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Ghoulies And Ghosties And Long Legged Beasties


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My gf says that the Guthrie courthouse is also haunted!

It may very well be. I haven't heard anything on the courthouse but the hospital did show evidence of activity.

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It may very well be. I haven't heard anything on the courthouse but the hospital did show evidence of activity.

Before Katrina hit, I was suppose to go to New Orleans to stay in a haunted B&B which used to be a brothel. We'll we had some major problems because of over booking and had to cancel the trip. I was looking forward to the various evp I could capture there, can you imagaine you go to listion to your recorders and it sounds like a freaking porno (LOL)


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New Orleans to stay in a haunted B&B which used to be a brothel. (LOL)


You sure it wasn't a haunted brothel that used to be a B&B? LOL!

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My husband grew up next door to where we live now and knew the couple that lived here before us very well. The man passed away a while ago from a heart atack in the kitchen and the lady lived here by her self for many years. About ten years ago they put here in a nursing home and put the house up for sell. Everyone wanted this house but no one ever seemed to make a offer on the house. We talked to them and told them that we were able to be financed for 155,000 we asked they if they would carry the rest of they loan through them. (It was for sale for 190,000) They told us that they would not carry the loan and that they would take the 155,000. After we had the papers from the bank we made an arrangement to move in the home about a month before we closed. We closed on are home the same day that I was started to have my son. The lady passed away about three months after we bought the house. Since they day she passed away I have radios and tvs that turn on by them selfs and my son has said that he has seen her on my birthdays. Her birthday was the same day.

I just lost my grandpa two weeks ago today. Everytime I go to my grandmas his bedroom door opens and she says when I leave it closes. I went to where his accident accured and I was able to tell where it had happened. Everything had been fixed at this time. But I keep seeing him walking in and out of the horse stalls. Everytime my grandma would look that way he would walk out and she wasnt able to see him. But he saw her.

Another thing that I have been blessed with is when someone in my family or friends finds out that they are going to have a baby. I have already told my hubby that they were going to have a little addition and I know what they are having. I just asked my sister in law if they were trying to have a baby and told here I have a dream that they were having a little girl. They had just been to the dr and found out she is about 7 weeks along.

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I delivering on a promise I made to present you ya'll some of the popular spooks that come from the philippenes, this is really a partial list of legends but ask a filipino about any of these and they might just have more then a few stories for you. Depending where your from, You might have tales of encounters with a kapre or an aswang or a manannagal however almost everyone has a few multo stories to share. Myself I mostly have encounters with multo(ghosts) but I know alot of people who have had UFO encounters. Since meeting my wife, my in laws have shared with me stories of many of their or their parants encounters with ghosts, vampires, and possessed individuals. In fact I live with one of those individuals ( my wife was once possessed at age 4).

This is from Wikipedia:

Philippine mythical creatures


Hiligaynon believe in a certain being called Amalanhig. They are Aswangs who failed to transfer their monstrosity causing them to rise from their graves to kill humans by biting their necks. In order to escape from the Amanlanhigs, you need to run in zigzag direction since they can only walk in straight direction due to the stiffness of their body. You should also climb trees or high platforms enough for you be out of their reach. You can also run into lakes and rivers since Amanlanhigs are scared of deep bodies of water.


Main article: Aswang

Aswang is a Filipino version of the vampire. They are human-like by day but transform into different monstrous forms to harass and eat awake humans at night, especially pregnant women who are about to give birth.[1] Aswangs can change from a human to an animal form, usually as a bat, a pig or a black dog. Some aswangs can change form at will, others through the use of foul oils concocted by evil magicians. Aswangs appear at night to prey upon unwary travellers or sleeping people. It is said that they have a peculiar liking for the taste of human liver. The myth of the Aswang is popular in the Visayas, especially in provinces such as Capiz, Antique, and Iloilo. Aswangs also have a peculiar liking for the fetus of pregnant women and are said to find their quarry by the scent of the mother, which to the aswang smells like ripe jackfruit. Upon finding the house of the pregnant mother, the aswang alights on the roof from where it stretches its tongue until it is as thin as a thread and uses it to enter the womb and feast on the fetus.


