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I just read Mikalya's article on STDs and I read thorugh the Gential Worts section and there were a few things that I noticed were missing I just want to put up a disclaimer saying that not much is truly known about HPV so there may be no right or wrong.

First I want to state that every year 6 million Americans (most of whom are female simply because there is no test for men) are diagnosed with HPV. Ther are over 130 strains all together of HPV, yes it does cause the worts on your hand, not a frog. There are over 40 sexually transmitted strains of HPV. Not all of them cause worts, and not all of them cause cancer. However, as of today it is understood that HPV(worts) strain cannot cause cancer, and cancer strains cannot cause worts.

When I found out that I had HPV, I had no worts just an angry PAP. Ladies, when you get your annual, ask for the liquid pap and an HPV test. Most doctors won't do a HPV test unless your test results come back abnormal and even then it's about a 50/50 shot. One doctor told me to wait 6 months, the other office did it routinely. Even if you do get the test, the most they can tell you is what "class" of HPV you have; worts or cancer.

The HPV vaccine only prevents the 4 most agressive strains. So just because you are getting the vaccine, does not mean you are immune, keep getting those paps.

HPV is spread by skin to skin contact, so using a condom is great and reduces the amount of skin contact but does not prevent the spread. My doctor who so casually told me that I have HPV, also told me not to worry about telling my future partners. Part of this is because my body may eventually fight it off on it's own (I may be HPV free right now, yay! or not.) But also because odds are they might already have it. Personally? I tell 'em. I make it a point to have everything out in the open. That and it's allows my partner to make the decision for themselves. I luckly have the simply annoying class of HPV it's gonna make my PAP screwy but it probably ( note not definitely won't) won't cause cancer.

Very little is actually known about HPV and they don't seem to be in a huge hurry to figure it out. This is definitely something that I feel everyone should know about. I had no idea what it was when I found out I had it and I thought my life was over, this is not the case. I recommend that anyone who is having sex or wants to have sex do a little digging. I know that almost all of the other STDs were covered in health class but this one they skimmed.

In the end the best thing you can do is know what's out there and that's about all you can do sometimes. My doctor told me that the only sure way to prevent spreading HPV is to buy a chastity belt. I hate her.



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Very good article..... I think the general public thinks once you get the shot your home free, so good for you for getting more info out there!

Every female should get the shot, it can only help. I had my two girls vaccinated as soon as it became available to there pediatrician.

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Thanks for the additions and information. The more you know, the better prepared you can be....

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You might consider posting this in the article section also!

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Just copy and paste it in the article submission topic!

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Where there are so many strains, it is very difficult to cover all the bases. For those of us with specific STDs, it's usually something that we want to inform people about in depth. So, where Mikayla's article is an over-all coverage, of course, she couldn't get into the specifics of every single STD out there. ;)

HPV & genital herpes is similar in many different ways. Sometimes unseen, sores/warts, can be passed on without any symptoms, and seem to disappate after a time (though with herpes, it just doesn't flare up as much over time), and you should be SURE to get PAPs done, to make sure cancer hasn't developed. Many people go thru the run of HPV, and after about 10 yrs or so, the virus seems to die off, with no other symptoms. But, again, not everyone.

It IS a great idea to learn all you can about what you're exposing your body too, whether it's the foods you eat, clothes you wear, where you live, and yes, what can happen when you have sex, protected or not. Unfortunately, people usually do research AFTER something bad happens to them.

I will say that your doctor was EXTREMELY out of line when she told you not to even bother telling people you have it. Common or not, it should be disclosed, and kuddos to you for doing so!! As a doctor, she should absolutely be aware that some protection is better than none! Some states would hold her criminally negligent for advising her patients such blatant disregards for other's health.

Knowing that you have this, and are learning all you can, shows some wonderful maturity, and concern for others, as well as yourself. WTG!

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Suzy I didn't mean to make you feel that way! As Tyger stated Mikayla cannot get into every aspect of every problem so it is up to us to help her add to these informative articles wherever we can! And following Tyger's lead here NEVER is it acceptable to omit any info like this! Your doc is a fool for stating this!

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