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Omg Squirting


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I started squirting about 6 months ago through masturbation...Well the other night I did it while hubby was going to town down there. He was pleased, but a little caught off guard.

Next goal...during intercourse.

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I started squirting about 6 months ago through masturbation...Well the other night I did it while hubby was going to town down there. He was pleased, but a little caught off guard.

Next goal...during intercourse.

I wish I could figure that out... How did you finally do it?

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I started squirting about 6 months ago through masturbation...Well the other night I did it while hubby was going to town down there. He was pleased, but a little caught off guard.

Next goal...during intercourse.

I do this all the time!!! Your lucky he's pleased, any guy who has ever seen me has had a terrible reaction, most are like "is that really nessacary?" as if i choose to do it. makes clean up crazy too. I was just thinking about posting something about it. I was afraid i was teh only one who had this problem.

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I started squirting about 5 months ago. I remember the first time I did it I was like what just happened as I didn't know about it before then. He was thrilled and loved every minute of it. I was like it must be a good thing as he is loving it. To the point he gave me a nickname of Niagara Falls. Then he found it even funnier that the town for his fantasy baseball team he put as Niagara Falls. I just crack up laughing. He is very good at getting me to do this multiple times.

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the first time i did it i was embarrassed. HUBBY LOVED IT!! the chest was puffed out a bit more that night. i almost always squirt during clitoral stimulation. it has only happened a few times with intercourse. usually in the same position.

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I do this all the time!!! Your lucky he's pleased, any guy who has ever seen me has had a terrible reaction, most are like "is that really nessacary?" as if i choose to do it. makes clean up crazy too. I was just thinking about posting something about it. I was afraid i was teh only one who had this problem.

Little lady you are not the one with the problem! Actually squirting is an achievement. A man who has a problem bringing you this type of pleasure is possibly a little light in the loafers! Find a real man who will appreciate your talent!

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Little lady you are not the one with the problem! Actually squirting is an achievement. A man who has a problem bringing you this type of pleasure is possibly a little light in the loafers! Find a real man who will appreciate your talent!

This is what I'm learning. :) With out this site i'd still be thinking a i'm the freak with lots of laundry. My only guess as to why this happens all the tim eis cause i've been doing kegels everyday for many many years.

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You aren't a freak, and just get a couple sets of extra sheets and a really good mattress pad.

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This is what I'm learning. :) With out this site i'd still be thinking a i'm the freak with lots of laundry. My only guess as to why this happens all the tim eis cause i've been doing kegels everyday for many many years.

Those ignorant fucks don't have a clue what a great woman they've got ahold of!

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keep a few towels handy next to the bed. thats what we do

I keep a set of spare towels in my closet, I do however need to buy a different color sheets. White tends to be a little obvious and the constant bleach smell is getting to me. :)

Pappy, you are amazing! Thank you!

Sunflower: so i do know that I squirt harder and more often during vaginal, I squirm just the right way to make sure my g-spot is getting hit and when it happens with my clit the harder more direct teh pressur ethe more likely it'll happen. and Kegels I heart them.

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Congrats!!! I am still practicing!

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I think I have squirted during vaginal sex because i have been incredibly wet afterwards and there has been a big wet spot under me. But I have never done it while masturbating. I keep hoping!! I do the kegels and sometimes after i cum from masturbation i have a really full feeling but I've never actually 'seen' fluid. My ex was never down there long enough to notice. Any special tips would be appreciated.

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It happens with me alot. I was just saying last night that I need to invest in a couple waterproof crib pads to put under me. I'm soaking the sheets through to my mattress pad and doing laundry every time we have sex. It's kind of embarrassing, but I can't help it. My husband is very proud of himself, but sometimes it is embarrassing.

There's definately way more wetness there than normal. This isn't a "wet spot" it's a puddle. I guess there's not much I can do about it. The orgasms are just so intense that it happens. It definately happens in certain positions, and has not happened while masturbating. I am just assuming they are Gspot orgasms.

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There's definately way more wetness there than normal. This isn't a "wet spot" it's a puddle. I guess there's not much I can do about it. The orgasms are just so intense that it happens. It definately happens in certain positions, and has not happened while masturbating. I am just assuming they are Gspot orgasms.

