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Tpbm (the Person Below Me)


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  • Review Team
True I hope.

TPBM is happy about it.

TRUE - very

TPBM should be working instead of posting.

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  • Review Team
False - It's a holiday (not allowed to work of eat for a full 24 hours)

TPBM - is starving

False - just ate.

TPBM is feeling good!

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False people make me sad

TPBM needs a shoulder rub

TRUE and a foot rub sounds awesome!

TPBM is disappointed about something

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  • Review Team
TRUE and a foot rub sounds awesome!

TPBM is disappointed about something


TPBM is ready for a great weekend!

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True....the weather is beautiful and I don't have to work today....yahoo!

TPBM is debating doing something crazy

False, but what craziness are you up to????

TPBM should probably back off a little

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False, but what craziness are you up to????

TPBM should probably back off a little

False - I've spent an entire lifetime being too held back and careful....going to spend the rest of whatever time I have left at full throttle! :P

Tpbm needs to stay home tomorrow and get some work done around the house

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False - I've spent an entire lifetime being too held back and careful....going to spend the rest of whatever time I have left at full throttle! :P

Tpbm needs to stay home tomorrow and get some work done around the house

True I was out most of the day and night tonight. I have so much to get done

TPBM had a long day today.

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  • Review Team
True I was out most of the day and night tonight. I have so much to get done

TPBM had a long day today.


TPBM is happy.

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TPBM had a fabulous night ;)

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not particularly but I was productive!

TPBM doesn't care any more about the people who choose to treat them like crap.

Very true. I am ready to just be happy and not worry about their bullshit.

TPBM had a really nice weekend.

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  • Review Team
Very true. I am ready to just be happy and not worry about their bullshit.

TPBM had a really nice weekend.

True, I guess. It was ok and productive.

TPBM has a big party to go to next week.

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True, I guess. It was ok and productive.

TPBM has a big party to go to next week.


TPBM would still like to be sleeping

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  • Review Team
True ;)

TPBM is ready to explore some new horizons.

Sooooo TRUE!

TPBM is exploring something new .... happiness!

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