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Discussing Diseases - Stds


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Hey All....I know there has been some discussion as of late abbout some STDs. I wrote this article about the 10 most common ones according to the CDC. Everyone who is sexually active should read this article! Enjoy and learn:

Discussing Diseases

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I think this is a great article addition to the sex education section. Nicely written. Thanks Mikayla for informing so many and hopefully this creates some awareness.

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I just want to clarify a couple of things, if I may:

First, Herpes is semi-managable. For me, the herpes medications don't really work, they don't really even shorten my outbreaks. But, for some, they may. Condoms are helpful in spreading, but, as in my case, not a big guarantee. Some people are carriers, and never even KNOW that they have it (no symptoms). Herpes hase been known to lay dormant in the body up to 10 yrs, though, it's been known to be dormant, in rare cases, up to 25, before symptoms show up! And this can be passed on thru oral and vaginal/anal sex.

Herpes can also be spread to the eyes, and THAT is what's mostly common when it's diagnosed with infants. So, if you're pregnant, and have herpes, make sure to keep in close contact with your OB, so they will know if they will need to schedule an induction, or c-section.

If you have herpes, and know it, the best prevention is condoms AND knowing how your body is when it comes to pre-outbreak, and post-outbreak. Some people have a tingling sensation before an outbreak, others have a painful twitchting, still others itch right where the sore will appear. These are times where you are likely to spread it to your partner.

Also, if you have herpes, you are suseptible to Shingles, which is also the same "strand" of disease like chicken pox & herpes (yes, the 3 ARE related). Shingles can be an itchy, uncomfortable, dry rash that can appear, usually, in the same area of the body, and can also be passed on, not only thru sexual contact, but regular as well.

Scabies, as mentioned in the article, is NOT an STD. Where it CAN most definitely be passed on sexually, it is actually similar TO "crabs", but not the same. I had Scabies when I was a teenager, and I actually got it from where I worked. I worked at a store, at the ladies dept. and that included fitting room duty. Similar to head lice, it can be transmitted thru touch and contact. Getting rid of the buggers (sorry, couldn't resist) requires a visit to the doctor, which will include a skin scraping to make sure that's what it is you have, to which they will Rx you a lotion that you and your family must use until gone AND treat everything that you've come in contact with INCLUDING PETS!! I had to get my cat bathed in an extreme flea bath (you MUST tell the vet that the household has scabies, so they know WHICH one to use). Pets can't contract it, but they're warm enough for the scabies to survive on them long enough to pass them back and forth. Trust me......

The scabies are majorly itchy, and cause pimple-like sores all over the body, usually more prominant in the fingers, and in between them, but can be all over the body. You cannot see them either. The sores are actually the buggers getting under your skin and nesting. And when they pop, more of the critters are let loose. Make sure to treat everything in your house, especially bedding, clean with bleach, and please don't touch anyone until you have the Rx and you're "safe". Babies are especially suseptible to it.

Just wanted to add my 2 cents in......thanks!!

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That was AT LEAST a dollar's worth Tyger! THanks for the addition! It is great to hear from someone who knows firsthand about these things - and it is always great to have more information - the more you know, the better prepared you are!

THanks!!!! ;)

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I'll just add it to your bill..... ;):P Not sure how I'll collect though... B)

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Wonderful article and thanks for the extra added information Tyger! I printed this and gave it to my teens to read. Although we have an open door policy here and we talk about everything the article had more detailed information on certain things. Wonderful Job to the both of you. :D

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