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Less Feeling During Sex After Childbirth


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This is a different question than I have seen on any other board. I think I have less sensitivity and feeling since I had my son 8 years ago. OK OK, first I know you are going to ask...if it has been 8 years why ask now. Well after I had my son I was single for 6 years. Two years ago I got into a relationship and it seems that I just don't feel it the way I use to. I mean I don't want to sound rude, but he is a bit smaller than my former partner, but I don't think it is just that. Before I was highly sensitive, but now it is just kinda like blah. I mean he tries really hard to turn me on, but things that usually turn women on I really have no response to. Yes oral stimulation of my clit after a bit sets me off, but literally my vagina and inside are less sensitive. I use to feel it when a man came inside of me now...nothing. My current man even tries to stimulate me anally, and to me it does nothing, I mean literally, I really don't feel much. I use to feel everything, but now it seems like it is dulled. ;) I guess I would compare it to how a man says using a condom lessens the sensations. I would like to know if anyone else has had this problem or if it just me. :(

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Although this has not happened to me, I have heard of this happening. I would contact your GYN and talk with him/her about it. You may have low hormones, or too high testosterone in your system, or maybe some scarring from your birthing. I'm not sure, since I am not a medical professional.

Contact your GYN, set up an appointment, and be totally honest with your doctor. They're there to help you.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Newbie

I think this question is along the same path.

My wife just had our first child (C-section) 6 weeks ago and we were intimate for the first time a couple days ago. One of my favorite things is going down on her and when I did she said that it felt different. Before her clit was VERY sensitve and had to watch how much pressure I used with my tongue, but the other night she said it felt different, that she could not feel my tongue on her clit like she did before.

Do hormones cause the clit to become desensatized? Or is this cause she is still recovering and the swelling has not gone away?


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  • Newbie

Thanks Howard!

The doctor did check her out and there wasn't any infection, he gave the "go ahead" for sex.

I never thought about the pain killers and you're probably right about the rusty part.

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