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Love Tapper Cockring


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pd2267-12main.jpgLove Tapper Cockring

Well...it looked like a babies pacifier. It was purple, with a flanged head (like a golf club) and had a textured row of nubs on the flat surface. After we stopped laughing at it we thought it would be an interesting evening.

The cockring itself was make of a very thick tube of hollow plastic, it was difficult to stretch over my Stunt Penis (Mr. SP) and guys, I’ll clue you in: if you want to keep your penile skin and pubic hair intact, use lube, and LOTS of it! Because this ring does not stretch easily, you end up having to slide it down the entire shaft. I was able to enhance foreplay, by gently caressing his cock as I put the ring on him, but again...use Lots of lube!

Once in place we tried it first with the Tapper on top, so that when Mr. SP mounted me, the nub snuggled gently up to my clit. The tapper itself is solid jelly-like material that added a little squish-a-bility with each thrust, but was firm enough to add a bit of unique stimulation that the clit doesn’t usually see during penetrative sex. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to want to stay where I needed it to, and I found that it became more of a frustration as it migrated to the left or right, so I was constantly having to reach down to reposition the Tapper to move back in the right spot.

Mr. SP tried it later with the Love Tapper hanging down, like a door knocker. The idea is that it gently taps on his testicles with each thrust, adding additional stimulation. He said “it just seems to get in the way.”

It was interesting, and for some couples may add that extra bit of stimulation. But for us, it just didn’t add that much. Perhaps we’ll have to try it another time with some different positions to see if there is any change in sensations.

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LMAO You could hang it on your bedroom door, as a door-knocker....

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LMAO You could hang it on your bedroom door, as a door-knocker....

LOL! :P :P :D:)

Sorry it didn't work for you, but thanks for the review.

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