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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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False... I feel like ASS

TPBM is tired and sore

False. I was awake and very productive

TPBM plans on hanging out with friends tonight.

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False. I was awake and very productive

TPBM plans on hanging out with friends tonight.

True - book clubs coming over tonight, just wish it was at someone else's home.

TPBM - is thinking twice

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TPBM wishes the grief would go away


TPBM is trying to be optimistic.

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True - I'm a pretty optimistic person

TPBM - is going to go exercise

False....already did at 6am this morning

TPBM is all decorated for Halloween

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False....already did at 6am this morning

TPBM is all decorated for Halloween

False - My daughter likes to take charge and do it herself

TPBM - is worried about a sick child

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TPBM will work it out.

True - with the help of some friends.

TPBM is feeling good about things.

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True - with the help of some friends.

TPBM is feeling good about things.

False....that is the farthest from the truth

TPBM won't be getting much sleep tonight

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True....thought i was, but just can't sleep...very rare for me

TPBM feels even more confused than usual

False -

TPBM - is getting ready for another holiday

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False -

TPBM - is getting ready for another holiday


TPBM has such a headache

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TPBM has such a headache

False - feeling pretty good.

TPBM is looking forward to an up-coming trip.

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TPBM feels loved!!!

True....I have some of the greatest friends who are there for me when I need them. Thank you.

TPBM wishes the crying was over, but not quite sure I can promise that yet.

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False - no crying for me just smiles :)

TPBM - I awaiting test results

False....thankfully I haven't had to in a while

TPBM is feeling better

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False....thankfully I haven't had to in a while

TPBM is feeling better

True - and glad you are too!!!

TPBM really doesn't care what others think!

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True - and glad you are too!!!

TPBM really doesn't care what others think!

False. I will rephrase a little I only care what the ones that matter to me the most think and we all know who those few are. The others can pound shit.

TPBM loves her friends

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