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Does Being Good In Bed Plays An Important Role In A Relationship?


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Is being good in bed plays a big role in keeping a relationship with a certain person or not???

Some of the guys i have date told me that in some ways they could not deny the fact

that it is very essential that their girlfriends are well-equipped in satisfying them in bed....

I just thought of why is it so important??? <_<

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To answer this I believe that communication is the key in bed. So with that in thought , techinally you are only as good in bed as the communication is. Everyone is different on their likes and dislikes in bed. For exsample, my current husband that I have been with for many years likes when I give him a blowjob to do the "corn cob" trick and loves for me to swallow. My x hated for me to swallow. Sometimes my husband loves for me to just be submissive and lay there and take it type it all honestly depends on the person. I don't think anyone can be bad in bed if there is communication, without learning and communicating with your partner then to per say "BAD in BED" is nobody's fault but the person not communicating to their partner what they like. If there is communication in the bed room and the other person doesn't listen or try to please that wouldnt make them bad in bed just selfish.

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Yes, I definitely think that being good in bed plays an important role in how successful a relationship is. However, 'good' is a term that is different for every person. If you are dating a woman who will give you a good blowjob (for example) and she is the first one who does this to you or who does it well, then you likely will give her some slack if she only likes one position.

Being good in bed takes learning about yourself as well as your partner. Being comfortable with sex, being comfortable with sharing what you like and dislike, and knowing what works FOR you as well as for your partner. Obviously, this can not happen overnight. You have to experiment and learn for your own pleasure, as well as for that of your partner.

Now, there are some people who simply will NOT learn or try. They don't want to know what they can do better or how to please themselves. They do not masturbate or pay attention to their body's clues. This will likely result in these people being BAD in bed. It will spiral into the relationship and basically will demonstrate that they have no interest in pleasure (theirs or their partner's).

So yes, I think it is very important to be good in bed - and I think if you are ever told you are bad in bed, you should first think about communication (as suggested), how you please yourself, and if you have ever asked your partner if he or she is happy sexually.

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If you are really in love with someone, sex should not be the most important thing

in a relationship. While a vital part it isn't everything.

Sex is learned behavior and while some may not be good a giving blowjobs (for

instance) If they are willing to learn because they love thier partner it can make

for a much stronger relationship. communication is key in every aspect of a


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There are some great responses here.

Again, I will point out that you're from a different country, and, from my extremely limited knowledge of Honk Kong, I believe that men there expect a woman to please THEM, and that's all they're really worried about, and are very selfish in some ways, as custom dictates. Please correct me if I am wrong. I'm sure that there are acceptions to this rule however, and that there are men out there that really want to please their woman.

In answer to your question, it really depends on the PERSON whether or not sex is an extremely important aspect of a relationship. And, again, each person has a different opinion as to what makes a good lover. Some people believe that a man that has a 7"+ erection is extremely important to have a good sex life. Or that a woman with big breasts make better lovers. It's really all about skill, practice, and a willingness to please, and teach their lover HOW to please them too. Please and be pleased.

In my opinion, sex is an important part of a relationship, but it shouldn't make or break a relationship. Important, but not the MOST important part. There are happy, loving couples that, for some reason (like in the instance that one person may be paralyzed from the waist down), that can't have sex, and they love each other unconditionally.

Sex IS adult playtime. You will hear that a lot here. And it's true. It's a great way to connect with your lover, as well as a physical release.

No matter where in the world you live, finding a good lover with substance, that you really want and do connect with, takes time, patience, and usually a lot of searching. There are many frogs to kiss, before you can find your Prince. The good thing about the search, is that you learn what you like, don't like, will tolerate, and what you just won't put up with.

Happy searching!

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There are some great responses here.

Again, I will point out that you're from a different country, and, from my extremely limited knowledge of Honk Kong, I believe that men there expect a woman to please THEM, and that's all they're really worried about, and are very selfish in some ways, as custom dictates. Please correct me if I am wrong. I'm sure that there are acceptions to this rule however, and that there are men out there that really want to please their woman.


To miss Tyger,

I have to agree with u that men here are really pariticular with women to satisfy and please them

and our culture values virginity a lot once a gurl was devirginize men (i'm not stereotyping but majority)

would assume or expect that the girl is skillful at bed...

Although our country is starting to embrace liberation there still many of them were conservative...

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  • 15 years later...
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Let me put it this way,  "good sex in a relationship is 10% of that relationship"  " bad sex in a relationship is 90% of that relationship"  Wisdom passed down to me by my grandmother during my adolescent, though I didn't know what a great gift I was given @ the time!  I think all of us have been with someone who wasn't good and that was the last time we had sex. As well as we all have been with someone who didn't think we were good as well and that was the last time we had sex with them!  Which goes to show when it's good we go back for more and when it's not we don't!  Sex is in the head and so is our relationships, that's why good=10% and bad=90% ©

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