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My fiance has started a new drug (isotretinoin) that really makes her rather dry, well, everywhere; skin, sinuses, vagina, you get the point . This is a normal side effect of the drug, and she'll be off of it in a few months, so no worries there. In addition to being dry, her mucus membranes are all more sensitive and likely to become irritated, so we have to use lube like crazy just for vaginal sex, nearly as much as we'd use for anal sex, or else she's paying the price the next day or two. Normally this isn't too big of a problem, but occasionally those moments pop up when you aren't at home with a bottle of lube around, so we're looking for portable packets of lube. Carrying a bottle of lube is a bit dangerous, they have a habit of leaking at inopportune times. There's the samples at the sex shops locally, but they're all just flavored gels and don't lube well and are fairly expensive. We really need a quality lube in little one time use packets, preferably in bulk (I'd love to have a lube that won't leak all over my tire patch kit to use when something starts to rub the wrong way on my long cycle journeys) . Silicone based lubes with moisturizers work best for her (we're currently loving Gun Oil) and feels nearly like normal sex. Astroglide works as well, but with any of the waterbased lubes, we end up having to use so much of it that sex feels unnatural, so we're trying to stay away from water based lubes. She hates KY jelly, and warming lubes are uncomfortable for me, so those two are out, and that's all Amazon.com carries in packets. TooTimid.com doesn't carry any packets. Does anybody else have a similar dilemma they've found a way around?

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I don't know of any "packs" to use. But have you heard of Wet lube? It comes in a small tube (and a bigger tube which I have) that could fit in your car (I would still put it in a little plastic bag just to be safe). The reason I suggest this lube is because, even though it's a waterbased lube, you don't have to use that much. I mean, when I use it, I barely use any at all!! It's very smooth and works nicely.

I got mine at my local adult store, maybe they carry it where you are.

Hope you find what your looking for!


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I've tried making my own before... the packs which have leaked into my spare kit consisted of a mini-ziplock and a not so mini ziplock around it... granted, cycling in 105+ degree heat with the sun pounding down non-stop is the ultimate stress test for anything, but I'm looking for something I can keep in the pocket of a blazer and not have to worry too much. `I know the value of double bagging, but I'm also a bit worried about extra space taken and the crinkling sound that may come if I move around too much.

I don't know of any "packs" to use. But have you heard of Wet lube? It comes in a small tube (and a bigger tube which I have) that could fit in your car (I would still put it in a little plastic bag just to be safe). The reason I suggest this lube is because, even though it's a waterbased lube, you don't have to use that much. I mean, when I use it, I barely use any at all!! It's very smooth and works nicely.

I got mine at my local adult store, maybe they carry it where you are.

Hope you find what your looking for!


I'll look for that and we'll give it a try if I can find it. Keeping it in the car could prove to be a tad inconvenient. Maybe if the packaging it decent I can trust it to sit in a pocket (I have a mini bullet for each blazer I have that I keep in the mini-pocket inside, just as a show of my preparedness). The reusable factor doesn't appeal to me too much though.

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I've tried making my own before... the packs which have leaked into my spare kit consisted of a mini-ziplock and a not so mini ziplock around it... granted, cycling in 105+ degree heat with the sun pounding down non-stop is the ultimate stress test for anything, but I'm looking for something I can keep in the pocket of a blazer and not have to worry too much. `I know the value of double bagging, but I'm also a bit worried about extra space taken and the crinkling sound that may come if I move around too much.

I don't know of any "packs" to use. But have you heard of Wet lube? It comes in a small tube (and a bigger tube which I have) that could fit in your car (I would still put it in a little plastic bag just to be safe). The reason I suggest this lube is because, even though it's a waterbased lube, you don't have to use that much. I mean, when I use it, I barely use any at all!! It's very smooth and works nicely.

I got mine at my local adult store, maybe they carry it where you are.

Hope you find what your looking for!


I'll look for that and we'll give it a try if I can find it. Keeping it in the car could prove to be a tad inconvenient. Maybe if the packaging it decent I can trust it to sit in a pocket (I have a mini bullet for each blazer I have that I keep in the mini-pocket inside, like I said, you never know when the moment may strike). The reusable factor doesn't appeal to me too much though.

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There are serving size containers that you can buy and put your lube into. Mon Image is one such maker of these sorts of items and can probably be found at a local pharmacy. Just go to the travel section of your local store and find something that fits your pocket or your need and transfer the lube from your normal bigger bottle.


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What about something like these??



http://www.containerandpackaging.com/item.asp?item=B454 (the lid is sold separately, look at the right side)

I travel a lot for my job and don't always need/want the hassle of checking a bag - I always look for small things like these for my toiletries (ok, bigger than 1/4 oz, but I just wanted to show that they do MAKE the travel containers that small). I have never ordered from that second site, due to the fact that they charge you $10 extra if you don't have a $50 order.... but there are lots more sites out on google that carry these types of things!!

I'm finding all sorts of links now... I'm just going to add a few more:

(these are 1/2 oz but cheap) http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/fin58b.html

(here's the hinged ones again - not sure about how much they'd leak though) http://www.sks-bottle.com/340c/fin69c.html

One more (try googling travel cosmetic containers), both .25 and .5 oz screw top lids here: http://www.maccosmetics.com/templates/prod...D=CATEGORY30184

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I've tried making my own before... the packs which have leaked into my spare kit consisted of a mini-ziplock and a not so mini ziplock around it... granted, cycling in 105+ degree heat with the sun pounding down non-stop is the ultimate stress test for anything, but I'm looking for something I can keep in the pocket of a blazer and not have to worry too much. `I know the value of double bagging, but I'm also a bit worried about extra space taken and the crinkling sound that may come if I move around too much.

I'll look for that and we'll give it a try if I can find it. Keeping it in the car could prove to be a tad inconvenient. Maybe if the packaging it decent I can trust it to sit in a pocket (I have a mini bullet for each blazer I have that I keep in the mini-pocket inside, just as a show of my preparedness). The reusable factor doesn't appeal to me too much though.

This product will easily fit into your pocket, no worries either! The medium sized or small sized would easily fit into your pocket. Now if you got the huge one, no lol....it would even fit into a back pack.

Have you tried Astroglide? I can't remember if it's Silicone based or Water based but it's nice. I didn't think it was that sticky when I tried it. It's been a little bit since I used it (I can't get over Wet lube personally) but I think it was pretty good. Thing is: will it last long and will you need a lot of it? I know they sell them in little bottles but you may need more than that.

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