Main article: Diwata

Diwata, engkantada (from Spanish: encantada, "enchantress, charmed") or engkanto (from Spanish: encanto, "spell, incantation, charm") are fairies, nymphs, goddesses or enchanted persons who are believed to guard natural creations such as forests, seas, mountains, land and air.[1] Diwatas are said to reside in large trees, such as acacia and balete. They are the guardian sprits of nature, bringing blessings or curses upon those who do good or harm to the forests and mountains. One famous diwata is Maria Makiling, guardian of Mount Makiling in Laguna province. Engkanto (sometimes spelled Encanto) is an umbrella term for most supernatural beings. The common connotation is that they are fairies who reside primarily in the forests and the sea. They can also be called encantado (male) or encantada (female).


Duwende are goblins, hobgoblins, elves or dwarfs (Spanish: duende "golbin, elf, charm" < "duen de (casa)", owner of the house). They are little creatures who can provide good fortune or bad fate to humans.[1] In the Philippines, duwendes frequently live in houses, in trees, underground, termite like mound or hill, and in rural areas. They are known to be either good or mischievous, depending on how homeowners treat them. They usually come out at 12 noon for an hour and during the night. Filipinos always mutter words ("tabi-tabi po" or "bari-bari apo ma ka ilabas kami apo") asking them to excuse themselves for bothering the Duwendes. Filipinos usually leave food on the floor, so that the duwende residing (or guarding) the house would not be angry with them.


Ekek are creatures who are bird-like humans. They are winged-humans who at night search for victims. They hunger for flesh and blood.



Main article: Kapre

Kapre is a filthy, dark giant[1] who likes to smoke huge rolls of cigars, and hide within and atop large trees, particularly the balete and old acacia or mango trees. A Filipino bigfoot, it scares away little children who play at night.[4] If you're stuck in a place and you keep going around in circles, you're said to be played around by a Kapre. To escape its control, you must remove your t-shirt, and wear it inside-out.


Mambabarang (summoner) is a witch who uses insects and spirits to enter the body of any person they hate.[citation needed] A Mambabarang is a kind of a mangkukulam. Mambabarangs are ordinary human beings with black magic who torture and later kill their victims by infesting their bodies with insects. They are different from Mangkukulams - the latter only inflict pain or illness. Mambabarangs use a strand of hair from their chosen victim and tie it to the bugs or worms which they will use as a medium. When they prick the bug, the victim immediately experiences the intended effect.


A manananggal.Main article: Manananggal

Manananggal is an aswang that can fly after separating itself from the lower half of its body. It eats babies and fetuses from a mothers womb. It eats babies by means of passing their long tongue through a small hole from the roof of a house. The sharp end of the tongue touches the mother's navel to suck the blood of the fetus or unborn child.[7] This creature's name was derived from the Filipino word, tanggal, which means "to separate" because of the manananggal's ability to separate itself from its lower body.[1]

A manananggal can also be a sorceress that visits villages and barrios. To feed, the self-segmenter chooses an isolated place where she will leave her lower torso while she hunts at night. When she separates from her lower torso, she then gains her ability to fly. She then goes off in search of houses where pregnant women reside. Upon choosing a suitable victim, the Manananggal alights on the house and inserts her tongue through the roof. The tongue is long, hollow and extremely flexible. She uses it to puncture the womb of the sleeping woman and to suck out the fetus. At other times, she seduces men with her beauty and lures them to a private place before eating them alive. She usually eats the insides, like the heart, stomach or the liver. Sunlight is deadly to the Manananggal when she is in her monstrous form. Should her two halves still be separate with the coming of dawn, she will be destroyed. According to legend, to destroy the Manananggal, one should search for the lower torso that she leaves behind during her nightly hunts. Salt, ash, and/or garlic should then be placed on the exposed flesh, preventing the monster from combining again and leaving it vulnerable to sunlight. Small containers of salt, ash and raw rice, and the smell of burning rubber are said to deter the Manananggal from approaching one's house.


Main article: Mangkukulam

Mangkukulam or bruha (from Spanish: bruja, "witch") are witches, wizards, bruho (Spanish:brujo, "wizard, male witch"), or sorcerers who cast evil spells to humans. This bewitcher is also called manggagaway.[1] The Mangkukulam uses dark magic.

