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Hello From Pittsburgh


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Hi everyone, after reading a few of Mikayla's articles and snooping around the forums a few days ago..I felt enticed to join and talk to you wonderful people. I'm a 20 year old male from Pittsburgh. I have a wonderful girl friend that i live with and been with for a little over a year now. She is amazing and nothing makes me happier then pleasing her. I love trying new things with her which is the big reason why i'm here because I always like reading about what other women enjoy so I can try new things on my woman :D .

By the way Mikayla...I love your articles and reading about some of your experiences. Thank you for them!

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Hey Smokin' always good to see that you did some lurking about first. Glad you found it a worthwhile place to join. As you have already seen Mikayla is a very knowledgeable young lady in many areas here. I know a lot can be gleaned from her and Tyger also. Although I must say that the ladies here are getting very vocal in the last week or so and that is even better. It is always to our adcantage to have more than just one or two opinions to help things out. I hope you enjoy the time you spend here! Welcome to the Board!!!

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Welcome to the board! Glad you stopped lurking and decided to post! I am sure you will find TooTImid a great place for information!

Thanks for the compliments *blush* I do try my hardest....


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Hey Smokin' always good to see that you did some lurking about first. Glad you found it a worthwhile place to join. As you have already seen Mikayla is a very knowledgeable young lady in many areas here. I know a lot can be gleaned from her and Tyger also. Although I must say that the ladies here are getting very vocal in the last week or so and that is even better. It is always to our adcantage to have more than just one or two opinions to help things out. I hope you enjoy the time you spend here! Welcome to the Board!!!
Hey, thanks! Good to hear, that's the wonderful thing about the internet...lots of girls not afraid to say what pleases them ;)
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Welcome to the board! Glad you stopped lurking and decided to post! I am sure you will find TooTImid a great place for information!

Thanks for the compliments *blush* I do try my hardest....


Hey, surprised you replied to my post. Thanks for all your information and knowledge..nice to see a woman who knows what she likes and wants. Wow, you got 200+ toys?? Where do you find the time, haha...seen you're from chicago too...I use to live in downers grove myself.
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Just a point for clarification, and discussion, It is MORE important that " girls " are not afraid to say what " Pleasures " them. There is a difference, NO?


I agree but I have a girl friend and most of my friends that are girls aren't going to talk this openly about what they enjoy with me knowing that i have a girl..it's a little different when you're single. Plus, my girl gets jealous easily <_<
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Smoking: You have missed my point entirely. I KNOW that girls are reluctant to talk to each other about pleasuring. And, they certainly would be shy about talking to you about the subject.

My point was that this forum exists so that both men and women can talk openly about pleasure, because they are anonymous. Somewhere later in life, when you have the self confidence that successful experiences give to you, maybe then you can talk openly to girls directly about pleasuring, and they will respond by talking to you about that subject without embarrassment. Mikayla has shared with us the fact that she has a small group of girlffiends that has grown over the years, who ask her everthing about sex, and she answers everything, including masturbation, with and without toys, foreplay, manual, oral, anal, and Sexual intercourse, how she likes to be pleasured by her husband, etc.

There are small groups of people who do share this kind of intimate information across this country, but by and large, the vast majority of Americans are too shy and too uncomfortable to talk about what pleasures them. In may cases, they haven't a clue. That is one of the great things people find here- valuable detailed information on how to engaged in various sex acts, to receive and give pleasure.


Lol, oh.. well you obviously have me very confused then because i'm very confident about myself and sex in general. For some reason you think I have a problem talking to women about sex in real life..I think i'm where i'm at today sexually because i've always been open to communication with females and have been caring. My gf talks about sex a lot with her friends but it's a different story if I talk to a girl about sex. I've been with 16 other women before my gf mostly because i've never had a relationship besides her..and she has a huge problem with this which is understandable so i try my best to make her feel special..
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