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Frequency Of Masturbation


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Maybe this is wierd, but I only masturbate maybe once every couple weeks. That might even be pushing it a little. I only do it if my husband and I havn't had sex in a few days and I'm feeling horny. There are times when I get the urge, but then I think that my orgasm might be better if I just wait for my husband. So then I stay horny for the rest of the day and then my husband is too tired to have sex with me when he gets home, and I'm so tired of being horny that I'm not horny anymore. It's really actually funny when I think about it. Sometimes I also think I have such a great sex life so why would I need to pleasure myself when my hubby can do it twice as good. Or maybe I don't do it cause I'm scared it might feel better when I do it to myself. What do ya'll think? Is it not normal to only masturbate once a month or less? What is normal? Are orgasms better with lots of time in between, or can they be just as good only hours apart? -Just curious :P

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The amount of masturbation per person varies. Some people masturbate a few times a day, other's rarely at all. It all depends on several things:

If you're on any medications, how physically and emotionally tired/awake you are, how hard/easy it is to orgasm, can your SO get you off, self-esteem, how much stress they're under, and....well, I'm sure there are more.

Orgasms can also range in intensity. Some people feel that their 3rd or 4th orgasm is way more intense, others say it's the first one that knocks their sox off. I love having several orgasms in one session. It really on how you're in touch with your body, and how your orgasm feels.

That does make sense that you "get tired of being horny". Being horny can go away, if enough time is given, though most people choose to scratch that itch instead.

Saying that if your hubby pleasures you, why should you need to masturbate? Well darlin', I know that several member's spouses on here (including mine) know how to please each other, and they still masturbate. Why do men masturbate if they're in a fulfilling relationship? Cuz they can. Why do women? Cuz they can. Reasons for masturbating range in reasons, but the ultimate goal is for that orgasm!

Now, if your hubby can't, for some reason, please you, then that needs to be addressed. If he hasn't learned how to please you, and, for this, you need to TEACH HIM TO DO SO, then that rests on you. Great lovers aren't born, they're made. And, what works with one lover, may not work for another one. Usually, self-pleasuring is to get that physical release a great O gives you. You take time to learn how your body feels, reacts, and how good something feels. So, it stands to reason that you can pleasure yourself faster and maybe better than your SO. If so, you can always TEACH him how to touch, lick, caress, and what sort of pressure you prefer.

If he physically has issues, then that too needs to be addressed with your/his doctor.

I hope that helps somewhat.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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The time of the month might be a factor as ell. Right after my period, for about 10 days, I could jump on anything that moves and sometimes masturbate 3X/day. The rest of the month varies. This 10 day period is also the time most women ovulate, so I think it's mother nature's way of helping things along. If you are on the pill or any other hormones you may not see this effect and I am sure it varies woman to woman. I have found a circle effect...the more I masturbate, the more I WANT to because it feels so good...except for those null orgasms as Mikalya1 described in another post. Try increasing the frequency and see if you notice a definite increase in your desire.

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It depends, we have a very active sex life. I love orgasms my husband gives me, but I also love making love to me.

It's my private "in my own world" time, so I usually do it a couple times a week.

I do it with my husband as well, but I love my "me" times and I'm sure he does too.

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  • 11 years later...
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I think everyone is different and even within an individual there are variations as some of the other replies have mentioned. I masturbate at least once a day (and usually more frequently) but my self-induced orgasms aren't better than those with my SO, just different. The intensity and pleasure of a later orgasm does not diminish because I've recently experienced one earlier. I also find that the more I get off the more I want to get off, so for me there's no downside to masturbating if I'm horny and he's not around--and probably a pretty big upside for him.

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  • 3 years later...
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As often as I can day or night!!! Usually at least 3 times a day.☀️

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Daily.  Usually in the shower by 5 AM. Sometimes middle of the night. If I'm seeing someone in person for mutual masturbation, etc., I'll hold off for a few days. If I get a real pic from someone I might use it to get off a couple of times before my morning routine. 

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