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AKA another “rabbit”, though, with this toy, you give yourself the bird, a humming bird, that is. I love all the options that a dual action can have, and all the exciting things that a good, quality one can do too!

For something made of a pink jelly material, it feels very sturdy. Taking the toy out of the packaging, I noticed that it has a slight fruity smell to it (though it doesn’t state that it has one, to me it did). It’s phthalate free, so, for those of us that like less additives in our sex toys, this is great news.

The first thing I really noticed that was different than the other rabbits I have is the rotating beads. They say that they’re “non-jamming”. I’ve never had a dual action jam its beads, but I guess it’s possible. But not with this toy, because they’re on their own little metal-hinged arms, cool, huh? I bet you’re thinking that with metal beads and hinged arms this toy will be loud, aren’t you? Well, it’s NOT! It’s really quiet. Some toys I’ve seen just let the rotating beads in the middle create the swaying motion of the head, but with this one, you can see the metal piece that goes all the way up the head of the toy, creating a better, smoother, more firm rotation, which is nice. Its head is also curved for that special G-Spot attention too.

Now, the BIRD is REALLY something to talk about!! Not only a clit stimulator, but it’s a triple stimulator! The beak is for the clit, and the outstretched wings are curved a bit to stimulate your labia too! I’ve seen some other duals with a hummingbird as the clit stimulator. Some just seem like they miss the mark, with the bird’s beak pointed up too high, or too low, or too short. This one’s juuuuuust right!

How does one power a hummingbird of this magnitude? With only 3 AA batteries (not incl.), that’s all it takes. Twist off the bottom, slide out the battery pack, insert said batteries, place back inside, twist the cap back on, and not only do you have pow-ah, and lots of it, it’s quiet, and it’s waterproof too!

A total of 5 easy to press buttons control the rotations of the shaft, and the vibes of the clit stimulator. You can have 3 levels of spinning, 3 levels of vibes (which are very strong, especially if you shut off the shaft), and then the middle button changes the direction of the spinning. There are LED lights to show you what setting your little bird is on.

As for personal experience with this toy, it was WONDERFUL! The curved head was perfect for caressing the spot. I usually need a firm toy to stimulate my g-spot. But the spinning and vibrating of the head, really worked my g-spot well, and I was flowing my own personal nectar in a matter of minutes! The motions of the beads were great gently caressing inside of me too. This toy was fantastic!

Easy to use for beginners wanting to explore what a “rabbit” style vibrator can do, and stimulating enough for the advanced user, this toy gets 4 out of 4 Tyger paws, and a back stretch too! Oh yeah….Tyger liiiiiiikes!

Give yourself the Bird!

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Here birdy, birdy, birdy.......

GREAT review, as per usual!

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This reminds me of Tweetie bird and the cat...only the bird's trying to get the pussy this time!!!


Great review!

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Ka Kaw Ka Kaw! Tiki tiki tiki!

Oh, and nice detail with noting "personal nectar" ;) Love it!

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Oh, and I don't even need to put the bird in a cage!! LOL :P

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