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Recurring Uti's...


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Ever since becoming sexually active with my girlfriend we seem to have a problem... At the end of every month (when it is time for her period) she develops an infection down there. The first time we passed it off as something that happens, the second time I thought it might be me, so I payed extra extra attention to be super clean with my hands/penis when engaging in sexual activity... all to no avail. Now this is the third month and the third time this has happened and it has us really confused. Each visit to her gynecologist told her it was an infection, he gave some pills/cream antibiotics and it went away in a few days. I got tested for a UTI also about two months ago in case I had something, but the results were negative. The only possible thing I can think of is that sometimes when we are together i finish inside and she doesn't always go pee right away, but might sleep the night (but that only happened once or twice this month). Can someone suggest what this might be, or what we might do to prevent this? It sucks that every month she has to go through this.. Thanks for reading

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I would definitely have the GYN check her out. 3 in a row means there's an issue. The medication she's on may not be strong enough to take care of the infection she has, she's skipping doses, not taking the prescribed dosage, or the Rx simply doesn't work for her body's chemistry. I've had severe bladder infections all of my life, so, I know what she's going thru, and it's unpleasant to say the least!!

Did you take her to the ER, or to a regular GYN? If it was just to the ER, and they are lax in updating records with patients (which many of them are), then she needs to go to her regular (or set up to HAVE) GYN. After the second time, if she's going to her GYN, the doctor really should've seen that there's a pattern, and run tests and/or prescribed a different Rx for her.

Yes, not cleaning up afterwards CAN cause UTI's. But, I'm not sure about 3 mos in a row! Allergic reactions? Maybe. It's really up to her dr. to find out the causes of these UTI's and try to get her more balanced.

Again, we're not medical professionals here, but if it were me, I'd go to another GYN and get a second opinion. Remember, the doctors actually are working for YOU, not the other way around. If you don't like/trust your doctor, there's NOTHING preventing you from finding one that really does listen to YOU.

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This may sound odd but cut her off the soda pop and other carbonated beverages. My daughter had a problem with this at about 12 yo. The doctor told us to take her off of all carbonated beverages and she has had no problem with it unless her mother let her have a soda. We always kept juice, milk and kool-aid around for her because of this stuff.

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Pappy, no that actually doesn't sound wierd. I get sistitus, which is basically a severe form of bladder infections. All of my DRs tell me to not drink coffee, dark colas, alcohol, and to drink plenty of water and cranberry juices (can be a mix of cranberry and other juice). Darker drinks are harder for the body to digest since they're not as natural as juice & water. Also, yogurt has active cultures in it to promote a healthy bladder as well. So you are absolutely correct. Now, I do treat myself to some sodas every once in a while, but then I dilute it with lots of water later on, and juice too. This works for me, but I guess it depends on the person.

I also have issues with the water here where I live. As odd as it sounds, even though the water company "claims" to "go above and beyond Texas Water Regulations", I have a hard time believing it when there are several Boil Water Notices, and you can smell when they treat the water with bleach. I've had more issues since moving where I am (and no, I don't drink the water), then I have all my life!! <_<

Keeping clean, eatting healthy, and also wearing breathable clothing, such as cotton, is all key in remaining as UTI free as possible. True, it may not be sexy to wear cotton panties and looser fitting pants, but that doesn't mean that you can't dress sexy every once in a while in something slinky (and even pantyless!! :P ).

If this girl is having issues always after sex, and has never had a history of it, either something is being done wrong, allergies, or like I said before, she may not have the right Rx or following the dosage correctly. She should talk all of this over with her doctor for sure!!

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In regards to carbonated beverages, we don't really keep them in the house, and the main thing we drink is bottled water and tea, but since this is occurring only recently, I don't think think it has to do with beverages.. I have been reading up on cranberry juice though, and would having a glass a day (or every few days) help her body fight an infection, or what leads to an infection? And yes, spit is one of our sources of lube (also KY jelly), but we both brush our teeth twice a day (5 nights out of 7 on average, the rest in the morning), so I have a hard time believing that's the reason

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And yes, spit is one of our sources of lube (also KY jelly), but we both brush our teeth twice a day (5 nights out of 7 on average, the rest in the morning), so I have a hard time believing that's the reason

I mentioned this thread to Lovegoddess last night, I don't think she'll be able to log on and explain today (we're having 20+ people over later). It has nothing to do with the oral hygiene, she has explained it to me :huh: it goes right over my head. Bottom line switch to using just lube the Too Timid lube works great also Astro Glide.

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There is a ton of great advice here. You say that she only develops this infection toward the end of the month when it is time for her period. IF you are having sex throughout the month and she only gets the infection when it is time for her period than the cause is likely NOT you. Is this a UTI or a Yeast Infection? There is a condition, I can't recall the name, where a woman's cycle brings on a yeast infection. Also, during the woman's cycle, many woman retain a lot more water when they ovulate and then get their period. Extra water in the bladder can be signaling the infection that is not yet been treated thoroughly.

I highly suggest she go to her OBGYN and talk specifically about this issue. She will eventually become immune to the RX, and that won't be good for anyone. In the meantime, I would suggest she drink a daily glass of cranberry juice, make SURE she pees after you cum in her (and before sex as well) and that she washes herself a bit before going to bed. I know, not so romantic to run and get to the bathroom, but women with these issues should take more care in the matter.

Also, use lube - although the spit thing is probably not causing any damage. Lubrication is just better.

One more question, you never have anal sex and then vaginal sex after do you? This can cause any woman a nasty infection.

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Thanks for all the great input/advice. She just got back from her GYN and he told her that she has a serious infection that has spread pretty deep in her vagina... she has to take antibiotics now for awhile.. i was wondering if it might be me. It sounds funny, but when I was born I received a circumcision that was partially botched. Everything is intact but a little bit of foreskin was left. now, at the end of the day there is always a few pieces of lint (from boxers, towels, pants, etc.) that end up getting stuck there, on the foreskin, and it is a pain to clean, but I have gotten used to it. Even right after a shower there is usually a piece or two (its like a lint magnet!:)). I am sure in the heat of the moment I must have forgotten a few times to clean it, so could this possibly be a cause for her infection? Getting a little lint trapped inside her vagina might be what the problem is, but I wonder if anyone here has any experience with this, or is of th medical profession that they could shed some light. I am going to see a doctor and to get his opinion, but I figured I'd ask here!

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I would definitely recommend to go to the doctor and see what they recommend. I would also recommend that you MAKE SURE that you're clean each and every time you have sex, especially with her history of infections now. It may not be as spontaneous, but it's definitely more healthy. You may want to see if your doctor can remove the rest of the foreskin that is trapping all that lint and stuff. Good luck!

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