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R U A Sex Goddess? Quiz


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Are you a Sex Goddess?

My Results:

The Sex Goddess

You're the valedictorian of Sex School! You need a few crucial characteristics to be good in bed, and you get an A+ in every area. You're knowledgeable and you have a good understanding of how your body works. Plus, your communication skills are excellent: You have no qualms about telling your partner what you need and want. Most importantly though, you have the right attitude. You're able to let go of inhibitions, you're open to new ideas, you're non-judgmental and you're not too hung up on what you look like. You'll try most things once, you're playful, you take responsibility for your own pleasure and you make a lot of effort to keep your sex life healthy and active. You also accept that things do go wrong and laugh off any embarrassments; after all, people aren't machines. My only advice to you is… keep up the good work!

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Yes, according to this quiz (with some answers that were really kinda funny) I am indeed, a Sex Goddess!

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I am a sex goodness, and I have to agree with Mikayla some of the questions were very funny.

The Sex Goddess

You're the valedictorian of Sex School! You need a few crucial characteristics to be good in bed, and you get an A+ in every area. You're knowledgeable and you have a good understanding of how your body works. Plus, your communication skills are excellent: You have no qualms about telling your partner what you need and want. Most importantly though, you have the right attitude. You're able to let go of inhibitions, you're open to new ideas, you're non-judgmental and you're not too hung up on what you look like. You'll try most things once, you're playful, you take responsibility for your own pleasure and you make a lot of effort to keep your sex life healthy and active. You also accept that things do go wrong and laugh off any embarrassments; after all, people aren't machines. My only advice to you is? keep up the good work!

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The Sex Goddess

Yes! The one about not being in the mood threw me a bit 'cause there are times I'm not into it at first but hubby wants to, and once he starts kissing and touching me I forget that I didn't want to. Also the last question was dumb, because I've only ever been with hubby and only after we were married, so I don't have any exes. Even if I did, I wouldn't have slept with them.

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Sex Goddess, me too... maybe it's just a heightened self awareness that filters through into the conscious bedroom (or other places) behavior that creates the enlightened goddess image?

~the laundry goddess

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