The difference between a mambabarang and a mangkukulam is that the mambabarang uses magical insects to bring harm to his victims. These insects are released after incantations, when they will search for their supposed victim and burrow under the skin, impregnating her. After some time, matruculans return to the house to kill the pregnant mother, open her abdomen, and eat the growing fetus.


Multo, the Tagalog word for ghost, comes from the Spanish word muerto, which means "dead". Superstitious Filipinos believe that some kind of multo, often a spirit of their former kin, regularly visits them.

Nuno sa punso

Main article: Nuno sa punso

A Nuno sa punso.Nuno sa punso (literally, goblin of the mound) are goblins or elves who live within mysterious lumps of soil (ant hills). They can provide a person who steps on their shelter with good luck or misfortune.[1] Superstitious Filipinos, when passing by a mound, will ask the resident nuno's permission to let them pass with the phrase, "Tabi-tabi po". Strange and sudden illnesses that befall a person are sometimes attributed to nunos.


Pasatsat is word rooted on the Pangasinense word satsat, meaning "to stab". Pasatsats are ghosts of people who died or were killed in the Second World War. Coffins during the time were so expensive, so the families of the dead wrapped the corpses in reed mats or icamen. The dead were buried in places other than cemeteries because tomb robberies were rampant during that era of extreme poverty. These ghosts usually show up in solitary paths and block passersby. To get rid of such a ghost, one needs to stab (hence pasatsat) the reed mat and unravel it, but doing so will show no presence of a corpse, although the mat will emit a noxious odor, much like that of putrid flesh.


Main article: St. Elmo's Fire

Santelmo, or Santo Elmo, is a fireball seen by dozens of Filipinos, especially those living in the Sierra Madre Mountains. It was scientifically explained as electric fields which have diverged from the lines. However, the sightings were reported since the Spanish era (1500s-1800s). (See also Shinen and Will-o-Wisps) There were also sightings in the Alps and Himalayas.


a Philippine mermaid.Sirena is a mermaid, a sea creature with a human upper body and a fish tail instead of lower extremeties. They attract fishermen and tourists.[1] Sirenas are reportedly often seen ashore by fishermen, especially in the towns bordering the Pacific Ocean.


Main article: Siyokoy (Philippine Mythology)

Siyokoy are mermen, sea creatures that have a human form and scaled bodies. The Siyokoy is the male counterpart of the Sirena. The lower extremeties of a Philippine merman can either be a fishtail or scaled legs and webbed feet. They could also have long, green tentacles. They drown mortals for food.[citation needed] Siyokoys have gill slits, are colored brown or green, and have scaly skin, comparable to that of a fish.


Main article: Tikbalang

A Tikbalang.Tikbalang or tigbalang (demon horse) is a half-man and half-horse creature. It has a horse's head, the body of a human but with the feet of the horse. It travels at night to rape female mortals. The raped women will then give birth to more tikbalang. They are also believed to cause travelers to lose their way particularly in mountainous or forest areas.[1] Tikbalangs are very playful with people, and they usually make a person imagine things that aren't real. Sometimes a Tikbalang will drive a person crazy. Legends say that when rain falls while the sun is shining, a pair of Tikbalangs are being wed. Since horses only arrived in the Philippine archipelago during the Spanish invasion (thus, the borrowed term 'kabayo'), there is a theory that the image of a half-horse, half-man creature was propagated by the conquistadors to keep the natives afraid of the night. There are stories claiming that the Tikbalang are actually half-bird, half-man creatures, much like the Japanese tengu.

[edit] Tiyanak

Main article: Tiyanak

Tiyanak or impakto are babies who died before receiving baptism rites. After death, they go to a place known as Limbo, a chamber of Hell where unbaptized dead people fall into, and transformed into evil spirits. These phantasms return into the mortal realm in the form of goblins to eat living victims. The tiyanak can also be the offspring between a demon and a human.[1] The tiyanak can also be the offspring of a woman and a demon. It can also be the aborted fetus, which comes to life to take revenge on its mother. Most Tiyanaks are said to live in forests. If they see a human, they transform into what looks like a normal baby. When the person notices the Tiyanak and comes near to take a look at it, that's when the Tiyanak changes back to its true form and eats its prey.

