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So The work jerk got canned today. Not because of my complaint but because he was told to keep something in confidence and he didn't. SO it was his fault. They were going to let this go and give him 30 days to get clean befor ethey drug tested him. And he blew it. This is somehow my fault. His best friend posted this on his myspace.

"ready 4 war

THE FUCKING BITCH HAS PUSHED IT OVER THE LIMIT!!!! today adam is no longer with us at work. the slut started shit and now she probably will wish she moved farther then plattsburgh. dont worry about the dog its not right to punish them for your fuck ups. just watch what u say and do im not worried about my job i have another one at any point i need. and dont worry i dont say a word at work so u cant do any thing about it. so kiss my fucking white ass bitch!!!!!!"

That's it! I have had it! I'm sooo pressing charges against these fucks, the word harassment comes to mind!

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you should press charges!! and, document everything said and done at work. just in case..i know it might not be able to be used in court, however, if you hear things said, or anything is done, you at least have some record of it

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I know a lawyer that used MySpace comments and blog entries to prosecute a person. Use what you have and go after that POS.

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So work called me this morning, they basiclly said they aren't going to do a thing about it. Even though it is in writing and it was written by who i said it was writen by, plus he told other employees that he was going to write it. hopefully the troopers will be more able to help because if i or anyone I know or care about, or anything gets hurt I swear t go hell hath no fury! I called the troopers once and they did nothing. I called again and if they don't do anything again, i'm not sure what I'm going to do. I can't sleep at night any more because of this, I got sick last night when I read that (and i'm telling you my late dinner tasted much better the first time but good thing I gave the poork chop to the dogs...). I'm sick to death of no one helping me. I'm doing everything by the book and yet no one will do anything, anyone else see something wrong with this? Am I going to have to go vigilantee and killk them myself? Is that teh only way to get justice (not that they deserve death but a good beating and a cellmate named Bubba who will make them his bitches).

I once almost got fired over a blog that I had. In itI had call my boss an "idiot" that was it. NOthing more than that but I almost lost my job. Students get expelled over myspace harassment but my job won't do anything? BUllshit. ANd yes I will tell them that.

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Stop going to the police and see a lawyer. Make sure all your ducks are in a row, make sure you've talked to all of your supervisors and documented when you spoke to them and what was said at each meeting. Make sure you keep any harrassing e-mails, comments, or situations documented as well. Make a complaint with your state labor agency as well with all of these things.


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Hon, you knew it was a matter of time before he screwed up and opened his mouth.

Well, he did just that.

I have worked with websites for years, and I have even worked with the FBI at one point in time trying to find a cyber stalker/harasser very much like what your co worker is doing now.

Here is what I suggest.

First off, get a new printer.

Begin printing off his blog entries, daily rantings whatever.

Make 2 copies, 1 for the attorney, 1 for your own personal records.

This way, if something happens over the weekend, you have proof, in black and white.

Secondly, if you have not filed those papers yet, DO IT NOW!

File for harassment and defamation of charector, the " whore" comment was a bit out of line.

Thirdly, play it cool.. i KNOW how hard it is to do that.

But please, just act like you have not seen his myspace page, even though you have.

Just smile and go about your work.

Anyways, start your legal papers TODAY.. not tomorrow, TODAY!

Get the ball rolling, and put this issue to bed once and for all.


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The paper work is filed. the sa dthing i sthat i may have to wait weeks and there is nothing a private lawyer can do until i get teh right to sue from NYS. The police can't do a damn thing as they make no specific threats. And work refuses to do anything. I have been printing everything, I used a friend's (remeind me to buy her an ink cartage.) I'm prety much stuck waiting for them at actually do something. :(


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Awww Suzy, I'm sorry this is happening. He strikes me as really immature. I'm glad you've filed, printed things off. Keep being smart about it.

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HIYA GUYS!! in cas eyou can't tell I'm in good mood, why you ask? Well it's because they fired both of them now! After the state trooper spoke to Steve at work (good place for it i think) and told him that he is harrassing me and it is against the law. The corporate HR guy spoke to me and asked me if Steve apologized if I thought it woud stop, I told him no. I said that it would only be because you told him too and he'd simply be biding his time until something else set him off.

This is when I started to cry. I was truly crying too, I was so frustrated. I told him that the police said they cannot do anything because he didn't make a specific threat, and that work can't do anything because it happens "out of work" even though it is effecting work and making a hostile work enviroment. I said that I was tired of not being able to sleep at night and that I was tired of getting sick because I knew i was coming to work and that I was waiting for the newest batch of harrassment. I told him that I had done everything I had done and that I had truly exhausted all my resources but that no one would help me. I'm still upset about that. I understand that the police cannot just arrest someone because I said so, but I had threats in writing, multiple threats! And all they could do was give hima stern warning? WTF? The corp HR guy said that he thought the police getting invovled would be enough.

After this i went back to work and help it together long enough for the day shift to leave and then i started crying again because i didn't think anyone could do anything to help me. I thought that i was alone and no one cared that all i could do was wait for them to make their move. I cried for about an hour until on e of the guys who installs counter tops came back and flagged me over. I stucked it up and went over to talk, he taught me how to hand polish and how to do a Full bull nose edge(a completely rounded edge). I was feeling much better. We were talking about how far behind they were, and how his supervisor had to stay with us until 1 am(that's right he works a 19hour shift!) to try and get caught up. He passed a comment about employees dropping like flies and I gave him a funny look "but it's just adam that left?" (adam is teh original work jerk). "No, they fired steve too." My jaw hit the floor. I was convinced that no one was doing anything and they just did it quitely. I can go to work tomorrow and not worry about being harassed! In about a month (they need to time calm down) I can "move home", i had told everyone that I moved when really i was just hiding my car.

And it's supposed to be 85 for the weekend!

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Quick update. Apperently the second guy who got fired (who actually got fired for harrasment) went and begged for his job back. I'm assuming they told him no. THe other guy, the guy I dated, has been SUPRISINGLY mature about all this. He accept full responiblity and blame for his actions and regrets that it came to this. See that was the guy i dated four months ago, where did that guy go and how did i get stuck with his evil twin?! Ugh. I will never understand men.

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Good for you Suzy...I'm sure everyone here is proud of you for sticking it out and fighting back.

You should be double proud of yourself!!!!

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Good for you Suzy...I'm sure everyone here is proud of you for sticking it out and fighting back.

You should be double proud of yourself!!!!

SO you know what I forgot to do in the midst of all this? Thank you guys! Because If i seriously hadn't been able to come here and rant and rave I would have broken a long time ago. You are all in gratitude, and I owe you all hugs (and maybe more... :) )

I am very proud of myself. I will admit I feel a little bad that it came to this but I am a believer in Karma, so I can't feel too bad. I am human though and one was a friend and one was more. I do wish them the best, I just wish it far away from me! :)

Thank again guys!

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