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Sexy Holiday Attire


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So, what did you wear that made you feel sexy this holiday?

Today, I have my slutty red nail polish on, and am going comando. I'm all about the comfort though, yoga pants and a t-shirt right now.

I did dye my hair a auburn brown, which has more red in it than I thought it would, but I like it, and have been told I look "hot" in it. DH doesn't care for it though. <_<:rolleyes: LOL I needed a change!

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Hey Tyger. I think in this case it's more about what makes YOU feel sexy. Not our partners. As you have stated in another area, (sorry I feel like I'm stealing from you here), when you feel sexy it comes from within and just exudes confidence!!!!

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Plagiarist!!! LOL :lol:

Will you still love me on days that end in Y? I know you already love me on the rest! LOL!!!

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I wore a t shirt and my wifes pink sweat pants, was mighty comfortable and I thought about wearing it to my in laws house. My parents thought it was sort of odd when They came over for breakfest but I have to admit it felt down right sexy


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I am all about comfort and wore my new flannel pjs with scotty dogs, but beneath was the surprise part. No one would have ever known I had a sexy red bra and matching underwear on. Not only was I comfortable, I felt sexy :)

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Last night I wore a long, black skirt with a slit up the side, my knee high boots and a red, low cut "baby doll" top. Today I went for the comfort - yoga pants and a baggy shirt.

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