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Birth Control Methods?


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So I had my yearly visit today and talked with my Dr. about b.c. methods and options. We have been using condoms forever and i'm ready for a change.

In the past, I had some side effects from the pill: weight gain, lack of sex drive and a couple others.

My Dr. recommended the Mirena which is and IUC. I have never used and IUC or an IUD, so was hoping to get some feedback from users that have or are currently using the Mirena.

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Personally, I have a Nuvaring and I love it. I haven't gained weight or anything, since it's a really low hormone dose. The only thing I will say about it is that I tend to get some irritation if I leave it in during sex. Of course, you are responsible for putting it in and taking it out, so you get very familiar with your hoo-ha (if you're not already) :D

Unfortunately, I have to go the hormone route so I have no idea how the non-hormone stuff works out. Good luck with whatever method you decide to go with!

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Many women really like the IUC becasue it is user-friendly and has a very small dose of progestin in it. There are really only 3 drawbacks:

Cramping..sometimes the cramping during you period can be severe.

Spotting...many women spot before their periods and some spot all the time. This tends to get better the longer you have the IUC in place, but it still can be quite a nuisance.

Even though the hormone is low dose, some women who can't take the pill because of the hormones still react to the IUC.

The only way you will know if you give it a try..hopefully your insurance will cover it and you won't have to pay out of pocket for it. Good luck..It's worth a try!

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I have been using Mirena for a little over a year now, since my son was born. My personal experience with it has been very good and I didn't notice any weight gain but of course I just had a baby so how would I!! I also have several friends/relatives that have had success as well. The first year doesn't really count because I was breastfeeding but for the last few months I've become regulated and have just a little spotting during my cycle which hopefully will go away completely.

I did find out when I had this inserted that I have a prolapsed uterus and that made it tricky until they finally got the string cut short enough (either that or it was because my ob/gyn did not have it inserted properly initially). I have wanted to try the Fun Factory Smartballs to tighten things up due to my prolapsed uterus but wasn't sure if it would cause problems with the IUD. I am trying to wait until my annual exam to get my dr's opinion on that but Mikayla's review was so intriguing that I can hardly wait until then!


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I have used a IUC for the past 5 years and love it. I don't get my period anymore and only spot a couple times a year. I'm getting this one replaced in about a month. Be advised, most insurance co. will fight you on coverage. I personally don't think it's a good idea for women who still might want to have children to use any IUD/IUC; it can cause your tissue to scare, rendering you sterile. Be sure to discuss the advantages and disadvantaged with your doctor.

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SO okay, here's my question from my best friend ( i use the shot and love it! more on that later) Has anyone had any problems with the IUD? Any pregnancies? And is it true that with the IUD your chances of a tubal pregnancy go up? I could google all this but actually talking to people who use it is better I think. My friend said that when her and teh hubby are getting freaking if he inserts wrong ithurts, I assume that this didn't happen until after the IUD, in fact I think she said it was BECAUSE of teh IUD (i dunno, damn I should have taken notes!)

NOw I personally use teh depo-provera shot. FABULOUS! I have been on it off and on for 5 years now. They just recently decided that using depo(and I believe this is all BC) reduces your ablity to absorb calcium, so a little extra a day is recommended. It is 99.8% effective when take right, teh shot last for 12 weeks, you can get it as early as 11 week or as late as 13 weeks. The bonus side effect? No period ! Huzzah! The reason I say I have been on it off and on for 5 is that they recommend to "take a break" from teh shot fro anywhere from 6-12months. In this time you can switch to another form of BC. AFter going off teh shot it may take upwards of a year to get preggers, but you could always get there sooner! You usually get a couple of options on how to get your shot depending on your doctor. YOu can take it home and stick yourself, good luck there. You can get it interamuscular or sub-derma. Intermuscular is usyally either the buttocks (hehe) or the arm, either way I find that this shot burns quite a but as the shot is fairly thick. I perfered the butt as i walk a lot so it helped break down the shot and resulted in less pain. Subderma is either the hip or teh belly. I found that during teh shot this hurt the least, shorter needle and no burning when injected. HOWEVER I got massive cramps from this kind of shot, in both the stomache and the hip and if you'v ever had a hip cramp you'll never want one again. I'm talking doubling over in pain cramps. however talk to your doctor on what kind and where they prefer to give the shot. The only side effects i had was some inital weight gain (but that could have been lack of exercise) and i spotted my first couple of "periods" on the shot. After that NOTHING!! WOO-HOO! I did find that when I dropped off teh shot and switched to a pill I bleed for a month and a half straight. I don't know if this was the pill or a reaction to the shot. I quickly stopped taking the pill (and went back to abstince) and nothing my periods went away again, lol, so I think it was just the pill.

