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I've been working some things in therapy and one thing that my T said I totally disagree with b/c I have experienced it first hand, and what she says has me confused. So I thought I would come here to get expert knowledge and input and ummm clarification.

First a little background so you get the whole picture. UGH.. big breath... last year I was assaulted in a pretty sadistic and horrific way by someone who I trusted to never hurt me as he proved it many many times before. My T asked me how many times he ejaculated during the whole ordeal. I guess my answer was too unbelievable to her b/c she went on to say that's physically impossible. Men can't ejaculate that many times in one ummm "session". My first thought was, well then you've had some shitty sex in your life because I've encountered 4+ times during previous encounters. Of course I didnt say that but ya. During that nightmare he entered me with cocaine on his penis. I told her about that b/c it's a major issue for me how my head/body could be thinking/feeling that intense insane omfgggggggggggggggg wow more more more continuous MONSTER orgasms feeling while he was hurting me. OK so won't get into that whole thing.

My question is: Men can cum more then say 4 times in one "session"... right? I'm not crazy right?? It did happen, can happen, does happen. It's physically possible right?? Why would she be so insistant that it's not possible? Does she not believe me? Or is it that she has no experience with that?

Perhaps the bigger question is.... was it the coke that made him go off so many times?

I would really like some feedback on this. If anyone has experience with the coke thing, as I have zero experience with that drug, could that be the reason for him going off so many times? Any input on that part of it would really help me out, b/c i just can't wrap my head around what my mind and body were thining/doing while he was umm hurting me.

thank you.

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I think you're very brave for coming here with a situation like this. It isn't every person who could share an ordeal like that. It shows true strength.

So far as your question goes, I suppose it would depend on how long your session was. I have had times, though they are few and far between, when I can cum and keep going and then cum again. Usually, though like most men I require a refractory period. Give most healthy guys 10-15 minutes and they're ready to go again. So it is possible, and with a drug in his system who knows what is happening in his body?

As far as the rest goes, I have no experience either and will leave it to others to comment.


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I think it would probably be possible - coke is an upper so it would stimulate him and may help his libido but I've never had first-hand experience. I do know that guy is a major ...I don't even have words for it... and I hope you made him regret what he did.

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I tried looking this up, but I couldn't find any relevent studies on the matter. The most I personally have ever heard of a guy being able to ejaculate during a single session is about 4... he can still continue having dry orgasms after that, but typically after 4 ejaculations he's starting to run dry. I'm sure there's a good degree of variation there. After some recovery time he can produce more ejaculatory fluid as well.

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Hi Bendme...

I am sorry for your ordeal, but from personal experience I can confirm that a man can ejaculate 4 or more times during a session, especially if he is also snorting the coke and / or on other drugs. I also assume that your session was extended, we are talking hours, not minutes here, correct?

I had an ex who did coke and he always could go for more. He sometimes had what I termed 'half ejaculations' where it was almost like a lot of pre-cum, and then he would keep on going.

Plus, when adrenaline kicks in our bodies operate much differently. Since this assault was clearly enjoyable for him, the power he had over you might have just been what he needed to keep on going.

If I were you, I would tell your T to shove off. T are there to help and guide you, not to tell you what DID or DID NOT happen.

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A therapist should never argue with a victim. that is very unprofessional!! I am

so sorry you had to experience something like this. As a survivor myself I

know how hard it can be to find help, let alone the right kind of help IMO alot

of T and councelors have no clue what they are talking about!! Nothing in books

is the same as having an experience of your own. Listen to IHA he is right and

very good about actually helping poeple!!

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First let me say that hearing this just makes me mad as hell. Just the fact that this happened is a major issue and for your T to say that you are lying is even more fucked up. This is very possible and with dope it is even more likely. Cocaine on the penis is used to numb the sensation for the guy. Look it up it has been used mostly in the 60s to make a man last longer. These people are the ones who leave certain impressions of the rest of the world. Many would equate these actions to all men or even all Ts. I do hope you find someone who can help you through your situation.

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Thank you all for your replies. This was a very hard topic for me to post about. Thank you for helping me to realize that I'm not crazy. For a while I thought that maybe my T was right that it didn't happen the way I remember it. A lot of stuff happened during the hours and hours he held me captive. I just can't understand why my T would insist that it's not possible. I've gone through a number of T's and this one is the only one in the area trained in traumatic sexual assaults... so now I'm not really sure what to do. I'm not really sure what else to say here... thank you for reading and thank you for the hugs.

oh, one thing that struck me as odd is that someone said that coke on the penis is used to numb the sensation for a guy. it's always bothered me why he would enter me with coke on his penis. i've been wracking my brain as to why he would do this. I know the feeling I had, terrible burning and OMFG orgasms that went on and on, but what would he get from doing that if coke is supposed to numb the sensation for him? I don't understand. Why would he do that? I'm just so confused about this. Anyway, thanks again for your replies.

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Hon, rape is about POWER NOT SEX - so for him, to numb the feelings in his penis allowed him to continue his attack on you without having to stop as easily. He used the coke to do things to YOU internally, as well as to give himself the staying power that he needed to attack you.

Did that help?

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The Cocaine on the head of his penis was something that came into popularity in the 60s -70s. It actually numbs the penis so that he can last much longer than he normally would have. It would be something similar to the effects of Chloraseptic spray on your throat.

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