I hear ya, that's why I always say no to hotel sex, it'd bad enough I have to clean it, I don't want to make anyone else do it. i had I guy video tape it once and it was literally a steam of cum. I kinda gross and a little hot all at once. I missed my calling I should have gone into porn.

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So I went online and found some clips of women squirting because I was curious. Well, holy freakin' fountains!!! That is unbelievable. It really looks like a a huge gush and there is a lot! I hope I can do it sometime. I wonder though, Does it feel slippery after like your natural lubrications or wet like water? (sorry if that's gross)

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So I went online and found some clips of women squirting because I was curious. Well, holy freakin' fountains!!! That is unbelievable. It really looks like a a huge gush and there is a lot! I hope I can do it sometime. I wonder though, Does it feel slippery after like your natural lubrications or wet like water? (sorry if that's gross)

A bit slippery but more wet, it's slick. It has no urine smell, just barely any scent and it's clear. It only happens during intercourse lately and only in certain positions.

I have a book Sun, that you can look at, that helped me. Next time we get together. Remind me.

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Well, well, well, when are you ladies going to finally figure out that us guys love having you totally let go during your oragasms and shower us with your love. My wife Di drenched me the second time I went down on her and spent the next twenty-nine years stifeling her orgasms trying not to; as she thought, pee all over me no matter how hard I tried to convince her she wasn't peeing and I actually loved it. Finally three years ago she read an article in an exercise mag, and I gave her a book that had a whole chapter about female ejaculation and she finally realalized she was cumming all over me and not peeing. I realize female ejaculation has only recently started to be more prevelent in sexual discussions and of course porn movies but wished Di would have just taken my word for it that I loved having her drench me. I think she would have spent a lot more time enjoying her orgasms instead of trying not to let go. Since her awakening we ruined a lot of sheets and mattress covers until we found the Liberator Throe now she lets go over and over again. As far as those women in the porn movies squirting like fire hoses, well I've never had sex with them but can vouch for the fact that Di can squirt just like they do. I swear if my mouth wasn't in the way she could easily hit the wall seven feet away from the end of our bed. I truely hope that the women who write about not be able to squirt keep trying, because every since Di started letting go and enjoying her orgasms and squirting she has definetly had more intense orgasms then she use to. :D Sometimes its thin like water and other times its nice and thick and gooey but both taste and feel wonderful.

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If you google female ejaculation, you'll find a ton of info. The first time it happened to me I was astounded, now we just anticipate it, and deal with it.

I know my husband loves me to just let go and enjoy, but as Di's husband said, it's only now becoming something that us women that it happens to, talk about it. I'm much more comfortable with it now than I was before.

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Hi Whitefang, Di here, better then doing all that reseach why don't you try this first. Lay back on the bed and get comfortable then slide a couple of fingers into your pussy about an inch or two and feel around on the very top for a indentation and when you find it you may need to apply quite a bit of pressure and you should feel some ridges or rough skin. Thats your G-spot. Now if you want to use your fingers just wiggle them like your telling your pussy to come here and start some good clit stimulation if you've hit your G-spot you'll know it it feel great. Personnelly I prefer to use a good G-spot vibe like the Doc Johnson Lucid Dreams No.14. Keep working your G-spot and clit and you'll eventually start to feel pressure building like you have to pee really bad and you should feel the G-Spot area start to swell as it fills with cum. The first thing to do is relax and get the idea that your going to pee out of your head if your doing everything right your going to cum and gush like a fire hose so let the feeling build until you can't control it any longer and just let go in one fantastic orgasm. Oh I forgot the most important part because I just know your going to be able to do this you better have something waterproof under you because it's going to get wet. Like James told everyone I've been gushing for years and thought I was peeing so I would clamp down and try and stop my orgasms and it wasn't until I found out other people were doing this and it was just as James was always telling me it's completely natural, and when you can let yourself go in a fantastic total release orgasm its the greats feeling in the world. I hope I gave you enough info to get the task done, if not feel free to get in touch with us and we'll see what we can do. I know James knows about some good web sites with great female ejaculation info on them, I can't remember any off hand but if you need them let us know. I just don't want any other women missing out on this for as long as I did. Good luck I hope the next message we see posted by you is a wet wet one. ;)

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