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Is it normal to have a burning feeling in your vagina after having sex? I know that Lately, whenever my Fiance' and I have sex, my vagina burns for the next 30 minutes.. at least. I don't think I'm allergic to the lube. We just changed Lubes. I was VERY allergic to the lube that we used before. (KY Lube. Now we use Astroglide when needed.) KY Would make the walls of my Vagina red and would burn so bad, I couldn't sit, walk, or even lay down.. I literally couldn't do anything. I tried hot showers, putting ice inside me.. And nothing worked. (I've been doing the same things to get rid of my previous burning... and Nothing has helped..)

I don't have a doctor to see, and I can't really afford one right now... Tight budget.

Does any one think that there is something wrong with me?

Oh, I don't have any STD's either... So what could the Problem be???

Feedback is appreciated!


Edited by Bride_to_be
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Have you compared the ingredients in the K-Y with the ingredients in the Astroglide? If there is anything that is the same you may be allergic to it. I am sure they must have at least one similiar ingredient. You may have to try sex without lube.

Or, do you burn even when you have sex without lube? If so, it could be possible that you have a yeast infection that has not cleared up and you are aggravating it when you have sex. I haven't necessarily heard of it burning ONLY after sex, but I suppose anything is possible. Do you use condoms? You may have a latex allergy.

Also, how do you know you do not have STD's? Have you been tested? Has your fiance been tested and have you seen the results? I hate to put a damper on your "new hubby to be's past" but I am trying to find a source for this burning, and the only things I can think of are STD related, like Chlamydia, but without any discharge or spotting (you don't have that, do you?) I would doubt it would be that.

So, answer some of my questions and I will try to get back to you with more suggestions.

Good Luck,

Mikayla :rolleyes:

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We've both been tested, and neither of us have an STD. I haven't compared the Ingrediants in the lubes, and we have sex without lube as often as we do with lube. But I will be checking that later on tonight.

I am usually wet all the time, but not like... disgustingly wet. I go through one liner a day most of the time.

I've never had a yeast infection, In my whole entire life, so I know its not that...

I'm still a little lost as to what it could be that is causing the burning.

Please, Dont think that your imposing on me by asking me questions. I am an open book. So Ask Anything, and I'll try my best to answer.

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How about the soap your partner is using? Could you be allergic or sensitive to that? Is is an antibacterial soap? My OB/GYN told me to STOP using a/b soaps because they were helping cause my yeast infections (killing off the good bacteria). I just know my partner and I have different tastes in soaps so he had to stop using it too.

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I still don't know, do you use condoms? Latex allergy?

Perhaps it is a soap or cologne allergy? Does he shave down there...use some shaving cream or scented lotion to masturbate with - I know, personal questions.

Other than that, bladder infections spring to mind, but then it would most likely affect you when you peed - maybe PID - pelvic inflamatory disease? I am reaching here, but going with the symptom.

When you have sex, do you orgasm? If you do, perhaps you are drying out internally and this is causing the rubbing. How long do you have intercourse?

Let me get those answers and will we see where we are with that.

Mikayla :lol:

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No, The soap he uses i've never had problems with. He doesn't shave, and he doesn't use lotion to masterbate.

I do orgasm, but sometimes, I don't Cum. (Thats when we use the lube) I compared ingredients, and they weren't all the same. One is made with Sylicone, the other isnt.

I Hate Condems with a passion, so we don't ever use them. Plus they irritate my skin, (I believe that I have an allergy to those too.) I've never taken the pill of any kind. (Birthconrtol.) And We usually have sex for about 20 minutes or more.

I didn't really think I'd be drying out internally, because I am wet all day when I work, (Like vaginal discharge..) I tried to search my symptoms online, and the top answers that I get say that I have an STD. Yet I've been tested (And so has he.) And both of our test came out negative. I think Bladder infection is stretching it.... I don't have trouble at all peeing.

Could it be his sperm that is causing it to burn? (He cums inside me almost everytime we have intercourse.)

I still don't know, do you use condoms? Latex allergy?

Perhaps it is a soap or cologne allergy? Does he shave down there...use some shaving cream or scented lotion to masturbate with - I know, personal questions.

Other than that, bladder infections spring to mind, but then it would most likely affect you when you peed - maybe PID - pelvic inflamatory disease? I am reaching here, but going with the symptom.

When you have sex, do you orgasm? If you do, perhaps you are drying out internally and this is causing the rubbing. How long do you have intercourse?

Let me get those answers and will we see where we are with that.

Mikayla :lol:

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UH, if you don't use condoms, and you don't use the pill....what kind of birthcontrol do you use if he is cumming in you? Spermicide/ You could be allergic to that certainly. You also could have a silicone allergy, but you said you have the reaction even when you don't use the lube, right?

You do realize you can get pregnant this way, even if you are timing it against your ovulation cycle, you can still get pregnant! You should ALWAYS use protection, unless you are intending to get pregnant!

Bride to Be - I know you don't want to hear this but it is really sounding like you either have a yeast infection (having to wear a slim pad a day for discharge is not really the norm) or an STD. I know you have been tested, but some of these can hide in remission for a while. I am really suggesting you bite the bullet here and go to see a DR. Even if you go to an urgent care center, they can bill you, and you can pay what you can, when you can! Have the fiance help to pay. If you do have an infection of some kind, or an STD, and you do not get it taken care of, you could end up sterile, or worse, you could end up septic if the infection gets to other organs (worse case scenrio of course!)

Another thought, how old are you? Ovarian cancer CAN present with a constant discharge with no other symptoms.

My point here is this: I am not a doctor. I can only look up your symptoms and suggest things to you. If it were me, my daughter, or my close friend, I would usher them quickly to the nearest Gyne. That is what I want you to do. There are too many possibilities, from simple to complex.

Please go and get it checked out. Continual burning after sex is not normal. I have too researched this and time and time again, besides latex allergy, the only thing I come up with is yeast infection and STD.

PLEASE go see a doctor - your health is the most important thing, especially over any money you may owe. Also, I don't mean to preach, but your finance is participating in the sex act, so he should participate in the "paying" for the finding out what is causing your ills!

Good luck!

Mikayla :unsure:

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I agree with Mikayla 100% on this. The more I read your posts the more I worried that you had some sort of infection.

The usual suspects of vaginal irritation are the ones that have been mentioned: soap or perfume allergies, allergic reactions to lubrication or condom materials (especially latex), yeast or urinary tract infection, and even a STD.

I realize that you and your partner have been tested for STDs before, but that doesn't rule you out completely. If you were tested very soon after having contracted a STD it might not have shown up on your test; some STDs can lay dormant for up to 6 months before showing signs (HIV for example).

It might be tight, financially, for you to see a doctor right now, but it is your health--something you shouldn't screw around with. An undiagnosed infection or irritation can sometimes lead to larger problems down the road and your reproductive system is not something you want to play games with. There are often medical clinics that offer services to people without insurance for a flat fee (I know--back when I was a student without health insurance these guys were my saving grace!) Or, if you do see a doctor, and ask ahead of time, they will often set up a payment plan for your bill. And if I remember correctly--emergency rooms can not turn people away regardless of their ability to pay.


I hope this helps. Let us know how it all turns out!

Good luck.


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