately we are not able to practice to often 'cause we live in different cities...but any advise is welcome...how to let the mind go...we have a unique connection, I have never had with anybody...it is just that this is the first time I have a SO that cares about my needs and everything in bed...what a change..I'm always giving, not receiving...

Any thoughts?


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I know you realize how sexy an attribute like shyness can be with your SO. I'll bet he'll tell you that was one of the first things he caught. I wonder if there may be something more to your inhibitions. If you are afraid of the relationship itself, or of what he may think of you or whether you may smell bad, please do yourself a favor and get over these thoughts. Grab that man by his ears and show him how to pleasure you. You'll be thanking each other in the end. But in the meantime you'll love every minute of it. There is a sexual charge with letting go and showing him. And don't be surprised if he wants to do the same thing with you. Since this is a new relationship, I think there should be a bit better communication about sex and everything else that you two are going thgough and what you both expect in the end. Many times this van help a man or woman to relax if they know they are both working toward the same end. If he did this for you once you van bet he found nothing wrong with doing it. Just RELAX, enjoy, and communicate with your lover!!!! One more thing, if you have never been on the recieving end it may take some time to get used to a man giving you that sort of pleasure.

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Thank you all.. I will let go...it is so exciting to have someone that gets turn on by all of me.. and we love phone sex... I never thought oral sex could be so good..I love feeling him inside of me..I just have to enjoy it and leave my mind open...I will keep you posted...and yes Howard i will play more with toys...and see how it goes..

I'm learning...but I love this age..the possibilities and the potential is great...


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So I wanted to tell you that I had a good experience, but i'm still not letting go completely...I think it is mental...I love the sensation before coming, so i like to keep it going..but i would also love to cum....sigh...I don't know...Unfortunately we are not able to practice to often 'cause we live in different cities...but any advise is welcome...how to let the mind go...we have a unique connection, I have never had with anybody...it is just that this is the first time I have a SO that cares about my needs and everything in bed...what a change..I'm always giving, not receiving...

Any thoughts?


You know I'm far from an expert at this but you say you have a long distance relationship.I also have one and my SO and I are 20 years apart.I find that since we only see each other every couple of weeks you know in your mind that sex is going to be part of the visit its sometimes hard to fully relax.I know I sometimes worry cause of the age difference if I will perform up to standards so to speak.When you see an SO several times a week or can visit at any time you tend to have sex when you feel like sex.When you know that you will be with this person on a certian day and you will have sex on that day it sometimes is hard to relax at least that happens to us.Theres times when we have earth shaking sex then theres times when it seems like we just go thru the motions.Amonth ago we stayed in bed the whole day that we were together and at the end of our visit while we were both physically wore out and it was ok.This past weekend we got to spend less than two hours together and it was the greatest room spinning sex we could have had.I think when you know a week ahead of time that on a certian day at a certian time you will do it plays into how much you enjoy it and therefore maybe you let go easier.Thats just my opinion

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Licker, that is true and good advise. I actually am learning to relax more and enjoy the moment...It is so amazing to have sex and give and receive...and love..pretty exciting.

I have followed the advices and I'm doing much better...enjoying more.

I have a question, what is the difference between orgasm and coming? I always thought it was the same...could you enlighten me?

Thank you,


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Thank you Howard.. now you are making me wonder if I have ever had an orgasm. If I feel that i'm loosing complete control, that my muscles tensed and I get goosebumps all over, is that an orgasm? I'm learning to be more relaxed and enjoy..I would love to learn to have an orgasm...or maybe I have had them..I love the feeling when I cum...but is that it?

The reason I ask is because my SO told me that he just didn't cum he had an orgasm.. and I didn't know there was a difference...I loved to see his face...so amazing ..

I will go and read..thanks for any more insight...


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