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Indiana Jones And The Crystal Skull


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Just got back from seeing this. It was good - and dang - Harrison Ford is STILL a hunk! Anyone else seen it?

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Just an hour ago! While th plot was a bit hokey (they all are, after all), the old man still has it...Indy is like a comic book...and Lucas and Speilburg, as well as the great actors, surely helps you to suspend disbelief...it was a fun movie..and yea, Ford is awesome...Wish I looked as good as him!

I want to see it...maybe tomorrow night....I love those Indiana movies...many good memories surrounding those movies. When did the first one come out?

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First one came out in 1981. I remember because it was the first movie hubby and I saw as man and wife! We were married in June 1981.

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I saw it too! The beginning was kind of lame I felt but it got better. One thing I want to mention though... ANTS!!!!! UGH I am still itchy from that scene!

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Oh that was bad wasn't it....good effects though

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I saw it. Thought it was pretty good. It at least fit in well the general plot they always do for Indiana films which I was a bit worried they would stray from for the fouth. In general, I thought it was pretty good. I wasn't crazy about the end result of where the crystal skull came from. A bit Hollywood. And the monkey scene, the CG look like crap. But overall it was as with the other three, very entertaining.

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