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Glass Dildos

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OK All my friends here.....I have to tell you I received one of the three glass dildos that I have recently purchased and tried it out last night and I thought I would give you a report!

First, glass dildos are really pretty - just like in the pictures! I took it out and stared at it as if I was mesmerized by it's pretty colors.

Second, they are big and heavy. The glass (duh) makes them heavier than plastic or latex, so you feel like you have a toy with some substance!

Third, they are soooooo smooth. Rounded edges, even with the twirls on the outside, it was quite smooth indeed.

So, my hb and I decided to freeze it for our first enounter - since you can heat them or cool them, and I like both sensations. I put it in the freezer for a couple of hours and whal-a - a frozen pussy treat!

Ok, so when he used it on me it was OUTSTANDING! First of all, because it is so smooth, the feeling is different when it starts to penetrate you. It is hard, cold, and absolutely fantastic.

Once it gets into your canal your pussy juices start to react to the cold. I became wetter than I already was. Your natural body heat begins to warm up the frozen dildo-sicle that is inside you and your juices are flowing cold down your ass! My hb was amazed at how pretty it was going in and out (yes, he said pretty) and how wet it made me.

Then, when we were done using it and he put his cock in, he got a nice shiver as well from the cold canal left by the frozen dildo!

I would HIGHLY recommend that every woman have one of these gems! There are many out there for different prices. My cheaper one just came, it was $29.95 on sale from $40.00 and it worked just fine. I look forward to the others with the more extravagant carvings and other colors!

If anyone has any questions, please let me know!

For now, I give GLASS dildos a BIG THUMBS UP!

Mikayla :P

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You don't have to freeze it you can also microwave it for a nice, warm feeling. Nothing like having it warmed up and having your whole canal warm for the taking!

However, on the subject of frozen, let me assure you, much like getting a tattoo, once the dildo penetrates you for a second or too, the sensations go almost numb.....it isn't like sticking your tongue on a lamppost in the middle of winter....it is sensational!

Even if you don't like cold, I highly suggest trying it out at least once cold and once hot.......just my suggestions!

Mikayla :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Friends of mine...must tell you, I am hooked, absolutely HOOKED on these glass dildos! I have since gotten my other ones since my review of this one. I bought a special one, with a price tag I am ashamed to mention here, that is curved and twisty, and so pretty. I decided since I froze the first one, I would experiment with no heating or freezing with this one.

Oh man...let me tell you......the curviness of this one was fantastic for hitting all sides of my vagina. It pushed and pulled and stretched just right. Ladies, if you are accustomed to having silicone or rubber dildos inside you, there is nothing quite like the smooth sensation of glass. The glass takes on the heat of your body and conducts it so you feel almost an inner warmth coming from your vagina outward! It is so wonderful.

Plus, when you cum, your vagina clamps down on it and the muscles secure themselves around it so hard that you can't release...it is such a different sensation!

I highly suggest to anyone buying one of these little gems....start with the Ruby or the Wand, both available at TOOTimid, and surely there will be more available here soon!


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Please don't take this the wrong way--but you are one helluva woman! You sound very exciting--your husband is a lucky man.

I need to figure out a way to approach my wife with one of these. We are so busy with jobs/kids that sex is usually the last thing on her mind. Unfortunately, lately I seem to be going through puberty again. It's all I can think about. I would like to turn her on to some new things, but she is very modest (although we seem to have some wild times when we're away from the kids and have some champagne).

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Quiet Guy:

Thank you for the compliment - for that is how I took it indeed!

First, I too have a job, school and a child. I fell deeply into the trap of not having, or rather not making, time for sex - or any other kind of "adult play." In that time frame I found myself getting depressed, having a lower self-esteem, being generally unhappy in what should have been a very happy marriage! I realized that I could be a good Mom, a good student, and a good employee - in fact I could be better at all these things if I paid more attention to my sexual gratifications!

For many people sex starts out first on the list when we are dating. It is done almost every time we see that special person once we start. Then, we get married and the real "life" starts, but the sex usually stays pretty hot and heavy at least for a while. Finally, people have kids, careers get jump started, and soon people put sex on the bottom of the list, and all the other obligations up front! Now, I do not suggest that you should ever blow off your kids soccer game for a quickie in the bathroom - however - I do suggest that instead of watching that TV program at night - you jump into BED! Or, instead of buying another new golf club or another new pair of heels - you buy a new sex toy!

