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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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TPBM needs another coffee :)

TRUE I hate it when you go for another sip and it's gone...

TPBM needs a shower!

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Nope, dont have that much time to spend, busy mommy!

TPBM is married or wants to get married soon?

TRUE 13 years coming up

TPBM is looking for new lingerie!

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Oh so true, oh well all in teh name of health....

TPBM is looking on teh bright side of life (and now is also singing monty python)

True....moving on from idiotic people

TPBM is looking forward to a special day soon with their SO

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True....moving on from idiotic people

TPBM is looking forward to a special day soon with their SO


TPBM loves chocolate chip cookies

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false...i had a 2 hour nap yesterday, and was sound asleep by 10:15

TPBM is looking forward to tomorrow

True...going out with the girls for fun and for once I don't have to drive so I can drink

TPBM has a nice weekend planned

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True...going out with the girls for fun and for once I don't have to drive so I can drink

TPBM has a nice weekend planned

TRUE I am going to a toy party on SAT! (like I need more toys :rolleyes:)

TPBM is so glad it's friday

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True I have an old friend arriving today

TPBM has a sweet tooth

TRUE at times

TPBM feels resolved :)

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False at least no time soon.

TPBM is hungry!

OMG so hungry! TRUE

TPBM wonders what's in store for tonight

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Tpbm is horny and can't get sex off the mind :o

True...oh so true right now.

TPBM si done with the heat of summer

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False - I'll take the heat if I can have everything still stay green (everything dead and naked looking in the winter depresses me!)

Tpbm is getting ready to have a hot afternoon rendezvous

FALSE (sigh)

TPBM hopes to at least get some relief

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True - Sexual relief, hubby has been out on business to much.

TPBM can't wait to get their new toys from TT

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