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As most of you know, I am a nurse. Most of us have experienced paranormal things in the hospital. We know that certain rooms are home to other-worldly beings. And yes, I have seen them. I have heard them. I absolutely believe that it is real.

I totally agree. As a doc, I have had the same experiences as TQ. Rooms with "luck" and "feelings" in them. A hospital is a great place to see the paranormal. Many souls ready to depart and the recently departed.

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My home was built in 1850. I always got a sense that there were spirits here. Besides the feel I got, on occasion, my dog would be staring hard at absolutely nothing. I suspect that dogs can tune in like babies can, which is more easily than we can.

When we started renovating the house, when I tell you the spirits were restless, boy were they ever. Things were being moved. I came downstairs several mornings to two pictures on the floor. The glass was never shattered, even when one of the frames was apart. When we finished renovating, things became more peaceful than what they originally were. We had tried to give the kitchen a more "period" look, despite what other people had done. I got this feeling that they were happy with how it turned out.

Ok, so that might not be "real" evidence.... but... a couple of years ago, my 17 yr old son was digging a hole in the backyard and found a Civil War belt buckle. He started reseraching into the previous owners of our home. That was all fine. But then, he started researching, visiting and making rubbings of their gravestones from the cemetaries. Well, havoc broke loose here. The dog was acting funny... not being able to sit still, walking from room to room. My daughter listened to a conversation coming from the attic. And I was woken up out of a sound sleep, with my windows and door shut, by a very distinct ice cold breeze blowing on my face.

As soon as my son stopped visiting the cemetaries and gravesites, everything calmed down again.

So, yes, I most definitely believe in it.

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Civil War buckles can be worth some major money. I saw one on Antiques Roadshow last week that they said was worth $25,000. And the guy had added different posts to it himself.

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My home was built in 1850. I always got a sense that there were spirits here. Besides the feel I got, on occasion, my dog would be staring hard at absolutely nothing. I suspect that dogs can tune in like babies can, which is more easily than we can.

When we started renovating the house, when I tell you the spirits were restless, boy were they ever. Things were being moved. I came downstairs several mornings to two pictures on the floor. The glass was never shattered, even when one of the frames was apart. When we finished renovating, things became more peaceful than what they originally were. We had tried to give the kitchen a more "period" look, despite what other people had done. I got this feeling that they were happy with how it turned out.

Ok, so that might not be "real" evidence.... but... a couple of years ago, my 17 yr old son was digging a hole in the backyard and found a Civil War belt buckle. He started reseraching into the previous owners of our home. That was all fine. But then, he started researching, visiting and making rubbings of their gravestones from the cemetaries. Well, havoc broke loose here. The dog was acting funny... not being able to sit still, walking from room to room. My daughter listened to a conversation coming from the attic. And I was woken up out of a sound sleep, with my windows and door shut, by a very distinct ice cold breeze blowing on my face.

As soon as my son stopped visiting the cemetaries and gravesites, everything calmed down again.

So, yes, I most definitely believe in it.

It amazing the stuff that happens when you out researching old stuff like that and it the same type of experinces many before you have experinced as well.

Yea cats and dogs are very tuned in like babies, if something is bad they will know it. If it something so natural to them( although it dosnt appear to us) they won't pay it much attention. It as natural to see a spook as it is to see you and me but us on the other hand now that another story.

Did I ever tell ya'll about what I believe was a ghost dog in the middle of a cemetery?


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Civil War buckles can be worth some major money. I saw one on Antiques Roadshow last week that they said was worth $25,000. And the guy had added different posts to it himself.

I know he did some research on it. It was buried for a long time - the silver leaves (I think that's what he told me they were) are gone from it. We're not sure if they disintegrated, or whether they were taken off.

My son has always loved history, but this really motivated him. For the last two years, he is a Civil War Re-enactor, and is at college for Historic, Art, and Architectual Preservation.

I wish that the buckle would bring that amount of money, or if it did, that he'd part with it. It would come in handy paying off those college loans.

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It amazing the stuff that happens when you out researching old stuff like that and it the same type of experinces many before you have experinced as well.