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I use the Ortho Evra patch and I haven't had any noticable signs from it. They say it's not good to use if your family has a history of heart issues because it may cause a heart attack, or so I've heard. My doctor put me on the pill because I didn't have a regular period and it was causing my body to grow cysts on my ovaries and rupture. Not a pleasant experience, in fact, my doctor said some women have compared it to child birth and said it was worse. I don't have a personal experience with child birthing, but I will have to say it was the worst and most painful experience I have yet to have.

I couldn't remember to take the pill so I asked for the patch instead. I stick it to my arse each week and leave it off for the 3rd. I asked for an IUD and he said he doesn't put them in women who haven't already had a child. You will be prone to more infections, he said.

I'm not straight on all the facts, but I have the patch and love it :-)

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Not sure how typical this is but, I know my IUD cannot be felt during sex and I have two friends and a sister that have an IUD and their SO never felt theirs either, but it was recommended that you take caution during intercourse until the string (explained to me as kind of like fishing line) softened some. Hope this helps some...

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The rate of infection with chlamydia and gonorrhea goes up with multiple partners. (at one time) Therefore, the IUC acts as a foreign body and can increase the inflammation from these infections, causing harm to the tubes. With a single partner, this risk is very low. Some docs play on the safe side and refuse women who haven't already had a child, somehow thinking these women are more at risk. (duh?)

Spotting with the IUC usually goes away within a year of it's use.

The string sometimes can be felt by a partner if it's cut too short. You can feel it yourself with your finger tip and see if it feels blunt.

There should be no problem with the Smart Balls. The IUD can't be pulled out with fingers..it's in there pretty good. And the balls can't dislodge it, so i think they would be a great way to up your Kegel count!!

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There should be no problem with the Smart Balls. The IUD can't be pulled out with fingers..it's in there pretty good. And the balls can't dislodge it, so i think they would be a great way to up your Kegel count!!

Oh yeah!! Do you think it makes a difference that I have a prolapsed uterus? (Sorry not meaning to make this post about me!)

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There should be no problem with the Smart Balls. The IUD can't be pulled out with fingers..it's in there pretty good. And the balls can't dislodge it, so i think they would be a great way to up your Kegel count!!

Oh yeah!! Do you think it makes a difference that I have a prolapsed uterus? (Sorry not meaning to make this post about me!)

Yes, you will have to work a bit harder...you said you were diagnosed during the IUD insertion. Sometimes a retroverted uterus looks prolapsed when it's not. Ask your doc. I have a bit of prolapse too after 3 babies and we are just the right candidates for those smart balls!! Gotta work those muscles!!

I read somewhere that a Japanese woman was so good with her pc muscles she could pick up a pencil with her vagina!

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i DEFINITELY identify with the weight gain and lack of sex drive caused from the pill <_<

The lack of sex drive is what happed to me on the pill. research the one that is best for u.

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A quick (or not so quick) summary of some birth control options

Birth control pills - multiple types/dosages, all can affect your sex drive as well as affect weight gain, acne, etc. If one doesn't work for you ask your doctor about other types/brands as there are many.

Nuvaring - hormone also, just like BCP, just another "delivery route", because the hormones are not absorbed through your digestive tract there is a decrease in the number of women who experience nausea. Weight gain issue = birth control pills

OrthoEvra patch - hormone method, just like BCP, just another "delivery route". Again lower chance of nausea since the hormones are not adsorbed through the digestive tract. Weight gain issue = birth control pills. Some reports of increased risk of liver dysfunction - please discuss this with your doctor - getting base line liver function tests and then repeating 6-12 months later would be a reasonable thing to request.

