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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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Yes, and extraordinarily so!

TPBM is confident in their decision-making abilities


TPBM is thinking about making some major life changes.

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TPBM is thinking about making some major life changes.

Hmmm yes and no I don't know where to start!

TPBM is worried about a friend

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Hmmm yes and no I don't know where to start!

TPBM is worried about a friend

Yes, but more are probably more worried about me since I'm just likely to randomly go buy a boat and live on it.

TPBM knows anything about sailing?

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  • Review Team
Yes, but more are probably more worried about me since I'm just likely to randomly go buy a boat and live on it.

TPBM knows anything about sailing?

False - don't know a darn thing about it. Sorry.

TPBM is thankful for understanding friends.

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False - don't know a darn thing about it. Sorry.

TPBM is thankful for understanding friends.

So thankful!

TPBM is bored!

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So thankful!

TPBM is bored!


TPBM has accepted the facts.

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TPBM has accepted the facts.


TPBM had fun shopping for themselves for a change

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TPBM had fun shopping for themselves for a change


TPBM needs a hug.

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TPBM needs a hug.

True can always use a hug hey I will come down and give you one as well sweetie

TPBM is having good laughs with friends tonight?

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TRUE!!! (And here's one for you too!)

False to the laughs--I've been having serious conversations :(

TPBM is conquering some final mountains in the path

False - Just when I get to the top of one, I see another that intrigues me, and just have to reach that peek too.

TPBM - Needs to think?

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False - Just when I get to the top of one, I see another that intrigues me, and just have to reach that peek too.

TPBM - Needs to think?

False for once I am doing well

TPBM had some very nice or naughty(depending on how you look at it) dreams last night?

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  • Review Team
False for once I am doing well

TPBM had some very nice or naughty(depending on how you look at it) dreams last night?

False - went to bed mad and that stayed with me through my dreams.

TPBM wonders why ... a lot.

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False - went to bed mad and that stayed with me through my dreams.

TPBM wonders why ... a lot.

TRUE! and I never get my answer...

TPBM is here if you need me!

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  • Review Team
TRUE! and I never get my answer...

TPBM is here if you need me!

True, and thanks babe!

TPBM feels that everything happens for a reason.

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True, and thanks babe!

TPBM feels that everything happens for a reason.

True I believe that is the case

TPBM is wanting to kill an idiot

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True I believe that is the case

TPBM is wanting to kill an idiot

Hmmm, yeah, sort of.

TPBM has a stressful job.

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Hmmm, yeah, sort of.

TPBM has a stressful job.


TPBM thinks that some things happen for NO REASON!

...But doesn't believe in coincidence.

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TPBM thinks that some things happen for NO REASON!

...But doesn't believe in coincidence.

I am actually starting to think that.

TPBM just wants some answers, if not all, just some would be nice.

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I am actually starting to think that.

TPBM just wants some answers, if not all, just some would be nice.

Hmmm nah I am fine making up my own assumptions! Hahaha

TPBM is staring at the phone!!!!

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  • Review Team
Hmmm nah I am fine making up my own assumptions! Hahaha

TPBM is staring at the phone!!!!

False, I know it won't ring for the right reason - it hasn't in several days.

TPBM wonders where the time went.

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False, I know it won't ring for the right reason - it hasn't in several days.

TPBM wonders where the time went.

False, but I am perplexed over the path it took to get me here.

TPBM has two weeks of unfortunately important meetings lined up.

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False, but I am perplexed over the path it took to get me here.

TPBM has two weeks of unfortunately important meetings lined up.


TPBM is counting down to something special with their SO

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TPBM is counting down to something special with their SO


TPBM is having some major thoughts.

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TPBM is having some major thoughts.

True and thankful to someone I am working through them with some great advice

TPBM is looking forward to plans tomorrow night.

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