I have found this to be true with myself and my friends equally - If you are nurturing your sex life, letting it grow to it's maturity, experimenting, letting yourself age and your sex life age with new experiences, wants and desires - because let's face it, we will most likely not want the same kind of sex we had with our partner 10 or 20 years prior - if you open yourself up to those experiences, you will become a happier person in general and so will your SO.

Sex is good for you. Sex is good for the heart, lungs, self-esteem, brain. There is nothing wrong with having sex.....we should all do it more.

I suggest to you that you buy a glass dildo - TOO Timid has one here for a good price, The Ruby Slipper, buy it, surprise your wife with it. Tell her you want to experiment with some new things! Reconnencting with your former lover is such a good thing - I am sure she will see that too!

Good Luck!

Mikayla :rolleyes:

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I am looking for a thicker dildo for anal, I love the one I purchased here but i need a thicker one, does anyone else need a dildo to get off??I am a male who cant get off without a thick dildo in me, I like both guys and girls but have a problem here as you can imagine, anyone else have this issue, can you help??

Thanks extralove

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Thank you for the very informative reply. If i do get a toy, it might have to be the glass dildo b/c it doesn't seem to look as raunchy as the latex ones (like i said, i don't have a problem with it, but my wife is pretty modest when it comes to toys). Because we have a little one at home, I will most likely have to save it for a special occasion when we are definitely alone.

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Mikayla i forgot to ask you a technique question.

When you use the glass dildo, do you just push it in or out or do you slowly rotate it as well? I would think the twirls on it would be even more effective if you did that. What do you think?

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Ahhhh, a "technique" question...I love those. To answer, first I put it in the freezer for a good hour. I have tried it warmed in the microwave, room temp, and frozen, I prefer to have it COLD. After it is good and cold, I put it in a bucket of ice to keep it cold until I (we) are ready to use it. My hb and I fool around, do some oral, whatever, then we go to work with the glass one. Usually I will lay back, spread my legs and I won't need much if any lube at this point. He will start to push it in a little at a time, twisting and turning as he goes. The cold is a shock at first, by you get numb quickly. Once he has it all the way in, I usually use a vibe on my clit while he pumps the dildo in and out. He doesn't just slide it straight in and out, but instead varies it with twists turns, depth, etc. I think it is up to every woman to decide what they like personally.

With my caterillar shaped dildo (it is S shaped) it pushes on all sides of my vagina, so if he twists and turns it I will cum almost instantly. It is quite an experience! I highly recommend any glass dildo and try all kinds of temps - hot, cold, room temp!

Good luck, have fun and ask whatever questions you want!


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I like the idea of a cold dildo, I have tried that in the past, the orgasm is so intense. The gel dildo's work well, but the flex is more like a real cock, when they get cold they lose the flex, just a hint, use the ice cold one at first, then switch to the flexable warm one, its unreal to feel, its like a giant cock inside you.


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I love glass dildos!!! Right now I have two and I ordered four more last week. They are the best ever. Smooth, hard, can do anything with them, and super easy to clean. I'm looking forward to trying one of mine cold. I never thought that I would enjoy it cold, but I'll give it a try. I'm thinking about starting a collection of just glass dildos. There are so many different styles, shapes, colors; the possibilities are endless.

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Just as a reminder, I bought the new anal stuffer, wow, it is nice and thick, perfect length, the large bead shape really feels good, I was so happy with it I told my boy it was getting to be competition for him, and he better start getting energized. I was leary that it would be to small but i was wrong, try this toy, it really wows the anal track, and with that extra length it hits the best of spots, also it will stick to the wall or bed headboard with suction, that makes for good play when alone, I love to suck on it, the shaft fills your mouth and the smell for me, is a good one, easy to clean and very safe for the experienced anal lover. try this out 12.50 you cant beat it LOL, well you could.


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Uhhh, how far a drop was that....these suckers are virtually unbreakable! I dropped my second purchase while I was cleaning her and she hit my ceramic floor and not a chip, break or crack! I was AMAZED I tell you....and very grateful, she was EXPENSIVE!

Just get one from here, very reasonably priced!


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  • 2 weeks later...
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I had to jump on this dicussion since I bought my wife her first glass dildo this valentine's day. We have tried several other dildos and vibrators, and she's enjoyed most of them. The glass one though was a favorite right from the start. Took her a second to get it positioned correctly, and then she loved it. I ran a silver buller vibrator on her clit while she worked the dildo. She loved the smooth gliding sensation and felt like her vagina sucked it right in. She said it was one of the best orgasms she's had in awhile.

We didn't heat or cool it for the first time. She's interested in trying it cold, and from posts I've read on here, I think I'm going to throw it in the freezer and surprise her later tonight.

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