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this is very embarrassing, but I don't know where else to go, I've been reading this forum for a couple of weeks, and it seems like there are some nice normal people here, so here goes,,,

I just found out a few days ago that I have (had) Trichamonious or "Trick" as i guess its called, Im divorced, in my 40s and I have 2 younger men I hook up with, one more than the other, with one, we always use condoms, every single time, always have. The other one, we don't, i have been with him for 3 years, no problems, I know he goes out with his buddies sometimes, I don't ask questions, etc, but he does have condoms in his night stand drawer. I trust him.

It stated as a yeast infection, treated it, it came back, ,,, etc

I saw my doctor and inteed it was Trich

Of course, I was shocked!

Well, so was my friend when i called him, he'd said, nothing like that had ever happened to him, which i believe!

In December I did hook up with an Ex from years past, it was once, and I know i wont see him again, he is livng with a girl, but we didn't use a condom. Afterwards, I did kind of worry about it.

Now I feel really bad, because maybe I got it from him?

The Doc said, it comes from a bacteria that is in the bowel. I don't do anal at all, but sometimes a woman can get it from wiping back to front.

I need some help, i just feel sick about it, , If anyone has ever had this, or is knowledeable about it, i would really appreciate it

thanks so much

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Trick is an STD and men rarely have any symptoms, therefore it is highly unlikely that you will be able to determine which partner passed it on to you. I have never heard of it being due to a GI bacteria. Trick can be present for years if untreated. If you have been diagnosed with Trick you should have received treatement (Flagyl). It would also be a good idea to get tested for all the other STD's - chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepititis B, Hepititis C and HIV (better to be safe then sorry). Don't be too hard on yourself as you would have no way of knowing if your partner had Trick. Ideally your partner would also be treated (to prevent you getting re-infected). Since there is no way for you to determine which partner may have passed Trick to you, it would be best to use condoms each partner to protect yourself and prevent re-infection.

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That being said by Leslieanne, you have to realize that you aren't just sleeping with a partner, you're sleeping with all of thier partners and thier partner's partners as well, so while you may have a profound trust for someone, the STD doesn't really care. Unprotected sex is a major catalyst for passing them and if he's having it unprotected with you and he has other partners, who is to say he's not with them? I agree, get yourself checked out and for your protection and the protection of your partners, you really should be using the proper precautions. I wish you luck and hope you remember that life is the best teacher. Live and learn.


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This taken from the CDC site for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.


One of the least known STDs, this disease is caused by tiny parasites that like to live in dark, moist places (such as the vaginal or rectal areas.) This infection thrives in the vagina or urethral openings (men and women).

While this STD is primarily spread through sexual contact, it can also be spread by using a damp washcloth, towel or bathing suit that has the parasites living on it. These parasites can live outside of the body for many hours. This infection can be inside your body for years with or without symptoms.

Symptoms for women include a greenish-yellow vaginal discharge with foul odor, frequent and painful urination, inflammation of the genitals and pain in the lower abdomen. Symptoms for men are similar colored discharge from the penis, mild to moderate penile discomfort.

This disease can be treated – but you must obtain the proper medicinal treatment. There is a particular anti-parasitic that can be prescribed. Pregnant women must obtain special treatment as the drugs used for this are not safe during pregnancy.

Condoms can be a great preventative for this, but the parasites can still be shared through the above mentioned manners. Remember, parasites thrive in moist, damp and unclean spaces.

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Where I have never had "Trick", that I am aware of (I did have some sort of vaginal bacterial infection when I was younger, that both me and my partner had, so it very well have been that), I DO have genital herpes. So, I know what you are feeling. Let me just say that you should be thankful that what you contracted something easily cured.

STD's are not things that pick and choose people that are gay or promiscuous. This is a common misconception. People that are either in committed relationships, or have very few lovers think that they are safe from STDs, because, well, they won't get anything. Their lovers look healthy. Even though though that may sound silly, even in the back of one's mind, those thoughts lurk, and give us some protective comfort.

But STDs infect at random, so please don't be down on yourself for that at all. I felt lower than low when I first realized that I had herpes. I felt dirty. I beat myself up cuz I got this "nasty" thing in my body that will always be in me now, and I felt undesirable. But, my older sister has it as well, so I had already had a wealth of knowledge about what she had (she told me a lot about it before I got it), and now what I have as well, and I also knew what kind of person my sister is, and what sort of person I am as well, so I was able to get over that part rather quickly. I've done a lot of research on it as well. It's always best to research what is going on with your body, even if it is curable.

It's hard telling who you got it from. Sometimes, symptoms take a long time to show up, sometimes it even takes years (depending on which STD you contract. If you are in contact with your ex, I would call him up, and let him know that you're being treated for an STD, which one, and suggest that he goes and gets tested. If he is smart, he will, and he will tell his live-in too, cuz, more than likely, she will get it too. But it's up to you.

Many states now have some laws on the books that state that if you are AWARE that you have an STD, you are legally obligated and responsible for telling anyone that you are going to have sex with in the future. But, you are under no obligation to tell past lovers. If you've been treated and cured of one, well, that's in the past, and nobody's business. So you don't have to disclose on that (if you're cured).

Condoms are the #1 defense against STDs, but they aren't always a 100% guarantee. I had my past lovers wear condoms, and the guy that I think infected me, well, we had one condom slip off one night. There's always a chance of leakage and breakage as well. Use condoms, wash with fresh, clean washcloths afterwards, be aware of what's going on with your body and just be careful.

Best wishes!

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VERY nice and informative answer Tyger! Thanks for sharing that information and personal information with the board, I am sure many will find it very helpful!!! :lol:

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I know the feeling of having something and not knowing where it came from.

I at one point thought I had a bacterial infection turned out to be pelvic

inflamatory disease. Easily treatable and may or may not be sexually transmitted.

It was scary.But I got treatment and haven't had any issues from it.

Good luck with your treatment.

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Trick is an STD and men rarely have any symptoms, therefore it is highly unlikely that you will be able to determine which partner passed it on to you. I have never heard of it being due to a GI bacteria. Trick can be present for years if untreated. If you have been diagnosed with Trick you should have received treatement (Flagyl). It would also be a good idea to get tested for all the other STD's - chlamydia, gonorrhea, Hepititis B, Hepititis C and HIV (better to be safe then sorry). Don't be too hard on yourself as you would have no way of knowing if your partner had Trick. Ideally your partner would also be treated (to prevent you getting re-infected). Since there is no way for you to determine which partner may have passed Trick to you, it would be best to use condoms each partner to protect yourself and prevent re-infection.

Thank you all so much, you guys are great!

the Doc did give me Flagl and I took it as soon as I went ou to the car, , , unfortunatly my friend is very upset with ME!!!! WTF???

He said he will just get some penicillian or something, his brother is a nurse, he's a stubborn man, so i guess he doesnt want to go to a Doctor.

I don't have any idea where it came from, I have read different things about it NOT coming from a damp wash cloth, towel etc, even though that is a possiblility too, anyway

thank you all so much!

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I hope you don't have sex with your "friend" again then. Just because it may be an STD doesn't mean pennicillin will cure it. Besides, if he takes pennicillin that he hasn't seen a doctor about, he will become more resistant to it and then he will be harder to treat for whatever he may get. But that's on HIM, not YOU, so he can obviously do what he want, and you told him, so don't give it another thought.

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Just to follow up on Tyger's comment - penicillin WILL NOT get rid of trick so it will be of no use for him to take it. Flagyl is the only approved treatment for trick.

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