DepoProvera injection - hormone method, one injection is good for 11-13 weeks. 10-15% of women become amenorrhic (no menses), 10% continue to have their normal menses and the rest 75-80% will have irregular bleeding. The bleeding can be daily to 1-2 times per year. There is no way to predict how any one woman will respond. While the studies show that weight gain is not an issue, in practice about 10% of my patients experience a 10-15 lb weight gain during the first year. Because it is a long acting hormone method it can take up to 12 months for your periods to return to normal after your last injection. Therefore it is not the best option for someone who is planning on using birth control for only a year or so before trying to become pregnant. The longer you are on DepoProvera the more likely you will stop having bleeding all together.

IUC (or IUD) - two types are available - Mirena or Paraguard. Unfortunately IUC's got a very bad reputation in the USA during the 1970's because of a couple of very poorly designed IUC's that are no longer on the market. A very underutilized form of birth control in the US. IUC's are typically placed when you are on your menses. The string is stiff at first, but will soften within 3-7 days. There should not be any pain during intercourse with an IUC in place - if there is you need to see your doctor to determine why. IUC's can be used in both women who have had kids and those who haven't. They typically are not placed if you have more then one partner due to the increased risk of STD exposure. The presence of an IUD does not increase your risk of sterility (inability to become pregnant) - the exposure to certain STD's (chalmydia/GC) does.

Mirena IUC - good for up to 5 years. Has a small amount of progesterone in the IUC that is slowly released - affects the tissue inside the uterus only - has no affect anywhere else (no systemic affects) therefore no nausea, weight gain, bloating, breast tenderness. For the first 1-3 months after placement most women experience irregular bleeding - which may include daily spotting to light bleeding. After 3 months most women (85-90%) have no bleeding or only occasional bleeding (2-4 times per year) the remainder have more frequent bleeding - some still have monthly bleeding. Cramping can occur with the bleeding, but it is very uncommon since the bleeding is typically very light when it occurs. Great for women who want both birth control and who want to minimize their bleeding.

Paraguard IUC - good for up to 10 years. Has no hormone associated with it. Typically causes incresed menstrual flow in the first 3-6 months and then things settle back to normal. May cause an increase in cramping.

For women who are done having kids there is also tubal ligation (tying one's tubes) or Essure. Tubal ligation has been around "forever". Typically involves going into the OR for a surgical procedure. Essure is a new twist on that option - it is done by placing plugs into the tubes. The procedure can be done in the office with just a mild amount of sedation. Would recommend you ask you doctor about it if you are considering a tubal ligation. Both of these procedures are considered permenant.

Personally I've used birth control pills (multiple different ones) and the Mirena IUC. By and far the Mirena was the simplest. In it went and no more worry and less bleeding to boot. As a gynecologist I've never had anyone unhappy with the Mirena IUC.

It's always best to discuss all options and to factor in your own lifesyle and personal needs when selecting your method of birth control. And as a reminder the only form of birth control that minimizes the risk of STD's is condoms.

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I used the DepoProvera injection for 8 years, with no monthly cycle! The only bad part is it destroyed my bone density. No extra weight gain, and very convient

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My Dr. actually thinks the Mirena will be best for me and I have never had children and don't plan on it. I am 39 by the way.

I too am curious on if you could still use ben wa balls, vibrators or bullets with the Mirena.

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Having a Mirena IUC (or an IUC for that matter) will not prevent the use of Ben Wa Balls, bullets, vibrators, dildos or any other toy you may want to enjoy. So go forth and have fun!!!

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i DEFINITELY identify with the weight gain and lack of sex drive caused from the pill <_<

Yes this is why my sex drive drove away. It sucks I hate the pill.

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Well for me and first husband there was not a need for birth control as he had severe male infertility.

I'm 45 now and we aren't using anything. So when it comes to birth control, I am clueless.

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I know you already got the IUC, but I'm going to give my thoughts to the subject for any future viewers that may have the same question. I have the copper IUC. I have had it since my second child, mainly cause the dr. wouldn't tie my tubes cause I wasn't 25. I absolutely love it, I do cramp more and spot for teh first day that I am starting, however, I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE KIDS....LOL. I also have a heavier flow, but I haven't gained wieght because of the birthcontrol (that was from nursing school). Good luck on using it, you may want to take ibuprofen for the cramps. Good luck, TNT

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