Yea cats and dogs are very tuned in like babies, if something is bad they will know it. If it something so natural to them( although it dosnt appear to us) they won't pay it much attention. It as natural to see a spook as it is to see you and me but us on the other hand now that another story.

Did I ever tell ya'll about what I believe was a ghost dog in the middle of a cemetery?


Please tell about the ghost dog.

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Please tell about the ghost dog.

This is really a minor thing but one day I dropped by the cemetary( it was about 7 am on a thanksgiving morning about 5 or 6 years ago) to check on my grandparent graves. There is a mosaleum with three gates in the shape of a letter I. It not very big, about the size of my two bedroom house. I always park on the side of it as my grandparents ae buried only about 30 feet from it. I drove arounnd it and as I came around the corner there was a german shepard lying there that looked at my car and just got up wagging it tail as a dog does when getting up to gree someone like it's owner. I figured someone must be there and he was just sitting outside waiting for someone. There was no cars and I didnt see any people so they must have walked in and was visiting the grave inside. I pulled to the side and parked and saw the dog walk over and peak around the corner at me as I got out of the car. It dosn't take me but a split second to turn off the car and open the door, I do this rather quick since I was there to take a few pictures of the morning sunlight and didnt have time to waste. Something about the dog seemed funny to me, like there was something glowing around it I noticed as it got up and we noticed each other at the same time the second I came around the corner. As I got out of the car I saw it wag it tail and as I walked over towards it it turned around and walked away. Seconds later I came around the corner and he wasn't there. I went inside the gate which was open and didnt see the dog or any people. I looked out and scanned the field and no person or dog. Must have gone inside so I walked in and no one there. I immediatly walked through the other gate about 12 feet away in front of me and no person or dog. The mousalem sits in the middle of the cemetery and only three or four trees and this is a good 100 acres of open field. The only thing there is a bunch of grave stones, It would take a good minute of running for the dog to reach the tree lines off in the distance. From where I stood I can see an entire 360 degrees and I scanned the cemetery and there was no movement. I knew this was not normal and there was no way that dog could have ran off else I would see him moving. When I saw the dog get up it did so like an aged dog, not the most fast moving dog I ever seen and I know how fast a shepard can run when spooked. I also knew it very odd to see a lone dog sitting the middle of a cemetery, without another dog or people to keep it company.

I havn't been there lately before this happened( 11 months ) prior I did capture a good solid orb at the gate one evening as I drove home from work and decided to stop by and check the graves out and take a few pictures. It was getting dark because it was new years eve. I think a few months later was when I went inside and heard foot steps. Sounds echo inside there and I thought someone had walked in and I was trying to capture some evps. I don't llike to be seen and heard asking questions to thin air so I stopped what I was doing. As I looked around there was no one. I got a chilly willy up my spine so I decided to depart the area. I learned along time ago tio trust the chilly wlly as a time to depart.

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I forgot to add that the sun in the east rising was behind me so it cast shadows, I noticed when I saw the dog come around the corner to watch me park the car there was an absence of a shadow. I have noticed that apperitions don't often cast shadows and I have seen ghost lights that are bright but never illuminate anything in it immediate surroundings.

One of the reasons I was drawn to the dog but as I came driving around the corner and first noticed it is when I noticed the glow surround part of it. First thought that came to mind was " I don't ever see many dogs here", where are the people????


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I forgot to add that the sun in the east rising was behind me so it cast shadows, I noticed when I saw the dog come around the corner to watch me park the car there was an absence of a shadow. I have noticed that apperitions don't often cast shadows and I have seen ghost lights that are bright but never illuminate anything in it immediate surroundings.

One of the reasons I was drawn to the dog but as I came driving around the corner and first noticed it is when I noticed the glow surround part of it. First thought that came to mind was " I don't ever see many dogs here", where are the people????


Wow. Your story gave me goosebumps. All I could think of was who was his owner who was buried nearby that he was guarding?

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Wow. Your story gave me goosebumps. All I could think of was who was his owner who was buried nearby that he was guarding?

Gosh that the tamest story I got to tell, the others would scare the hell out of you


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Gosh that the tamest story I got to tell, the others would scare the hell out of you


I wasn't scared, but things like that always give me goosebumps. I'm intrigued.

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